Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anybody Feel A Little Weird About Talking About Their Dick?

Well, I live in northern Europe (Sweden) and I think it´s probably the same here (Europe) as it is in US, on the whole. We are a bit more open about sexuality in northern Europe than in southern, were most are catholics, we don´t have the whole guilt thing concerning sex and sexuality hammered into our heads up here.

We don´t discuss penises between us though, well, I do with girls I know but not between friends over a cup of coffee. Though I´m pretty sure when females get together they discuss just that over their coffee ;) I´ve got that confirmed too.

And in the rest of the world I think the arabs are even more repressed than you americans, that bhurka thing doesn´t exactly radiate sexuality.

Even though we are pretty liberal here we don´t particulary like our preteens dressing like Britney Spears and wearing thongs, that´s just messed up. Well, guess I strayed from the topic there, but hey, it´s getting late. Can´t stay sharp all the time ;)

Are women as reluctant to talk with each about their sexual apparatae as men?


"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

I think even more so, that´s my impression and experience anyway. Kind of strange since they go on a regular check up. Maybe it´s because of that, since they don´t have the same easy access as we do, their gyn probably knows more than they do.

I also thing it has to do with homophobia. Most guys would probably be worried about what their friend’s thought of them if they started talking about penis’.

Also the “shortest stick” is probably another reason, nobody want’s to be on the bottom of the totem pole.

When I am the only guy hanging out with a group of my female friends, they talk like I am one of the gals. They know knothing much offends me & I never tell tails out of school. Damn!! the mouths on some of these women. Much more open than us guys. If their boy friends and husbands only knew. They talk about clit size, lubrication issues, lack of skill ( or size) on their partners part, what weird little twist gets them, or their partner, off… etc, etc, etc. Very open, anything is fair game. My gay friends are the same way. In my experience, macho, “mans man” guys are the worst about this stuff. Does sound like straight guys have some homophobic isseus, doesn’t it?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally posted by iamaru
In my experience, macho, “mans man” guys are the worst about this stuff. Does sound like straight guys have some homophobic isseus, doesn't it?

Bingo! I think you’ve hit the, or one of the, mark(s). Men are scared shitless of discussing anything penis because somebody might think they’re homo.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Why don’t you quit going on about this you homos? :)

:) :) :)

See Ya,


I feel very free to listen and participate on this forum. But I just can’t imagine, especially at age 48, Something like…

“Hey, how’s it going, what’s new?”

“Actually I started a program to enlarge my penis. I’m really excited about it, I think it’s going to work. I saw some pictures of other guys who are into it and man, you should see some of those big cocks - length and girth - outstanding!”

“Oh yea, how do you do it?”

“Give it a nice warm wrap, lube it up, and milk it for 30 minutes.”

Hmmm, I don’t think so.

Originally posted by lean85
I feel very free to listen and participate on this forum. But I just can't imagine, especially at age 48, Something like…

“Hey, how's it going, what's new?”

“Actually I started a program to enlarge my penis. I'm really excited about it, I think it's going to work. I saw some pictures of other guys who are into it and man, you should see some of those big cocks - length and girth - outstanding!”

“Oh yea, how do you do it?”

“Give it a nice warm wrap, lube it up, and milk it for 30 minutes.”

Hmmm, I don't think so.


Hmm guess i’ll throw my input in. Hiding behind a computer screen it is easier to be more open about things. Not like you’re gonna run across everyone on the board on the street. In person, well in America yes that is taboo. Partially homophobia, partially fear of being the “smallest guy” in the discussion, ect. As for Gays being open to it, that’s not good. If all the ay guys start doing it they’ll all be hung and even more attractive to women! Oh no! Hahaha. Anyways, maybe things in the future will be open. Personally I hope we become like Europe where the women can go around topless and nudity is shown on TV. Alot of stacked girls in this hot desert :)

Lets look at what kind of behavior is successful in early adolescent and pre-adolesent males social hierarchies. First understand that most bullies are not social outcasts, they are the leaders of adolesent males, the popular kids. Most bullying is not beating up other kids, it is verbal and psychological torture, intimidation, ridicule, ostracizing etc. The physical stuff does go on, but most is the fear and uncertainty of when you will “get hit” either physically or otherwise. Most bullying is verbal or physical intimidation. Some of the most common ways of doing this are implying that the kid is a “fag”, a “woosie”, not tough, etc. If a 10 year old wins an argument with a popular kid, and the popular kid says “What do you know ya little fag” all his cronies laugh and guess what? He just “won” the argument. At 14 he might say ” It doesn’t matter what you think, you like to suck dick” or “So? You have a tiny little pencil dick” All his followers laugh and he has just won the argument. If the bully gives a victim a chance to be in on tormenting some other kid… Guess what? almost always the one time victime will join in on tormenting someone else. Hey if we are torchering him, I am safe.

All of us have seen the bullying process in action, either as a victim, an observer, or a perpetrator. Kids can be vicious little monsters. Being bullied and tormented is the number one fear of school kids, especially boys. Remember the horrible fate of kids that became known as the designated whipping boys?

