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Hemosiderin from clamping

Each time I’ve used the vinegar, I wrapped my penis completely, glans included and all was well. There was nothing different with my glans from the rest of my penis. I would suggest using an ACE bandage type of cloth material though (no plastic types); air is needed to encourage oxidation.


Originally Posted by goober
I know nothing about hemosiderin but I do have the same concerns as you with clamping discoloration. I’ve tried just about every remedy suggested to rid discoloration from clamping and nothing seemed to work until I was told about White Vinegar being used for bruises. I tried this for a short time and it proved effective.

What I did was soak a wrap in white vinegar (must be white), squeeze out excess to keep from dripping or making a wet spot on pants, wrap up and wear until it dries (usually around 4-5 hrs.). What will happen is the dark purple discoloration will become dark brown at first and then gradually lighten after a few days use.

The smell of the vinegar is very strong! So strong you can smell it through your clothes so keep this in mind if you plan to try it, people and animals (dogs) will notice. An alternative time for use is to wrap before bedtime and sleep with it on. Personally, this seems to be the ideal time for use but the smell is too overwhelming for both my wife and I to tolerate under the sheets. It stinks up everything and does not dissipate for days.

I’ve used this remedy only a few times but each time the results were consistent. I suspect if I were to continue this wrap over a period of weeks the discoloration would probably be gone.

Interesting, I’ve never read this before.

Why exactly did you try vinegar in the first place? Exactly how much lightening did you see per treatment doing this?

I may try this very soon (just have a little more girth to gain first). If this doesn’t work I’m trying a home microdermabrasion kit.

Also, has anyone else tried this with success?

Using vinegar for bruises and many other external (and internal) skin/body/hair remedies has been known for hundreds of years. It’s nothing new; it’s just remembering and applying what works.

While growing up I use to get into fights in the neighborhood. Occasionally I’d come home with a nasty black eye. My mom would quickly grab a cotton ball, soak it in white vinegar and make me hold it on my eye; sometimes under an eye patch to keep it in place. It was a drippy mess. But, within a few hours the swelling would go down and the bruise would look thinner, lighter and would heal a lot faster than if I did nothing. If I didn’t hold it directly on the bruise itself it showed little change. But if I did, it worked every time.

My discoloration reminded me of my black eyes so I thought about using the vinegar on my penis and it worked just as well, however it took a bit longer to notice any lightening effect because I had a larger amount of skin to deal with. That’s why I recommend using a wide ‘cloth’ wrap (something thick enough to absorb and hold the vinegar). If necessary, wrap rubber bands or something around the outside of the wrap to keep in place. I used a non-fabric self-adhesive wrap on the outside to keep it firmly in place and slept with it on.

Since I’ve stopped clamping, my ‘flaccid’ penis color has faded back to an almost normal color, however when I get a good engorgement it gets dark red and the discoloration is noticeable again. Once I become flaccid again, my normal color comes back. Not sure if my present ‘almost normal’ color is a result of me using the vinegar while I was clamping or just skin regeneration since I’ve stopped.

Do a spot test and see for yourself. Take a small cotton ball, soak it in white vinegar and place it on your penis (under a wrap to keep in place) and sleep with it. Do this on the same spot for a few days and see what happens.


Last edited by goober : 11-04-2010 at .

Susceptibility to discoloration from PE techniques seems to vary considerably. Even within this thread we have a report (post #11) of a single session of PE causing long-lasting discoloration. Others seem to get by doing a lot more intensive exercises for years without ever running into this. While I’ve identified a few things that help minimize discoloration for me, I don’t think the issue stems from improper technique. More likely, it’s from variances in susceptibility. And, I don’t think for those of us prone to it, a few firegoat rolls are the key to staving it off (though they can’t hurt — give them a try).

Not all PE-induced discoloration is the deep long-lasting crud. Most isn’t, and for many guys laying off of PE for a period of time (weeks to months) allows the skin to clear up.

