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A bad pattern developing in my life


A bad pattern developing in my life

It is now five times in my life (i’m 18) that I have got involved in a love triangle and have been the “2nd man in”, in other words I have been the guy that the girl has cheated on her boyfriend with.

Is this something to be proud of?

I mean, in all cases I have been left behind for the boyfriend in the end, so I feel bad, but scince most of my relationships have been this type is this a pattern developing?

The ones I loved the most I never had sex with but only kissed. (she was 16 when I was 15 and the other was 15 just recently now i’m 18)

Whatever, they still cheated on thier boyfriends (at that young age kissing is counted as cheating).

So I just want another persons take on this.

Keep away from the non-single gals you rekon?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

>>> (she was 16 when I was 15 and the other was 15 just recently now i’m 18)<<<

I’m not judging but is’nt that illegal?

Sounds like you got forbiden fruit-itis.

Needs More Power

elite 8

Last edited by elite8 : 10-19-2003 at .

I dont know about all that, but my god! if I would have found out about PEing at 17 my dick would be huge. Maybe thats it, for your age you have a huge dick that girls are curious to try because their bf’s are so small, then you hit it and there like whoa buddy! I’d say lay off the cheaters, those arent the girls you want, they come with baggage. Put all your energy into the single ladies, 18 and up!

I swear I'm going to stop at 8... ok maybe 8.5 :D

15 does seem young if you are saying she was recent. When will you be 19?

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar


Please stay away from other men’s stuff, and from those young girls. You never know when a jealous boyfriend or a crazy father will take serious offense and visit grievous bodily harm on you (for instance, in both cases I would - and have). You seem like a pretty sharp young man, so I will share a piece of advice I received when I was about your age from a wise old man; Never pee in your own pool, and never drink the water from anyone else’s.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

Okay, cascade I’m 19 and I’ve been in a relationship now where I’ve been cheated on twice, and you know what? I’m still with my girl for multiple reasons- basically we’ve grown up a lot together and both made our mistakes, hers just happened to be a lot worse in that respect.

One thing I have always held myself to is a kind of honor code in which I don’t mess with other guys’ girlfriends, ESPECIALLY cause I know how incredibly shitty it feels. I know how easy it is, and how the blame still rests on her in a lot of ways, but just think of what you’re doing to this guy by letting the girl do that without breaking up with him first, think of how it’d feel. I can tell you it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. So I can’t do that to another guy or respect a guy that does it to me. I’m not putting you down, it’s just the way I am.

Cascade, there is a sort of familial feeling I have for everyone here so please don’t take this as a personal attack. Really, don’t.

Guys who cheat and guys who girls cheat with both deserve every bad thing that comes thier way. Being either one of those people is a sign of de-evolution and we’ve come too far to start doing that sort of thing. I don’t care how tempting it is or how great the sex is, it is a line you do not ever cross.

Her being underage is a legal issue - and an important one. Cheating, however, is an emotional one. The latter has a more lasting and damaging effect. The former is more of a petty formality when you look at the two side by side.

"It's not the destination that matters. It's the change of scene. " - Brian Eno

If you want to fuck somebody while you are in a relationship with somebody else, break up first. It’s only fair.

I apologise in advance to all the losers but - cheating is for losers. (Unless of course, your spouse is fine with it, but thats a different story)

Originally posted by anna nimity
15 does seem young if you are saying she was recent. When will you be 19?

I’m 19 in December.
Also I never had sex with her, just kissed (i suppouse that’s cheating to a 15 year old).

Also the 16 year old was when I was 15, so she was older than me.

Anyways, i’m sick of trying to find someone because they always have boyfriends or or have some other major baggage.

I’ve recently started back up on PE again and this will be my main focus until an opportunity pops up.

I’m not looking for anyone anymore, it’s a never ending pain in the ass strugle!

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

There’s no point in being needy.

Girls that cheat on their boyfriends may be a good roll in the hay, but are not to be taken seriously, as they’ll often turn around and do the same to you.

I’d concentrate (and I do, myself) on working on my own projects, developing skills and exploring stuff, and basically cultivating your garden (self).

Originally posted by fishyfish

There's no point in being needy.

How do I come across as needy?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!

If you’re banging girls who are willing to cheat, and they leave their boyfriend for you, they’ll cheat on you too.

Becoming.... Godsize

Originally posted by Prickle
If you're banging girls who are willing to cheat, and they leave their boyfriend for you, they'll cheat on you too.

Words of wisdom from the man in the front row. I had a girl’s cousin do this kind of shit. She is sweet and a total tall stalker. Anything over 6’4” she tries to sleep with. I am glad I chose her flaky cousin over her. I mean if I took her to a Sixer’s playoff game, she would sneak away and do an orgy with the visiting team.

Never think that you can set a cheating bitch straight. My dumb fuck friend said to do this tall stalker girl. Like I should waste my time trying to tame her to me. I don’t think so. Why fucking set yourself up for heart break?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I didn’t say you were needy, cascade. I said there is no point in being needy. I meant there would be no point wanting more from a girl who’s already attached. That would be needy.

I just wanted to get her over to me and then do the deed, then i would not really care if she was cheating on me or not.

As long as i’m getting some I don’t care if she is getting it from elsewhere either.

I hope this doesn’t reflect on me that I have little respect for myself!

I guess chicks don’t like this in a guy, even if he’s not cheating and only letting her cheat?

Loved going to Cuba! :)

I'm surprised that Americans can't go because their government says they can't!


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