Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ways to shave your cock

I’ve mentioned the Veet here in the past. A few have tried it & are pleased with the results. I’ve been using it for at least 8 months now. I have never had any burn issues or any type of skin irritation of any kind. The only down side to it is I use it every two weeks to keep a neat clean grooming. That would be my only negative to say. I do use A&d ointment after using it & my shower just to ensure no chance of irritation. You gotta give it a try fellas. Inexpensive & effective.

Originally Posted by LittleT
I’ve mentioned the Veet here in the past. A few have tried it & are pleased with the results. I’ve been using it for at least 8 months now. I have never had any burn issues or any type of skin irritation of any kind. The only down side to it is I use it every two weeks to keep a neat clean grooming. That would be my only negative to say. I do use A&d ointment after using it & my shower just to ensure no chance of irritation. You gotta give it a try fellas. Inexpensive & effective.

That’s pretty awesome that you found a way to minimize the bumps.

I still use my good old fashion razor with 5 blades. I am afraid that someday, I will accidently shave off a piece of my foreskin or ballsack skin. Luckily I know how to suture.

I have used Veet Hair Remover Sensitive Skin Formula before on my Private Parts and always had Very Good Results with no mishaps. Very smooth like a Baby’s Ass and no Stubble for weeks. Last Fri I was using Veet around the Base of my shaft and scrotum and got distracted, I always left it on for 5-6 min before with no problems but this time it was left on for 10-11 min and it made 2 noticeable Burn Spots a little smaller than a dime.. Scrotum is fine with just a little redness but the Base of my shaft about one inch up on the left side I have a Burn mark and another inch up one more Burn mark. It even took off the Outer Layer of Skin a bit. I have been dabbing the spots with Apple-Cider Vinegar/Water solution to cleanse the spots and then put on some Polysporin Antibiotic Ointment. It seems to be healing and drying up the spots. Just curious if there is a better way to Heal this up or am I doing OK the way I am.. Any suggestions appreciated!

Yup me too . I left the nads on for 5min and got a little burned.

What should I put on it to Help it Heal.. I have been using Polysporin Antibiotic Ointment.. Think its good enough or is there something better I should be using.

Neosporin. Aloevera is good. Keep it clean and time will heal it. If it doesn’t improve in a week go to your doctor. He can prescribe ointment with a steroid

Thanks for the info.

I have some Fucidin 2% Topical Antibiotic Ointment a Doc prescribed for me last year.. Fusidic acid belongs to a class of medications known as antibiotics. It is used to treat various skin infections caused by certain kinds of bacteria. Such infections may include impetigo and secondary infections (infections that develop after the skin has been injured) to burns or broken skin. This stuff was prescribed to me last year for a stitch wound that opened a little after the stitches were removed. Anyone ever hear of this stuff.. Its antibiotic and anti fungal.

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Last edited by NIK1 : 03-26-2019 at .

Triple antibiotic or A&D ointment would work well. I too have left it on too long not getting burns but some redness. I normally apply the A&D after just for assurance.

Always exfoliate your skin to avoid ingrown and wear loose clothing

Yes I agree, I’ve been shaving for 10 plus years and I exfoliate at least once a month and it really helps to keep my shaven areas smooth. I keep my area trimmed in an arrow pointing to my shaft base and short in length, I think it looks good. Makes my shaft look longer and fuller.

Update To Thread

Hey, I was going to start a new thread but found this one in the search bar.

I got this nose hair trimmer a few days ago and it’s the best shaft hair trimmer I’ve ever used. It seems like everything would leave me rashed or literally bloody. My issue is the “French tickler” type hairs on the underside of the shaft. Always gave gals a weird feeling in their mouth. I’m really happy with the trim this offered. Close trim but no pain. Two thumbs up!

I have a recurrent scalp condition that I had to see a dermatologist for. He said to use a plain over-the-counter shampoo containing selenium or zinc. It worked fine, though "supply chain issues" mean that even though they’re common brands, I have to order them through the mail.

The selenium stuff seemed reasonably slick, so I thought I’d try it for shaving. It works as well as any of the shaving creams I’ve tried, but with one difference: no bumps or pimples afterward. I’m closing in on three months now, and still bump-free.

I have no explanation for it, but "it worked for me."

Originally Posted by AndyJ
I have a recurrent scalp condition that I had to see a dermatologist for. He said to use a plain over-the-counter shampoo containing selenium or zinc. It worked fine, though "supply chain issues" mean that even though they’re common brands, I have to order them through the mail.

The selenium stuff seemed reasonably slick, so I thought I’d try it for shaving. It works as well as any of the shaving creams I’ve tried, but with one difference: no bumps or pimples afterward. I’m closing in on three months now, and still bump-free.

I have no explanation for it, but "it worked for me."

Good to know.

Start 8/15/18-BPEL-6.75” MEG-4.625”

2/17/20-BPEL-7.125” MEG-5”

Goal- 8”x5.5”

I always dealt with ingrown hairs and irritation whenever I shaved my shaft and balls.

I decided to try one of the at home “laser” hair removal systems which is actually just pulses of white light like a camera flash IPL for short.
You need to shave closely right before you use it, but if you keep doing it 2-3 times a week tapering down to once a week, the hair basically just disappears or maybe one in 50 hairs will grow back but it will be super fine and soft.

Anyway, the thing is, because it zaps your hair follicles, it seems to cauterize any little nicks and as a result, I get zero ingrown hairs or irritation, just a totally smooth shaft and balls like I just got waxed.

My shaft and balls take about 10-15 minutes to do per session, but I leave it on the same spot for 3 pulses of light, which are spaced at 5 seconds, so if your device is faster or if you only do a couple of zaps, it could be even faster.

STARTING: BPEL: 5.9in EG: 5.0in

2018: BPEL: 6.7in EG: 5.3in

NOW (start 1/2024): BPEL: 6.9in. EG: 5.4in


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