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Accurate measurement technique

Accurate measurement technique

Hello all,

After reading the forums for as long as I have, I don’t think anybody ever mentioned using a pump and cylinder to give you a more accurate BPEL measurement. Anyways, I figured Id search and found this thread Using pump to ‘clone your bone’ and measure volume?. In the thread they explain using it to measure volume but I think we can also get a very accurate BPEL measurement. So, I got the scissors out and a cut up a rollup tape measure and glued it on the inside of my pump cylinder. Now, to measure I simply pump to a standard vacuum (say 5Hg) and record where the tip of my dick is. To evaluate the accuracy of this technique, I went ahead and did the same measurement a couple times throughout the day and it was dead on every time. I did notice, however, that if I pump to say 7Hg and then go back down to 5Hg, it throws off the measurement big time (as expected). So, for people wanting to try this out, just know to ONLY pump to your normal vacuum and leave it there. So in conclusion, I think this might be a slightly more exaggerated (mine was .5cm more than my measured BPEL) but still valuable, accurate and repeatable metric for our wangs.


I will go ahead and post pics of the contraption as soon as I get back home


PS - I tried to search beforehand but didnt find anything so I hope I’m not wasting your time.


Here is the picture of my pump cylinder with ruler attached for measurements.



(47.2 KB, 73 views)

Ridiculous. Your pumped size has nothing to do with your actual erect size. I bought a pump, and enjoy it as its great to see what a 7 3/4 NBPEL looks like, but that does not mean my NBPEL is 7 3/4.

Toobsnake, perhaps you were missing the point I was trying to make. I do not suggest this as a replcement for NBPEL but instead a suppemental metric that in my experience has shown repeatable results.. If we keep the pressure the same in the cylinder, we can at least compare these measurements to themselves. By doing this I think we can More easily see a change when the penis begins to grow. Any reactions on this point are welcome and encouraged! :)

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