Thunder's Place

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How long SHOULD you jelq for

How long SHOULD you jelq for

Can I do more than this?

I mean, honestly.. I have the time and am willing to do as much jelqing as necesarry. I am currently following “the big gainer“‘s routine, that Wadzilla knows. The key to his routine was starting at ten minutes a day, and gradually working up week by week.

Anyone else get gains from not doing minimum jelqing. SIGNIFICANT gains. I am doing 18 minutes a day. Hell I’m willing to do two 20 minute sets for all I care, if some one has done this actually, and TRULY gained.

Some say 8 hours rest is all you need. Others claim 10 minutes a day can result in great gains. - Is this just for newbie’s though?

Would the strength of your everyday erection let you know if your over doing it or not, or if you can do more or not? I know everyone says, it’s different for everyone, but surely there has to be a majority of gains in either doing as much jelqing as possible, or minimum amounts of jelqing.


Ps-are gains from tissue growth, or your penis expanded from constantly have blood forced through it.
Tissue growth I’d imagine=more rest expansion=more jelqing

Jelq till your dick is big, fat, and reddish in color.

I believe your erection strength would be a good indicator overdoing it. Although, when doing a heavy girth routine, I don’t expect to be able to get it up for any amount of time until my next session. That’s just me though.

I do it until I feel my penis has had enough.

Well I’m the idiot that forgot to mention I am going for length only.

My girth isn’t great, but for now, all I care about is length, and I just got through a bunch of hanging for the past few months, and I am going with jelqing for length.

Still do it a lot?

Would this make sense, since no one has anything to say:

More intense jelqing workouts-30 mins daily - more days of rest

Less intense- 10-20 mins daily- less days rest?

Wow 160 views, but no one knows anything about this. Thats amazing

I say jelq twice a day for 10 minutes each session. Every day. No days off.

I like this routine and I will stick with it and I have not measured lately but can tell it is benefitting me greatly,


I do twice a day 10 minute sessions, 3 times a week.

I see guys spend alot of time discussing advanced exercises like clamping, hanging. I also see alot of guys theorize about PE. Guys here try to explain how and why some exercises “might” work through anatomy but still hypothesises. And doctors say there is no way to enlarge your penis other than surgery but we know better.

What I’m saying is that instead of wasting our time with that stuff we should focus on the single most important exercise, JELQING.

We need to conduct and experiment with a bunch of guys doing different Jelqing routines for an extended period of time.

I am the first one to volunteer.

Originally Posted by the tiger

Would the strength of your everyday erection let you know if your over doing it or not, or if you can do more or not? I know everyone says, it’s different for everyone, but surely there has to be a majority of gains in either doing as much jelqing as possible, or minimum amounts of jelqing.

Read sparkys thread on PIs or physiological indicators, that probably answers some of your questions.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

I am still gaining with dry jelqing (about 100) and Ive just begun to stretch a little more so yes the gains are real and NO you dont have to jelq 24/7! There are those who gain faster doing more and those who gain nothing by overdoing it. Find out which catagory you fit into and work it. Im patient ( after all Ive had this dick for 37 years) and would rather take it slow and cautious.

started jan 05 5.5X4.5 3-01-05 5.75x5 4-01-05 5.9X5 5-01-05 6.0x5

Hanging and stretching is better for length. Jelqing is more for girth.

Start jelqing 10 minutes in the morning every day, take days off only considering how you feel. And add 2 minutes every week. Do a little stretching in all directions as you apply warm water while cleaning of the lube. The result of your jelqing should be a big hang that turtles in a little bit when you’ve dried up and streched a little, if your penis stays turtled for more than an hour, you should consider working less. During the day the penis should feel big and loose. When night fall closes in on you, do your stretches. Your penis should feel as earlier and should be easy to stretch. Good luck gaining that length, girth will be unavoidable.

30 min

My jelq session is about 30 min. I warm up for about 2-5 min and then jelq for 20 - 25 min then I stretch a bit
Sometimes I do it twice a day.

I jelq with about 50 - 65 % erection I use just one hand to jelq the other is holding back at the base. I jelq slowly
About 3 seconds, I feel a good pressure and strectch.

I think it’s very important to warm up and especially to jelq slowly so the tissue have time to expand. If you do it to fast
It’s like a ballon full of air if you squse it real fast it will explode, if you squse it slowly between your hands it will have time
To expand between your hands if you know what I meen.

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