Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Don't Measure it, Weigh it.

Wow, what a post. I had never heard of fowfers until reading this, they seem to allready be working very well for my little ole turtle. I just ran a bath as hot as I could stand it and did fowfers for 20 minutes, works great! A couple of weeks of these and I might be able to lose my old nickname of shrinky dinky. :)

Originally Posted by Jungalist

I can’t help but think getting nocturnal erections whilst tucked in a fowfer position is a bad idea. Id imagine the penis over time will damage its ligaments trying to get erected but being pushed to a dangerous angle. If a person sleeping in a fowfer position retracts his body and legs backwards he is going to damage his penis.

I wouldn’t worry about this. One would have to clamp one’s legs together pretty darn hard to keep the erection from coming loose, which seems pretty unlikely.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by Jungalist
I can’t help but think getting nocturnal erections whilst tucked in a fowfer position is a bad idea. Id imagine the penis over time will damage its ligaments trying to get erected but being pushed to a dangerous angle. If a person sleeping in a fowfer position retracts his body and legs backwards he is going to damage his penis.

Jung, I’m completely convinced that the Bed Fowfer is safe. The original Fowfer might be a little risky if a person is real heavy. Sometimes if I sit on it too long I get a little soreness in the urethra, or it feels a little squished. When doing the original Fowfer it is best to keep your dick right in the middle, where your butt crack makes a kind of trough to protect the urethra. I don’t recommend the Lazy Assed stretches, because with your dick actually under a cheek it DOES get pretty squished. However even in the crack sometimes it gets a little intense. When it feels this way I simply release it and slip on a ring or the wrap for a while. The beauty of these gentle bedtime Fowfers are that the slightest nocturnal erection will pull your dick free. Unlike the setting Fowfer where you entire body weight is holding your dick down, with the Bed Fowfer only the weight of one leg is holding you extended when sleeping on your side. And when you roll over onto your back only the suction from the fleshy scrotum is holding you, but amazingly that suction IS enough, or it is for me, but I have a very fleshy scrotum, especially when I’m in bed toasty under the covers. I think we all do. If an erection pulls your dick out of the Fowfer you don’t have to retuck, because the erection is keeping you extended. I have gotten myself so conditioned to sleeping this way that the slightest sensation of retraction wakes me up, not full awake, but awake enough that I reach down and retuck after a nocturnal erection subsides without even thinking about it. This may not be the case with everyone. It may just be my obsession with not turtling. The feeling is revolting to me. If I’m out and about and a ring slips off (and rolls into Starbucks at the mall) or if I feel that I’m about to turtle out of my mag-wrap, I go to the men’s room and fix it, always without fail. I refuse to let it turtle, and I honestly believe this is the mindset we all have to acquire if we are to win this battle.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by bds123
Wow, what a post. I had never heard of fowfers until reading this, they seem to allready be working very well for my little ole turtle. I just ran a bath as hot as I could stand it and did fowfers for 20 minutes, works great! A couple of weeks of these and I might be able to lose my old nickname of shrinky dinky. :)

Bds: Man talk about synchronicity. Fowfering in the tub. Yesterday I was setting on my dick in the hot thinking I needed to add this little trick to my thread. Doing a sitting Fowfer in that 104-degree water really gives a good stretch. Plus I was doing IKE’s stretches in there too. Man when I got out my flaccid was hanging out of my gym shorts leg. I’ll never sit in another nudist camp hot tub that I’m not either clamped or sitting on my dick.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Redwood official BG-Tuck/Bed Fowfer review...

I’ve evaluated these techniques the last two nights, the first night it took some getting used to, but last night it became natural.

I must say I give the BG-Tuck a :star: :star: :star: :star: :star: rating!
I love this tek, and I will be using it every night from now on. My flaccid this morning and the couple times I got up to piss has impressed me enough to implement this permanently into my daily PE.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

Hey BG, how about hairy legs. My thighs are pretty hairy, and I think that the hair would not give me the suction I need to keep my already short and difficult to tuck, package in position. Or, am I just not getting this? Anyway I am going to try tonight regardless.

Some guys lift weights, I hang 'em!

Great post ,Thanks for all the info.

In Dallas

Regarding safety concerns: what Big Girtha said.

But also…

It’s sort of hard to describe unless you try it, but I think it’s safe to have a nocturnal erection while doing the BG tuck. When you tuck your entire package back there, the penis can become erect without the shaft being bent. The hard cock simply extends lengthwise in the furrow between your thighs. If you keep your knees bent when you have an erection it’s quite comfortable — your package is essentially aligned under your abdomen like it would be if you were standing up. If you straighten your legs when you have a woody, your package will go back towards your ass and you’ll feel a stretch deep and high in the ligaments that actually feels pretty good.

I was cautious about doing tucks at first because I wasn’t sure if I might be cutting off blood supply. So I spent hours awake in a tuck — like for a whole DVD movie — with no hint of numbness or circulation-cutting constriction. Then I tried falling asleep while tucked, and woke up hours later with my package still back there all fat, dumb and happy.

I urge everyone to be cautious with everything all the time, and test things yourself if you’re at all nervous, but tucks seem safe to me.

Ike: I also practice (Dry Run) while watching TV. I never get numb and if I pop a woody the stretch really feel good when I straighten my legs out. I can keep an erection from popping out of the Fowfer while I’m awake, but when I sleep it pulls safely out of my legs. I know because I always have to retuck after the erection subsides. But for me, the dreams, the REM and the wood all come in the early hours just before I wake. So I’m staying tucked pretty much all night.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Originally Posted by legolas
Hey BG, how about hairy legs. My thighs are pretty hairy, and I think that the hair would not give me the suction I need to keep my already short and difficult to tuck, package in position. Or, am I just not getting this? Anyway I am going to try tonight regardless.

Man, no one could have more body hair than me. I have hair like a gorilla everywhere except on my head. Up there I’m starting to get a little head on my hair.

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Yeah, you are right. I tried it last night. I couldn’t get to sleep though- worried that Johnson would slip out. Actually I got a lot of things on my mind right now. It is a good find, but I will stick to my wrap for now.

Thanks BG!

Some guys lift weights, I hang 'em!

Some guys who have a very retractable flaccid may have trouble with this. If your dick just won’t stay put you can wedge a pillow between your legs to hold the tuck. I used to do it this way and it is quite comfortable. I find the skin to skin tuck holds better, but before I gained flaccid length I used the pillow. I seem recall in the post someone, Hook I think, suggested using the butt cheeks of your sleeping wife to hold the Fowfer in place

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


Where do you purchase these lead weights? Walmart, Home Depot, or online.

In addition, what do you suggest for those of us who are showers in length (6.5 to 7 when hanging straight down flaccid), but want more flaccid girth (4.75 to 5).

Thanks, and really awesome read.


blackthunder 79

You can read about them here:

PEweights and other things

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Big Girtha, I tried your bed fowfers and I can definetly see the benefit in using them (my flaccid was ridiculously long). But it feels wierd on my balls. They feel like they are about to burst out of my sac. It doesn’t hurt, it just worries me that all that pressure is on my nuts like that.

They sorta stick out from behind my butt and feel super tight, I got kinda worried about circulation problems. What do you suggest to remedy this?

Starting stats- 5.9 BP Current stats- 7.5 BP, 5.25 EG, 8.13 BPFSL

Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity.


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