Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How many PE'ers 60 or older?

Originally Posted by repeter
I was starting to think I was the only one. I think the rest of the old guys are just being shy. I did the math from one of Thunder’s old posts, and I think he is in the 60’s club. Maybe you will help to break the ice.
I started out with a Penimaster, but switched to a Vac 3 and weights because it was more comfortable. But I do a routine similar to the Penimaster. I don’t know much about the Pro-extender, but I think it is great the G/F got it for you. You are a lucky guy. I was doing PE for awhile before I let my lady know what I was up to. By that time she had already noticed the difference, and had already asked me if I was doing some kind of exercises.
Stainless steel cock rings are a big help for me also. I use a 1.25 inch if I get it on quick enough, otherwise I use a 1.5 inch and wiggle it down as far as I can get it. Sorry if you have to figure the cms. I buy them at the hardware store. I started by experimenting with plastic curtain rings to make sure I wouldn’t put something on I couldn’t get off. Actually the curtain rings are just as good, but the sizes are more limited, and the stainless steel clean up so nice.
I was over doing it for awhile by stretching and pumping, and that was causing excessive turtling and lost erections. Now I just stretch, and everything is good.
There are a great bunch of people on this forum. I was going to say guys, but there actually are a few women who post, and I didn’t want to ignore them.
The only nice thing about losing size is it comes back so fast with PE. Now I have to work harder for my gains.
I look forward to hearing from you again.

It is great to have the support and encouragement of my G/F. She jokingly slipped one of her woven elastic hair-bands over my cock and behind my balls the other day. It provides a decent increase of blood-flow without shutting it off.

I will keep going with the pro-extender for a bit and read up on the articles in this forum for further ideas.

I am 63 and do not consider myself old young chick chase me up all the time even 18 year olds. Right now I ma satisfying a 20 yo one son dark brunette blue eyes slim slender body Well the staff you blokes dream about

Blue eye, blonde latino

Don't get her pregnant.

Originally Posted by sricardo

I am 63 and do not consider myself old young chick chase me up all the time even 18 year olds. Right now I ma satisfying a 20 yo one son dark brunette blue eyes slim slender body Well the staff you blokes dream about

I think the young women and old guys is a evolutionary thing. In the old days if a guy got to be 60, he likely had some really good genes. He survived wars, famine and pestilence. Those genes where the kind of genes a woman would want for her off spring.

Actually you are speaking for me,

Originally Posted by austfred

I cannot speak for Repeter but most of my loss may be related to EQ but not directly. I could still get it erect but it was not as long. It was almost as it it had lost elasticity and did not expand as much. I had not lost any noticeable girth. I had put a little weight on but not that much to make any significant impact on BEPL. I have lost weight since as I have combined PE with getting fitter and healthier. I have been able to link the two motivation wise as better cardio improves EQ etc.

and probably a million other guys. I have friends my age or older who are likely queitly going through the same thing, but I just wouldn’t feel comfortable showing them my PE equipment next time they are over. I mean there is unsolicited advice, and then there is just plain freaking someone out. I guess that is what Thunder’s Place is for.

She is resourceful.

Originally Posted by hetvenkilenc
It is great to have the support and encouragement of my G/F. She jokingly slipped one of her woven elastic hair-bands over my cock and behind my balls the other day. It provides a decent increase of blood-flow without shutting it off.

I will keep going with the pro-extender for a bit and read up on the articles in this forum for further ideas.

What a great idea with the hair band. Here I spent $20 dollars on a behind the balls cock ring. Maybe she will end up being one of the gals who post here. It’s always good to get a woman’s perspective.

I think you will have lots of great posts in the future. You have 4 here now, and after 196 more you will be a Senior Member which means you can post threads on the main PE forum. I have like 60 more to go. I didn’t think I would ever have 200 posts when I started a year and a half ago.

The hair band works great! I visited my local ‘drugstore’ today and bought a couple of packs of the woven type. They slip over the balls easily and there is no chafing or discomfort. It certainly improves the quality and duration of my erections. My G/F says the bands make my shaven balls look more attractive.

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You can also use a doubled over 1/2 inch elastic band which has been well lubed around your whole package. It also should be stretched several times to reduce the tension a bit. It will be much tighter than a hair ribbon and may need to be removed after 30 minutes or so to avoid numbness and possible damage due to lack of oxygenated blood. I used this technique for several years to help over come ED.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
You can also use a doubled over 1/2 inch elastic band which has been well lubed around your whole package. It also should be stretched several times to reduce the tension a bit. It will be much tighter than a hair ribbon and may need to be removed after 30 minutes or so to avoid numbness and possible damage due to lack of oxygenated blood. I used this technique for several years to help over come ED.