Originally Posted by fp20beater
I remember just reading about that in one of the threads here. It was the first time I heard the discoloration referred to as a tattoo. I don’t know if it’s worth mentioning, but I think I had bad skin in that bruises on my lower body don’t go away very well. My shins and calves have dark spots from where I’ve hit them and it just doesn’t go away. Also, I wrecked on a dirt bike and got this huge bruise on my leg. There’s still a dark area+scar there over 1.5 years later. I’ve been riding motorcycles since I was little, and my junk always gets kind of smashed against the tank and seat, I wonder if it has anything to do with the discoloration….If a girl ever asks about the dark spots I’ll blame it on that.

Tendencies such as that might serve as a clue how prone one is to developing long-standing discoloration. Someone, I think in the peeling thread, but maybe elsewhere, mentioned that he had dark discoloration on his toes from where his sandals rubbed againt them.

My dick ended up quite dark from using various PE methods. I’m pretty sure it was from hemosiderin staining. I introduced that idea here and still consider it valid. My dick looked like the example pictures of such staining I found online, the mechanism of injury was somewhat similar to reported cases, discoloration was very long-lasting, and so on. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck …

I tried mild skin exfoliation methods: gritty scrubs, AHA lotion, etc. for months with no results. After learning a little more about what my discoloration likely was, which is somewhat tattoo-like, I realized scratching at the surface repeatedly was not going to do the trick. The crud lies deeper. I think I mentioned before that vacuuming carpet daily won’t do anything to remove the cat puke that has seeped down into the backing. You really don’t want to know how I know that. ;)

I decided to bite the bullet, become the guinea pig, and try a chemical skin peel on my shaft. Being, shall we say “frugal,” (sounds better than cheap) and wanting something easily available to others to try if it worked, I settled on using over the counter wart remover. From what I had read, salicylic acid seemed ideal for the job (as long as one isn’t allergic to aspirin and such). I did a few tests, and once I learned the process and became more comfortable with it, eventually completed burning/peeling all of my shaft skin. Peeling did the trick. My skin was more pristine than before even learning about PE.

That said, peeling is not a process for the ignorant, feint of heart, or the impatient. It is still considered “experimental,” at least by me. It may not work as nicely for you. While some have had great results, a few have encountered problems. Read the whole shedding the snake thread before you even think about peeling. Yes, it’s long and wanders a bit, but if you don’t have the patience and interest to read through it you probably aren’t a good candidate to try such a thing.

Originally Posted by goober
Do a spot test and see for yourself. Take a small cotton ball, soak it in white vinegar and place it on your penis (under a wrap to keep in place) and sleep with it. Do this on the same spot for a few days and see what happens.


Awesome info… thanks.

I’m definitely gonna try this spot test out… sometime within the next couple weeks… will report back.

Wow ok some very interesting results from this.

Last night I soaked a cotton ball in white vinegar, put it on a spot on my cock, wrapped it in toilet paper, and taped it lightly in place. I slept with it on (about 8 hours), and just took it off.

You said before…

Originally Posted by goober
What I did was soak a wrap in white vinegar (must be white), squeeze out excess to keep from dripping or making a wet spot on pants, wrap up and wear until it dries (usually around 4-5 hrs.). What will happen is the dark purple discoloration will become dark brown at first and then gradually lighten after a few days use.

I’m not sure if you worded it the wrong way by mistake, or whether I’m just the opposite for whatever reason. Anyway, my dark brown discolouration has turned purple (as opposed from purple to dark brown like you said).

At first I thought it was just due to that part of my skin lacking oxygen for the night, because there was an entire ring of purple around my cock. I think what happened though is the vinegar ran of the cotton ball and was absorbed by the toilet paper all around my cock.

So my questions now are…

1) How long does it take the purple colour to lighten?
2) Do I do the wrap again tonight, or do I wait for my skin to lighten first?

I would do this every night of the week if I’m supposed to, but not sure if I should wait between wraps.


I’m glad you are trying this. Also I’m glad something different is happening with your body, more proof that we are not ‘all’ the same. How my body responds to the exact method and technique may produce different results, just like PE exercises. We all need to remember this.