I think that most straight guys, or gay guys that are entirely in the closet, cary this with them the rest of their lives.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Let me tell you all a story (no, not about a man named Jed). When I was a sophmore in high school I was rather small and thin. I guess I was about 5’7” and weighed about 135 lbs. Our school had just consoidated into a much bigger county-wide school. A kid from the next town over decided that I was to be his bully-boy. I was verbally berated and physically smacked around. I didn’t grow much in high school, ending up 5’10” and weighing about 150. The bullying continued all the way through graduation. Then, I moved on to college and began to eat mass quantities of cafeteria food and drink lots of beer (the drinking age had just been lowered to 18 when I entered college). By the end of my sophmorer year in college I was 6’4” and weighed 210 lbs. - mostly muscle from a lot of lifting. That summer I went back home and got a job in a steel mill - hot, sweaty, hard work. It made me tough as nails. One night I went to a local bar where the younger crowd hung out. I was sitting at a table drinking beer about 11 PM when, you guessed it, my bullier from high school entered the bar with three of his friends. He also worked in the mill, but went there straight out of high school. He and his buddies had been drinking at another bar and were already pretty buzzed. They started in heavy again with the beers and shots. Then, he began to look around for someone to torment. I guess that a bully remains a bully until he is compelled to stop for some reason. Anyway, he spots me and starts pointing me out and laughing with his buddies. He then starts throwing peanuts at me. I ignored him for about 10 minutes and this got to him. Finally, he got up and walked over to my table and dropped a handfull of peanut shells in my beer glass while telling me that I was the same big pussy as in high school. I continued to ignore him while talking to my friend. My friend was glancing nervously at the bully and back again to me. Finally, the bully started to poke me in the chest with his finger. Cat quick, I jumped to my feet and got him in a headlock and drug him out the door of the bar. I then let him go and said, “Now it’s just you and me asshole, and we’re gonna see if you’re really a tough guy.” He took a wild swing at me before having his lights put out. I walked back into the bar and saw his buddies standing near the window. None of them said a word. I admit that I enjoyed bringing him down, but I wish that I had given it a try back in high school. I may have gotten my but kicked, but if I had scrapped with him good, he may have decided to pick on someone else the next time.



Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

First of all, I know it must seem really strange to have one of the females on the board reply to this one, however, I feel that I might have some insight to the original question.

IMO, the reason that men do not talk about their penis size is very simple really, they are afraid of put downs or other types of nasty remarks. It has already happened right here in our very own forum. When ever someone complains about small gains or big gains someone else has something smart to say about it, especially if the person(s) already have a good sized penis, and there are a few here like that. Comments like, what the hell are you complaining about, or like you really need a bigger cock. Now, correct me if I am wrong here, but isn’t this forum supposed to be a support place, where questions, concerns, complaints can be addressed without ridicule? Even with the safety of the computer screen, individuals still have self esteem issues, and need to know that there are others in the same boat as they are.

Yes, women talk about their respective body parts, with openness and frank honesty. We also discuss men and techniques that we like and sometimes the sharing can lead to a more fulfilling sex life. I personally wished I looked like Rachel Welch, but I don’t. So even women have issues about their abilities so to speak.

I doubt seriously if American views on sexuality will ever match that of European views. There are still way to many “Puritans” around for that. I would like to see the day when sex and talking about sex is second nature to us. Without homophobic fears or feeling like we will be ridiculed. I think that several problems that are facing our nation today would be solved if we were more open and honest about it.

I for one am glad Thunder’s Place exists, and I started out on YourPenis about 4 years ago I paid for 403’s membership, been in it since the beginning. It is a good thing to want to better yourself, for what ever reasons. And eventually, maybe, people won’t be so afraid to share.

And this if off topic, but I am curious. Once upon a time, there was a thread about the sexiest thing a woman had ever done for a man, and one about where the strangest place was to have sex. What about one that discusses the most sensual thing you have ever done to a woman. Last time I checked, it took two.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

Hey sunny,

Do you see a lot of the type of cutdowns that you are talking about in the forums? Do they seem serious to you? I can only remember a few and those were removed I think.

Is this one of the reasons guys don’t feel comfortable talking about their own dicks?? Fear of being ridiculed for wanting more than they have already?

sunny, what about women talking about breast size? Does that seem to be a more open conversation than men talking about penis enlargement?? What about Kegels, are they a topic of conversation as far as tightening up the vaginal walls? Do women get into lovemaking techniques with specifics or just generalities?

I think you idea for a new topic is a good one, will you start the thread??

As far as this European openess, is it really there, or is it just something we are lead to believe by the media?? I can’t imagine a devout Catholic father from Spain or Italy talking to his son about sexual and/or penis size issues. Do friends in Europe talk about such issues seriously, or is it the same attempt at humor the Americans use to try and take the edge off?

What about you Aussies, what is it like Downunder??

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Downunder it’s probably more like Europe than it is like the US as far as attitudes toward sex is concerned …. but it’s probably even more liberal than Europe. Even Sydney’s most famous beach, Bondi, topless bathing for women is permitted and occasionally there are skinny dipping events - nude surfing! There are several nude beaches right on Sydney Harbour which have been “legal” for as long as I can remember. Nudity on TV is commonplace (even male).

As far as homophobic attitudes are concerned, there is a strange dichotomy. On one hand there is public acceptance - we have one of the largest Gay and Lesbian festivals in the world, Mardi Gras, and a vibrant gay culture. On the other hand, there is a lot of internalized homophobia. Not all of this manifests as hate related violence, however an “out” gay person in a high profile public position is still regarded by many (especially the press) as a potential liability and a target for smear campaigns - so they rarely get the top jobs.

As far as discussing penis matters with your peers is concerned, that is probably mostly still a no-go area. While it’s OK to confide with a mate about problems down there, too much talk might give him the impression that you were trying to come onto him - he may be flattered or he may punch your head in! I think men in general have a reluctance to broach subjects relating to their sex. This may be one reason why prostate cancer is such a big killer - they are simply too ashamed to confront this “very private” issue and often leave it until it’s too late. Women, on the other hand, are statistically more likely to seek help sooner with urogenital related conditions.



BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


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