Dtwarren, when I first started having EQ issues I did exactly that and it helped. I also tried a variant, three way - once over the whole package, once over dick only and once over the scrotum. Pushed the skin back and worked a bit better for me. I agree you must take it off after 30 mins.

Now I use stainless steel cock rings which are sized so they only really restrict when I am erect. As I am a bit thicker at the base I find the cock only one can be temporarily adjusted by pushing it into the fatpad where the constriction increases. Gets me hard quickly. Wife seems to enjoy it even though she does not comment on them. I find the scrotum rings give me great ball slap which we both enjoy. You can get these rings at a hardware shop for about a $ each.

Originally Posted by repeter

and probably a million other guys. I have friends my age or older who are likely queitly going through the same thing, but I just wouldn’t feel comfortable showing them my PE equipment next time they are over. I mean there is unsolicited advice, and then there is just plain freaking someone out. I guess that is what Thunder’s Place is for.

I like your assertions repeter make sense to a woman although I am mot sure everyone agrees but I do there are quite a few chck that approach me for the benefit of having a child yet surprisingly they are very young.

Back to the intent of the OP. I would like to add that thanks to PE, including pumping and cock ring usage, at age 72, I am able to have penetrative sex with my 69 yo wife at least 5 days a week though we only have orgasmic sex about once a week. I am having more sex now than I did at any time in the past. Accordingly, age is not a limiting factor although some adjustments need to be made.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by hetvenkilenc
The hair band works great! I visited my local ‘drugstore’ today and bought a couple of packs of the woven type. They slip over the balls easily and there is no chafing or discomfort. It certainly improves the quality and duration of my erections. My G/F says the bands make my shaven balls look more attractive.

Hi there.

Do you pump with the hair band put on? Or the band is only for business :D ?


Creciendo día a día... en todos los sentidos :D

I use an extender, so the penis needs to be flaccid. My G/F loves to apply the band as we warm up for some good sex. I do not have ED but I am getting on a bit and any extra helps!

I’ll be 64 in a couple weeks. I’ve slowed down in the last couple years, frequency of erections and quality more dependant on mood. I don’t mind, my wife doesn’t mind, at all and she is several years younger. In a way it bothers me in the back of my mind because I’m more aware of getting older and know life will slip away eventually. But I’ve been fortunate to have very good health, weight, etc., and am very active athletically. Often times I think it’s a blessing not to feel 27 and thinking about sex every 30 seconds. As far as PE, I discovered this site by accident and became curious about its effectiveness, so decided to dive in. Not really searching for an answer to a problem but perhaps a need to test individual limits and self experimentation. We’ll see how it goes.

I never thought of this before.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
I’ll be 64 in a couple weeks. I’ve slowed down in the last couple years, frequency of erections and quality more dependant on mood. I don’t mind, my wife doesn’t mind, at all and she is several years younger. In a way it bothers me in the back of my mind because I’m more aware of getting older and know life will slip away eventually. But I’ve been fortunate to have very good health, weight, etc., and am very active athletically. Often times I think it’s a blessing not to feel 27 and thinking about sex every 30 seconds. As far as PE, I discovered this site by accident and became curious about its effectiveness, so decided to dive in. Not really searching for an answer to a problem but perhaps a need to test individual limits and self experimentation. We’ll see how it goes.

I am thinking there are 2 apects to getting older: Accepting it, and fighting it. We need to realize what things to accept and what things to fight. For me PE is a way to fight back, and it feels good to see some good results.

I feel like I am kind of new to getting old. At around 50 I started to pay for the stupid stuff I had been doing all my life, and at 60 I found out what is like to be really tired. The being really tired must have something to do with the decline of my sex drive because it happened at about the same time. I remember thinking about that time what a great run I had had as far as sex was concerned, and it was like my body telling me to appreciate what it had done for me. If my girl friend initiates it, I am still able to do my part, but Like you said, I don’t think “about sex every 30 seconds” any more, and there is something to be said for that. For one thing I can use my more limited energy for other things.

Ectospasm, glad you decided to get involved on the site (what a great handle), and happy birthday.

Older Senior

It has been many years since I saw sixty years old. My erection level basically was nonexistent. About two years ago I read about doing PC muscle exercises. When I first started I could only do 3-5 contractions. This I did twice a day every other day. As time passes I was gradually able to increase the number of contractions per session. I am now able to do between 1000 and 1500 at a session. Within the past year I have experienced return of “morning wood.” The erections at these times are not as firm as when I was in my 30s or 40s but they are firm enough for penile intromission during intercourse. Of course my erections continue to become firmer with stroking. I am pleased with these results. I am looking forward to continued improvement.


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