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Insecurities of a small penis

Insecurities of a small penis

I have been doing PE for about 7 months now and love the changes that have occurred (veins and all). I do not miss my infantile penis and remember all the insecurities that went along with it. I can now say PE is for real, but I had my doubts at first.

My starting size was 5.75 BPEL x 4.5 EG, but what I hated the most was when my dick was flaccid. It would sometimes shrink to look like an acorn. I have gained over an inch in length and 1/2 inch in girth. The best thing is I no longer am ashamed when I am flaccid. I have put on at least 2 inches on average in that department.

Here are some of the fears that were associated with my former dick. I would like to see what others went through.

-hated peeing in public.
-put on underwear after sex because the shrinkage was embarrassing.
-didn’t want a women to touch me when I was flaccid
-hated skinny dipping (would make sure I had some excitement first)
-hated having to see a doctor if clothes were to be taken off
-feared death because I felt they all would laugh in the morgue (ha ha)
-of course, public showering was out.
-hated to hear talk about “size matters”
-the list go on but I will stop here

All this has changed now, but I will not be completely satisfied until I reach the classic goal of 8X6. One thing is I have a lot more confidence with my self now and I laugh at some of my old fears.

Finally, I really appreciate Thunder’s Place for all the good advice and support.


I understand completely. I’m only 18 and with absolutely no sexual experience whatsoever, but I had many of your insecurities as well. I think PE has a lot to do with it, as well as the fact that I accept myself as someone simply trying to get better.

I think maybe having a smaller penis stunted my social growth with the ladies. I’m working to change it.

It would be nice to lose the virginity with an 8x6 well-conditioned erection, but I’m at the point where that old “PE first, Life later” attitude just won’t cut it.

Congrats on the gains, man. Cheers.


You are lucky to have discovered PE at your age. I wish I did! You have plenty of time to lose your virginity and you can be proud of your cock when you do.



I thought I was the only one who thought of being laughed at in the morgue. Thanks for sharing that one with me, I know I’m not alone and I know that PE works and instead when Im dead they will be aghast at my size in the morge! I have had the other thoughts you mentioned too. I was almost the same size 14 months ago. Amazing what shit you can gain in just over a year. I’m around 6.5x4.9 now. Skinny dipping was always a pain in the ass but now I strip at almost any opportunity and waggle my flaccid when I can.


<<I think maybe having a smaller penis stunted my social growth with the ladies. I’m working to change it>>

Tenzig, I know it did with me because before I was afraid to whip it out and I used to not get hard when making out because I was nervous my hard on would not be big enough. I let a lot of sexual opportunities go to the point that people even thought I was gay. The younger the better. Take advantage of it and start using your tool.


Hi I have a small dick. At best my dick reaches 5 inches erect, but it can be as low as 4.75” at times. Girth is small as well at 4.5”. Because of my small size sex with any girl is out of the question. Ive had to pass up numerous one night stands basically because I am ashamed of my size. I cannot bare the thought of a girl wipping out my little cock from my pants and looking shocked.

Ive been involved in PE for roughly 6 months however i struggle to keep motivated and stick on schedule. I havent gained anything, thats the reason why i cant keep motivated. Having a small dick is enough to ruin anyones confidence and i just wish one day i could wake up with a normal 6” cock and be happy.

I gotta admit I smiled about the morgue bit. Yeah, when I was younger I remember worrying about that. Geeez. The crap we put ourselves through.

Let me ask you this: Have you ever fluffed yourself before seeing the doctor? That’s when I realized I had gone over the edge. Good God.


I thank God that I found it at 18, since it easily could have slipped by me and been lost for years or for life. So, again, thanks to Thunder’s and all you beautiful souls.

Another hang-up. I actually am afraid to drink, because if I get drunk and whip it out and run down the halls with it out, that’ll be it for me with the ladies. At least that’s what my twisted mind has come to believe.

I’m not that big on drinking anyway. At the very least, I save money on beer, which can go into herbs and arginine. At least that’s what my twisted mind has come to believe.

Xristo, some people take longer to gain then others, Your time will come, Everyones does.

P.S. You might want to change up your routine… I hear :D there is going to be an experiment out there with some long term routines, you might want to look into those. I hear :D they should be out by next week.

TGC Theory | Who Says The Penis Isn't a Muscle?

"To leave the world a better place, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived is to succeed." - Emerson

Originally posted by craig68
Let me ask you this: Have you ever fluffed yourself before seeing the doctor? That's when I realized I had gone over the edge. Good God.



Hell yes I did all I could to stay “fluffed up” for doctors, girlfriends, and even my ex-wife. It didn’t alway work for the doctors.

I remember in college I was sleeping around a lot and decided to go get a VD check. So before my exam I went into the restroom to get it up a bit. I did but when I got into the exam room the doc didn’t show up for a while and the turtle got nervous and pulled into his shell.

Oh shit, the doc showed up and it was a woman. I had to whip out the pee shooter for her and God, I could have died. That was the first time anyone had seen it so small. Fuck, I was sure I was the laughing stock in the back rooms. My test came back negative and I always regretted I went. I was taking some sex ed class at the time and it made me worry. My dick wasn’t that small when erect (though I always wished I was at least 6”), but damn it, I was a grower not a shower.


Hey Ophio,

what’s your routine? Info would be nice!



I feel for you brother!
DONT give up. I also started at 5” erect. Im now at 6.5” bpel. This stuff does work. Just be patient and persistent.

Why don’t you post your routine so some of the vets can take a look and maybe give you some advise?
My gains were made on a routine that is really quite light. Maybe your overdoing it?
Whatever happens, don’t give up.

The feeling you get when you see your first gains are great.
The feeling you get when your wife notices your gains and wont leave you alone are indescribable.
BTW, Im in Sydney


I started the first 5 months of PE in July (2003) using the Penimaster and was jelqing and doing Ulis twice a day. Now (since Dec 2003) I use the Bib Hanger 5 days a week (3 sets at 15 min). I continue to jelq and do Ulis.

Good luck and don’t you have any stories to tell us about your small penis fears or maybe you are starting out blessed. What are your starting stats?


Insecurity lack of confidence, this is what i went through before PE 2 years ago.
I was lucky to discover PE and gave it a try.
I did a very consistent workout for almost a year now and the gains came.
Don’t give up guys!


Start : 4.45"X4.15" NBP (Feb 2002) Today : 6.70"X5.00" NBP 7.10"X5.00" BPEL Goal : 7.00"X5.32" NBP

>>>I have been doing PE for about 7 months now and love the changes that have occurred…

>>>My starting size was 5.75 BPEL x…. I have gained over an inch in length…

Took me about 8 months to see similar results.

The other night i looked at my hard penis and for the first time i was impressed. It no longer looks blunted and short. One inch erect really makes a difference… still trying for more tho… and looking forward to even more.

Thanks Thunder’s!

Start April, 2003: 5.75" BPEL, 5.25" Girth Current: 7.125" BPEL, 5.5"+ Girth still trying...

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