Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Ejaculation Process

I believe what I wrote based on observation of my own body. I confess ignorance of most medical research in this area. But I know how my body has responded to over 10 years of SKF practice (well about 20 actually, but only about 10 successfully), which employs seminal retention…very positively. I’m significantly healthier and stronger in all ways. Just in case someone elses body would respond similarly to mine, I felt an obligation to present the results of my experience and that viewpoint for their consideration and potential benefit. I’ve now met that obligation.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

You havent ejaculated in 10 years? I dont understand.


I practice Seminal Kung Fu, successfully, meaning able to control my ejaculation response and experience crown chakra orgasms for the last 10 years. I ejaculate on average 2-4 times a month, some months more, some months less. As I age I’ll reduce this frequency. Should you have further questions on this subject they should be posted in the thread that I’ve linked.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by xenolith

I practice Seminal Kung Fu, successfully, meaning able to control my ejaculation response and experience crown chakra orgasms for the last 10 years. I ejaculate on average 2-4 times a month, some months more, some months less. As I age I’ll reduce this frequency. Should you have further questions on this subject they should be posted in the thread that I’ve linked.

This and at three posts above.

For most men this would not be the healthiest practice, particularly as one ages and the risk of prostate issues including cancer and enlargement becomes greater.




Agreed, because most men don’t practice SKF. In SKF, the energy that would leave the body through ejaculation is used instead to nourish the body’s organs, resulting in a healthier body that works better for a longer time. It’s generally acknowledged, as I’m sure you’re aware, that most men who don’t die of something else, eventually die of prostate cancer. That’s what I have in mind for myself. At a very ripe old age. Although because my SKF practice has allowed me to nourish all of my body’s organs, including my prostate (dramatically reducing it’s size over the last 10 years), it may be a bit of a snail race between my organs to determine which can kill me first.

If one is not going to practice SKF, I suggest one pay heed to the advice of yourself and others more familiar with conventional medical information than myself.

That was a very worthwhile clarification. Thanks for prompting it.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

You miss an important point, xeno. This is not about “energy,” used or dissipated. This is about fluids, what happens to them, where they go during sex or masturbation if one allows them fairly frequently a normal route. When they are not moved (fluid exchange) and so are not replenished, they stay where they were and tend to clog up the prostate and the seminal vessicles which are very convoluted organs with many storage places.

Most old men - now we consider late 70s and into 80s to be old, do not die of prostate cancer, although they may by then have some degree of it (odds are). They die of the usual diseases, sometimes with prostate cancer complications adding their own life-shortening influences.

My read of all this is that if one reduces the odds of prostate difficulties with an active sex life - intercourse, masturbation, who cares? allowing some regular and fairly frequent pattern of normal ejaculation, odds are that prostate cancer/enlargement are going to be lower when one gets to his 50s, 60s or 70s. I can’t find any reliabele data that indicates that practicing multi-orgasmic techniques is in any way dangerous IF you allow for some regular pattern of fluid release and replenishment.

2 - 3 times a month is not normal for a man your age or for most readers here.



avocet, I really do appreciate your knowledge and your consideration in sharing it with the rest of the Forum, myself included. However, based on what I’ve observed in my own body, which may or may not be applicable to anyone else’s, I have to disagree with with your statement “This is not about “energy,” used or dissipated. This is about fluids…” Based on traditional Taoist SKF teaching and the results of my practice of it, it’s about both. In accordance with tenets of SKF practice, I do move my ejaculate, I just don’t ejaculate it (often). Indeed, it’s the moving of the ejaculatory fluids that generates the energy (chi) that is used in SKF practice. The mobilized but unejaculated fluids are re-absorbed into the body while the energy generated from the mobilization of them are put to use to do good things for the body. So, I do move my ejaculate, I just don’t eliminate it. I use it.

SKF is not for everyone. For a lot of reasons. Not for most is likely not a stretch. Nonetheless, the results of the SKF practice that I’ve done have been so significantly positive and I’m by nature a person who wants to share good things and help people that I can’t not share this information in case it can help someone else. If it doesn’t, nothing has been lost. But if I don’t share it, I can be sure that nothing will have been gained. For anyone other than myself.

I do agree that 2-3 times a month is not normal (it’s actually 2-4 times a month, but who’s counting) for a man my age. If normal means what most people do then there’s no doubt at all that I’m not normal. IMO there are some significantly more not normal members on this Forum than me, I won’t name names…I’ve made it clear that unless one is going to practice SKF (successfully practice I should say), one should heed the advice of guys like you that have the medical knowledge to render good advice concerning normal ejaculation patterns.

But there aught to be room for sharing of other, even not normal, experiences and viewpoints too.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

There is room for sharing, xeno. You can surely talk about SKF if you don’t mind me popping up now and then with the medical stuff I do know about as a counter-balance.

The reason that is important, in this context, is that there are a whole lot of readers here who tend to jump on any appealing program or bandwagon and who also do not have much understanding of their own plumbing and how that is supposed to work at its best. Part of my job here is to fill in some blank spots.



Even if I did mind, I’d still talk about SKF. But I don’t. Indeed, I’d be disappointed if you didn’t.

Our purposes are the same here avocet, to inform in the interest of helping people.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama


What happens to the sperm when someone performs a vasectomy ? Is it absorbed by the body ?

When you have a vasectomy, they snip and tie off the vas deferens. Any sperm in situ during the next six weeks or so will get ejaculated so you have to use some form of birth control during that time and get tested again. Any sperm in formation after that (usually) never reach the urethra and are very naturally “recycled” by your body.



Is there a correlation between the number of sperm cells and total ejaculatory volume? I mean something like: 1 million sperm cells will need at least 1ml of the other ejac fluids to survive ?

If you are within the average flow of fluid volume, and averagely fertile, it isn’t going to matter if that day you produced more or less “other” ejac fluids than two days before. Sperm cells usually constitute less than 5% of volume of total ejaculate, either on a high total volume day or a low volume day.




I`ve seen lately these threads about ball-zingers(or how do you call them…) and I was totally surprised cause I didn’t even imagined that such thing exists, anyway, would you recommend using something like that to increase testosterone/sperm production?

Originally Posted by Nick666

I`ve seen lately these threads about ball-zingers(or how do you call them…) and I was totally surprised cause I didn’t even imagined that such thing exists, anyway, would you recommend using something like that to increase testosterone/sperm production?


If your hormones are at a good, functional level (they usually are, especially in young people) your testosterone is in a good place. Before trying to increase sperm production (we’re talking wigglers here, not ejaculate volume), you should first have a semen anaysis (not very expensive) to see what your sperm level is, or use one of those on-line test kits - maybe $80, or less?- to determine a ball park.

Why fix something that ain’t necessarily broke?




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