Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I have reached my goals

I have reached my goals

We measured today and I am very happy to state that my goals have been reached. My wife says no more girth or length, but I say, we will see.

My goal was to get to 5.5 EG and 7.5 EBPL, well my girth as of today is 5.6 and my EBPL is at 7.5, when I had started last December My girth was just under 5.0 and my EBPL was about 6.8, I can never remember the exact length but it was about in that area. I will continue to PE cause just because we have meet our goal, this does not in no way mean my gains are cemented. If I can get my girth to 5.75, this may cement my gain to 5.5 and the same for length.

I must say that we had planned on reaching this goal at the beginning of September but didn’t meet it.

I hope you can take my word for this cause I will not post any pictures. I wouldn’t want something like that to get out and ruin my career. I just won’t do it.

We do want to thank you all for all you good advice and a special thanks to the man THUNDER!

:cheerlead Congratulations on reaching your goals tnt. All the hard work has finally paid off, good job. :thumbs:

Awesome job! Now make sure you cement those gains.

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

Congratulations on your success. A success story is motivational for those of us just starting out to keep going.

Thanks guys!

I think I found something that works for me and I stumbled on it by accident that I think did the trick for me, but not sure. I had taken a 2 week break from PE and then came back for another Month and a half. During my come back, my wife and I had noticed how enormous (to us) my dick would get during our clamping sessions. One day during clamping, my girth was 6.25. It was huge (to us), it has only reached 5.8, 5.9. That night my penis itched so I got up to look at it and there were 7 red dots. I took another 2 weeks off so that they could clear up, but they ended up turning white. I started PE again and in the second week of resuming my clamped penis reached 6.25 again while on my first set. I released for a 5 min break and started the second set while being edged by my wife. It reached 6.25 again and did so, on the third as well and stays thick for a couple of hours. Up to this day, it still reaches 6.25 while clamped and I haven’t gotten any more red dots. I am going to take another 2 week break in approximately 2 weeks and come back again for another month and half to see if this is infact doing it for me.

These gains remind me of the fast gains I was getting as a newbie. During the first 2 weeks I was off, my wife and I became bored, because this is a regular routine for us, so we started taking long walks. I must say though, clamping is an addiction. I love the feeling of the force and it is more so with the second clamp. My Wife has told me that 5.5 is all she can take, but never said any thing about the 7.5 length. I want to try for 8 and I’m leaning to go for 6 as well. When I reached 5.25, my wife had told me that was all she could take, and she took it well and is now taking 5.6.

Do you guys have any advice on how to cement these gains? Or do you think the 2 week break may be doing it for me. I will know for sure after I take my 3rd 2 week break. I just hope I don’t get disappointed.

Get your goal less than a year? I admire you..CONGRATULATION

Well done TNT. Your targets (now reached) are my own so it is especially inspiring.

Now I am curious… how can posting pictures of your dick ruin your career? Do you do a job that people will recognise your dick (“hey guys come here and have a look at this great-big dick picture.. I’m sure it’s Harry from accounting”)

Seriously though, I like the sound of your PE breaks to break plateaus. That is where I am at the moment having gone from roughly 6 1/2” x 4 1/2” up to my current 7” x 5” but I have been stuck there for the past 2 months so a de-conditioning break could be just the ticket.

Once again; brilliant stuff TNT. Your a legend in my book.


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I also think TNT it is quite special that your wife is so supportive and indeed enthusiastic with your PE efforts. it sounds very much like your dick-building has been a team effort.

- well done too Mrs TNT


“Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship”
- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

Congratulations from Wally, too. Wally is very pleased to hear about your success!

You rock, brother. Just keep on cementing now. And maybe your wife will appreciate the temporary gains from cementing, too ;)

Et... la nuit se continue. C\'est vrai. Elle est complètement dechirée - ma tête.

Congratulations TNT!!

Short-Term Goal: 10.25" BPEL

"Take it Slow and Watch it Grow"

Long-Term Goal: To Be Decided

Well done, it’s good to see these rare posts of reached gains.

Congratulation TNT. I know how good it feels to reach a goal. You and I actually have achieved the same measurements, but I’ve reached this size multiple times. I’m still trying to get it to stick. Like you I’m hoping aiming for a high goal will cement a lower one. I’ve always believed in deconditioning breaks too.

Your routine seems a lot better then my typical month long sabbaticals. I wanted to ask if you go straight back into clamping after your DC break. I typically do the newbie routine after I come back from a break. And since I’m in the whole asking a vet advice mood, do you have any tips on getting better expansion. I’ve never gotten over 6 inches. I’ve heard advice about claming as hard as humanely possible. I’ve heard people say they do before they get erections and others that doe it after. The only way I’ve managed expansion is starting with 50% erection and a very barely noticeable clamp. I edge and get it more engorged and clamp down some more. I usually have to stop this pattern once I reach 5.8 because any harder clamp will weaken my erection. Once I do get that 5.8 I just keep edging till my ten minutes is up. Of course my little Willie is usually too tired to go another round. I take it as a sign that I’m doing something wrong, I just don’t know what.

I would be grateful for any advice. You’re obviously a man that figured out what worked for him. Again, congratulations, especially regarding having your little woman as your PE partner. Its not a claim many of us lone wolf type PEers can make.

Originally Posted by tntjockey

….we have meet our goal…..

……we had planned on reaching this goal at the beginning of September …

……We do want to thank you all …….

Congratulations tnt! I like the way you use ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. It sounds like there is a great understanding and relationship between you and your wife. You are lucky!

Horny Bastard

I would really appreciate it if you could give a basic description of what your regiments have been. Like, how long you did newbie program, what you did after that, etc. Just kind of a summary.


:clap: :clap: :clap:


sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

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