Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ejaculation Process

Great learning moment today with the article, Thanks

By the way if any one use a prolactin inhibitor to keep erections full after ejaculate, please let us know about results

Great stuff and makes one so grateful for being a man. Is there any way you know of to increase the VOLUME of pre-cum? Some men flow, others only have a drop. Any helpful suggestions regarding foods or exercises please.

Originally Posted by adamander
Great stuff and makes one so grateful for being a man. Is there any way you know of to increase the VOLUME of pre-cum? Some men flow, others only have a drop. Any helpful suggestions regarding foods or exercises please.

Lots of fruit and water couldn’t hurt, try that.

Originally Posted by adamander
Great stuff and makes one so grateful for being a man. Is there any way you know of to increase the VOLUME of pre-cum? Some men flow, others only have a drop. Any helpful suggestions regarding foods or exercises please.

See the Supplements section. Several threads there about that. Also look in Mens’ Sexual Health Forum.



drilla9 you sound like you are on your way to becoming a porn star.

I want to know more about bromocriptine. The data was great, but it got me thinking more about how to defeat the natural mechanism of the resolution phase. For those of us with a tendancy toward premature ejaculation (where it is premature if it does not last for 15 minutes or more of hard thrusting) I would be much more interested in staying erect long after I climax.


"Debate the idea..."

What happens when you tighten up real hard and hold it all in, and you never ejaculate? What stages have gone through by that time and where does all the semen go if you never ejaculate it? Like I’m talking about where you can feel your penis is trying to pump and you can totally feel yourself about to cum, but you really lock it up and don’t let it, and you don’t go into a refractory period either cause you never ejaculated. But at that point you could just stop and walk away and at that point, where does it all go?

If you’ve used the Kegel multi-orgasmic technique, clamping down to prevent ejaculation, the fluids go nowhere. They do not even get to mix yet; sperm, seminal vessicle and prostate fluids. They remain in their respective storage areas. You experience an orgasm, but you do not ejaculate. In this case a signal does not get sent to the brain to produce prolactin because the fluids had not yet gone on their move through ducts to mix. No refractory period because you did not ejaculate. Your erection stays firm and your libido remains high. You could walk away from the event and yet get another erection quite soon.

If, on the other hand, you wait too late to clamp down, you would ejaculate, but the fluids – already mixed - might go backward instead of forward. If the fluids are already on the move toward the urethra but you have blocked that route out with a Kegel clamp, they have nowhere to go but upward and into the bladder. A harmless event, but you did ejaculate, prolactin gets released, and you go into your normal refractory period.

In the latter case, if you urinate fairly soon after a retrograde ejaculation, you would probably see your semen mixed in with your urine.



I can press quite hard in the area between my balls and asshole at the point of ejaculation(kinda like squeezing really really hard my PC). I have the orgasm, I feel the area contracting, and my sperm doesnt come out, but I do enter the refractary period. In this case, what happens to my fluids? Where do they go? the bladder?

Into your bladder. If you urinate a short time after you should be able to see semen within the urine.

There’s no harm in this happening. But it you go retrograde purposefully, over and over, you can gradually weaken the valve at the bladder neck which prevents semen from entering the bladder during ejaculation. If the valve weakens sufficiently, you may shoot backward at times you want to shoot forward, or intend to withold ejaculation and just have an orgasm.



Why is it said that if you dont ejaculate for a long time you may have prostate problems? Is it true? I red in a thread here that if I massage my perineum area from time to time(and especially after getting some and not blowing the load) I will reduce the chances of developing prostate problems.

My internist tells a story that I’ve related before here. During a stint in the army he was responsible for the health of a squadron of men aged about 18 - 22 during their six weeks in boot camp. The men were not allowed off base and lived in quarters where there was virtually no privacy. When he was getting what he considered an awfully high number of complaints of prostatitis in such a young age group, he consulted with a colleague who was treating another group of recruits. A similar percentage of young men in the second group were complaining of prostate issues. They determined that these men, deprived of both privacy and the opportunity for sexual outlet outside the base, were not masturbating or having sex with girlfriends or other contacts. They theorized that prostatic “congestion” was the result of their not ejaculating regularly during their training. Certainly this doesn’t happen over night or result from some relatively short period of abstenance.

I’ve read several studies which conclude the likelihood of fewer prostate problems in later age and the possibility, too, of fewer cases of prostate cancer among men who do establish a regular and fairly frequent pattern of ejaculation earlier in their lives.

It makes some sense to me that an ejaculatory system designed to be used and isn’t is probably going to develop some snags.



Than I`m very curious why in all those taoist books and ancient teachings it is said that by not ejaculating for years (except when you wanna have kids) you wont have any health problems…

I suspect that the ancients didn’t have a clue as to what the prostate’s function is, let alone being able to identify prostatitis when they had it.



I believe that these people died from prostatitis at very advanced ages due to the health benefits of refraining from ejaculating.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

You can believe that. But your belief flies in the face of medical research. No problem with that.

It’s your life. We all have to choose the paths we do down.




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