Anyway, my discoloration was very dark purple (not brown like yours), and when I used the white vinegar my skin turned a dark brown through oxidation and absorption. I don’t think either of us lacked any oxygen or anything I just think that our skin pigmentation is different and we each responded differently in color. No worries.

So to your questions:

1) How long does it take the purple colour to lighten?

> The lightening effect was noticeable within a couple of days. I used the vinegar wrap every day until I was satisfied with the lightness.
I got very dark very fast from clamping and my wife did not like it at all. It was so dark she noticed it through the etched glass door while I was in the shower.

2) Do I do the wrap again tonight, or do I wait for my skin to lighten first?

I did it every day until I was satisfied. Do it as often as you want, vinegar is a natural solution useful for many things externally and internally, it won’t hurt your skin or hair. In fact it is used for vaginal rinses (douche) and hair follicle reconstruction. When I was a lab analyst we use it as a neutralizer on concentrated acid reagents.

Be comfortable with your own judgment deciding if you want to use it once a day or three times a day. I would think a water-logged, soggy, wilted looking dick would offend and probably repulse your girlfriend (maybe not, it may provide for something unusually fun).

Keep us posted with your progress. You may want to log what you experience in detail and post it for future enquires.


Thanks for the reply goober :) .

Well there’s no reason I can’t do this every night, so that’s what I’ll be doing for the next week. My only concern I guess is that if I do it on my entire cock and it works just a little, I may not be able to tell the difference.

So how long did you do it for exactly? A week? A month?

I’ll be trying this just once a day for about eight hours while I sleep, and will definitely report back with results.

That’s good logical thinking Mick; you probably won’t be able to tell if you wrap the entire penis, because the entire penis will fade entirely. Silliness aside, that’s one of the reasons I suggested the spot test. The spot test should reveal the fading more accurately because you have a reference of surrounding ‘starting tone’ to compare it with. To make sure you will have a clear, unmistakable distinction of skin tones; refrain from wrapping entirely until you are convinced it’s working for you.

Keep in mind: if you are currently clamping and plan to continue, you may be prolonging the effects of the bruising and thwarting the effects of the vinegar. It may prove to be a waste of your time. But for me it worked well while I clamped, even faster when I stopped.

I clamped vigorously every day for about 3 months but didn’t remember about the vinegar until about half way through. So the amount of time I consistently used the vinegar on a daily basis was about 1.5 months.

When you are satisfied with the tone change and decide to stop using the vinegar, the skin will still be actively responding for a few hours and maybe even an entire day; probably won’t show any lightening for a few days or week after that. However, when the activity does stop and you aren’t satisfied and want to continue and do more, don’t be shy. I doubt that the neutralizing ability of the vinegar will go beyond normal skin tone, no matter how long you use it. It’s not a skin bleach or anything like that its just vinegar. I have found that using it on bruises provides a neutralizing effect with bruising and encourages the skin to heal quicker. No miracle here.

I applied the vinegar right after I finished my clamping sessions and each night thereof because that’s when my discoloration was most obvious. Yours may show up later than mine so be comfortable with your decisions you’ll be fine.


Hmm alright I guess I’ll just continue with the spot test then. From what I see now it hasn’t lightened so I guess I may not as well wrap the whole thing.

I’m not sure what you mean here though…

“When you are satisfied with the tone change and decide to stop using the vinegar, the skin will still be actively responding for a few hours and maybe even an entire day; probably won’t show any lightening for a few days or week after that. However, when the activity does stop and you aren’t satisfied and want to continue and do more, don’t be shy.”

When I stop using the vinegar it’ll take a few days for the lightening to show up? Are you talking about while I’m clamping or not while I’m clamping? By “the activity” you mean clamping right? Right at the moment I’ve taken a week break from clamping so I can test this.

If this works for sure I’ll continue to do it while I clamp (after a session).

When I stop using the vinegar it’ll take a few days for the lightening to show up?


Are you talking about while I’m clamping or not while I’m clamping? By “the activity” you mean clamping right?

