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cock ring experience

cock ring experience

I’ve been jelqing just about a month, and sometimes using a cock ring for keeping the blood in my penis and a rock hard erection. It’s been fine, but 3 days ago I had someone stroking and sucking me for an extended period while I was wearing the ring, and while it felt great and I ejaculated, afterwards my cock was swollen up one side and on top. It wasn’t just blood trapped in it, it was like fluid or something, and a really large swelling that had me worried. It went away in 5 minutes, and my cock is fine, no discolorations, but the skin was itching for two days after. Now all is normal, but I’m slightly hesitant to work up a full erection or jelq after seeing my cock blow up like that. Any insights into what happened? I think I may have done some extreme stretching of my cock inside and out, but I’m not going to do that again! Doing what I thought was damage to my cock is a pretty sobering thought, and it was scary to see it ballooned up like that!

Its pretty common, its just lymph building up not really anything to worry about it should just subside in a few hours sometimes days. And welcome to thunder’s!

Re: cock ring experience

Originally posted by dk75
I had someone stroking and sucking me for an extended period … and it was scary to see it ballooned up like that!

There’s your “problem” right there, that “extended period” of SUCKING.

Can we have her phone number?;)


Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

wahhha chickenchoker your a funny guy!! But for real don’t worry to much about the swelling….you probably didn’t damage your dick..

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