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Question About Shaving: How to Keep 5 O'Clock Shadow?

Question About Shaving: How to Keep 5 O'Clock Shadow?

A few days after shaving I get 5 o’clock shadow like all guys do. I always get compliments on how I look better with it.

How can I keep it all the time!!? Sorry for the dumb question.

Buy a beard trimmer like this that has a setting for the stubble look. (4th bullet down on the features list)

What store would I buy that from, though? Wal-Mart?

Originally Posted by gprent

Now hold my hand and I’ll take you there…

Cool. A West Side Story reference.


Now I have that song in my head. :rolleyes:

Gprent and Ike,

Now you’ve done it. I just put on the DVD of West Side Story. I’m in a show tune mood for the rest of the day.

But back to the 5 o’clock shadow. I like that look too and occasionally wear it like that when on vacation. The only problem is the salt/pepper look that age now gives to my beard. I’m not a big fan of that mix and match color scheme on my face.


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You can get a trimmer at most any drugstore, haircare place, Sears, etc. Just make sure it has the low setting- and another thing make sure you run it over your face in every possible direction or else your 5 o’clock shadow will have areas of 6 o’clock, 9:30 and maybe even midnight- and that looks bad.

Another grooming tip- if like me you get uneven growth down one side of your neck or just hair down your neck shave that area to bring it all above the adams apple- this will make it look even better!

Ike- would this qualify as a Metro related question? :)


PS- avoid buying anything at WalMart if you can.

You got some good answers here, but I thought I’d pitch in my 2 pennies’ worth. A while back, my Norelco broke and I couldn’t afford a new shaver immediately. However, I did own an electric barber clippers (for the head). I “shaved” with that. I constantly had the 5 o’clock going (it was unavoidable; I didn’t necessarily “want” it that way - but it was better than not shaving at all).

They’re also a lot cheaper than a good Norelco or beard trimmer.

Originally Posted by stubby

Ike- would this qualify as a Metro related question? :)

Normally, yes. But when thinking about a five o’clock shadow I just can’t shake the image of George Michael. If he’s metrosexual then I should probably resign from the fellowship.

Don’t feel bad, my five o’clock shadow re-appears sometime between shaving in the morning, and arriving at work.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

AS Wad suggests, the hair trimmer works quite well in maintaining a stubbled yet groomed appearance.. I use method myself in fact. But I’m quite sure, Wad, that this method results in more thickness than is found in the five oclock shadow that WBH is looking for. At least it does for me. I, personally, like the look of a healthy dose of stubble; but I’m not sure that’s the answer for WBH..

I have a better suggestion: Why not just shave with a razor before going to bed, WBH? That way, by the time you wake up and prepare for work, you’ll have the desired stubble thickness(you’ll also have one less task to perform before going to work).

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Huff- great suggestion… except according to WBH it takes him a few days to get to five o’clock.

Ike- Yeah I get the george michale image in mind too… that and Don Johnson circa Miami Vice!!

As far as Georgie… you can’t be homo and metro…. you can however be hetero and metro, so George can’t oin our club.

You got some good answers here, but I thought I’d pitch in my 2 pennies’ worth. A while back, my Norelco broke and I couldn’t afford a new shaver immediately. However, I did own an electric barber clippers (for the head). I “shaved” with that. I constantly had the 5 o’clock going (it was unavoidable; I didn’t necessarily “want” it that way - but it was better than not shaving at all).

They’re also a lot cheaper than a good Norelco or beard trimmer.

Wait, so you simply shaved with an electric clipper, just without an attachment?

Originally Posted by WBH
A few days after shaving I get 5 o’clock shadow like all guys do….

Did anyone else notice this? A few days? I get a five oclock shadow around 12:30. I wish it took a few days!

Wad has the best idea. Shave with a beard trimmer with no attachment.

EDIT: Um….why can I not spell check anymore? Am I missing something??

EDIT take 2: Nevermind, I found it.


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