>No, the activity I’m talking about is the neutralizing activity of oxidation caused by the vinegar. As long as you use the vinegar it will be actively working within your skin. Whenever you stop using the vinegar the activity will stop after a few hrs.

Right at the moment I’ve taken a week break from clamping so I can test this.

>Very good, this should prove how your penis skin will react. Make your decisions upon the outcome. You may not need to stay wrapped up as long as I did.

If this works for sure I’ll continue to do it while I clamp (after a session).


However long you plan to clamp (6 months, 1 year); I recommend using the vinegar wrap everyday during that time. Wrap for as many hours per day as you feel comfortable. I got good results by wrapping after each session for 3-5 hrs., and again all night long while I slept.

If you wrap like I did, that’s a long time for your penis to be exposed to the vinegar. Therefore, your skin will be saturated. Even when you take the wrap off to bathe your skin is still reacting in some way to the vinegar. Whatever that ‘reaction’ or ‘activity’ is, it will not stop the moment you take the wrap off. Since your skin is saturated, the oxidizing activity will continue until it has dried up or has been completely absorbed into your skin. This activity may take a few hours or maybe an entire day to stop. So don’t expect the lighter skin to show full effect right away. Be patient for a few days or even a week.

After all is said and done, and you still think you’d like to go lighter, just start the process over again for as long as you want, it can’t hurt.


Thank you again Goob(er).

Ok, last question, lol… still slightly confused (sorry I get caught up in details).

So if I’m doing a spot test every day for a week, no lightening should show until a few days after the end of the week? It’s not gonna start showing up during the week while I’m still using the vinegar?

So far it’s been two nights with it on all night and I don’t see any change. Not complaining, just stating results.

Originally Posted by Mick
Thank you again Goob(er).

Ok, last question, lol… still slightly confused (sorry I get caught up in details).

So if I’m doing a spot test every day for a week, no lightening should show until a few days after the end of the week? It’s not gonna start showing up during the week while I’m still using the vinegar?

So far it’s been two nights with it on all night and I don’t see any change. Not complaining, just stating results.

No, it’s all together possible for lightening to occur at any time, but for me it took a few days before I noticed anything. And it even continued to show improvement a week or so after I stopped. But keep in mind, that’s the way my body responded, your body is different and may start to show sooner, it may not show for a few days longer, don’t know, time will tell. If you haven’t seen any color change yet, perhaps you are like me and it will take a few days.

Has any change happened at all? I went from dark purple to dark brown within 3-4 days and then it slowly started to lighten. You said that you went from brown to purple right? Has anything else changed color wise? Is the skin softer or smoother?


Ya it went from dark brown to purple… however the purple faded within that day back to the dark brown colour.

This morning when I took the thing off it was purple again, but just very slightly… now it’s back to its normal colour again. Maybe I didn’t have it on as well this time, or maybe my skin’s just used to it.

The skin may be a tiny bit softer, but hard to tell really.

I’ll keep going for the week and see what happens.

Ok I’ve just improved my wrap quite a bit… I don’t think the cotton ball wrapped in toilet paper was that great. I put it on tonight, then took it off to wrap it better, and the cotton ball was almost already dry (it had been maybe one minute). I think it leaks too easily, and the toilet paper had absorbed it.

Anyway, I soaked half a length of gauze in vinegar, wrapped a portion of my cock, then wrapped the second dry half of gauze around the wet part, and then taped it on lightly. This should definitely give the vinegar more time to soak in.

Also, about smoothness… do you feel the vinegar made your skin smoother? Mine skin’s not really “rough” for the stuff I’ve done, but I feel it’s a bit “tough” almost… just cause I’ve fucked with it so hard. Like it’s smooth, but I don’t know, can’t explain.

Also I think I remember reading that you put the wrap over your glans? I’d just be worried about getting vinegar in my cock hole and it stinging, lol. I do however have a couple of dark spots on there I’d like to get rid of. I don’t know how I got these things. I never had any discolouration problems with glans until I got a few of these spots recently.

Anyway, let me know :) .


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