Thunder's Place

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Not so routine routine question

Not so routine routine question

Hey all, I have been lurking here for a while and here’s my situation. I have been working with PE for a while now, about half a year, and I have seen some increases, nothing too dramatic, but I have had to take a break since December due to work (I am in the Army). Here’s what I need assistance with. I recently got my redeployment orders and will be returning to Iraq again soon, so while I want to continue to do PE (considering I’ll be there for a solid 15-18 months), my time will be limited to, realistically, about 30-40 minutes a day spread over, I imagine, two sessions. So given those constraints, what sort of PE program could I construct that would allow me to make good gains over the course of my deployment?

I know it may sound odd, asking about how to do PE in the middle of a combat zone, but to be honest, what I have learned from past deployments is that having something to focus on besides work is very therapeutic so if you guys could help me out, I’d be greatly appreciative.


I would use your old routine that worked for you, and modify it. Post your routine and maybe someone can modify it for you.

Hey joshua, thanks for your service! You are not the first guy headed toward Iraq that has asked this question though. My advice to the other guy was to worry about his ass until he got home and then worry about his dick.

Good luck and stay safe.

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THANKS for your service. You are our hero.

Good luck and God speed.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Thank you for your service to keep me and the rest of America (not to mention the world) safe.

Worry about keeping your happy butt alive and toss in a few stretches here and there.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

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