Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Is It In Yet????

Originally Posted by newyorktexan
Anyway, all of us here will probably continue to compare, to the extent we can, but really only lovers count, and have the best perspectives.

I wonder if some of my bad sex experiences would have been better if I had done PE at that time.
I suspect that the girls lost real interest after checking my unit and then we went on with some boring sex.
When I was young I had an 9’ 6’ friend who had countless dates.
How I wanted to be like him.
I ask myself how an ugly girl feels when she sees a beauty.

This is a strange world, but with PE its a lot better.

started around 15cm BPEL/BPFSL in 2021

now: around 8/6

target: grow in all directions

Originally Posted by Jhenley2
In the middle of a nasty fight “Btw Tom had a really big penis. Such a big dick. MAN that was a big cock! And yes, it was a lot bigger than yours. And it was awesome.” (I’m not that small, so this dude must have had a pretty big cock)

Bro I had an EX message me about a day after we split, only to say “BTW your dick isnt that huge”. I just said “funny you would say that after the 100s of times weve had to stop mid session because you were to sore”.

Never got a response, except for a week later when she called me to come over to her place to hook up because she missed “feeling me”.

We ALL say mean shit when were pissed at someone. Men, women, children and everyone alike. Most women just know that if they throw shade towards about some dudes junk it will probably sting. Chances are its almost always bullshit, because again thats what people do when they are pissed.

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

I agree. Was the most below the belt hit I think I’ve taken! However, she did just find out that had sex with her friend a while before we met so she was definitely pissed. It was definitely an obstacle in our relationship to work past. She’s apologized and came back to say it wasn’t awesome and he sucked in bed, And she feels bad for that so that’s something I guess.

Originally Posted by oMooseknuckle
Bro I had an EX message me about a day after we split, only to say “BTW your dick isnt that huge”. I just said “funny you would say that after the 100s of times weve had to stop mid session because you were to sore”.

Never got a response, except for a week later when she called me to come over to her place to hook up because she missed “feeling me”.

We ALL say mean shit when were pissed at someone. Men, women, children and everyone alike. Most women just know that if they throw shade towards about some dudes junk it will probably sting. Chances are its almost always bullshit, because again thats what people do when they are pissed.

Absolutely hilarious. Did you go back to her place?

Where are the Pesos? There are no Mexican Pesos!!

-Steve Schmidt-

Originally Posted by equity4tt
Absolutely hilarious. Did you go back to her place?

Nah bro, I was on to new and brighter things the day after we fell out, just told her she needed to move on cuz it wasnt happening

"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

Originally Posted by oMooseknuckle

Nah bro, I was on to new and brighter things the day after we fell out, just told her she needed to move on cuz it wasnt happening

Nice. Nothing like making them regret the words they didn’t mean in the first place.

Where are the Pesos? There are no Mexican Pesos!!

-Steve Schmidt-

Originally Posted by equity4tt
Nice. Nothing like making them regret the words they didn’t mean in the first place.

I will say, if it wasnt for her reaching out that night begging to hook up. Her comment would have probably stuck with me a bit, as much as I would try to not let it. Thankfully she slipped up, and now its just a laughable moment rather than creating some deep insucurity.

My Dick: 1
My EX: 0


"Pain is temporary, pride is forever."

I’ve had an ex say my dick wasn’t big before too.. and it was completely random, like nothing even brought it on. This girl couldn’t even get over my glans for a blowjob and she had the nerve to talk shit lol.

I literally laughed.


8.5 BPEL

7.25 EG


Originally Posted by SmokeSwirl
I never had a “is it in?” moment ( although, oddly enough, with the second girl I ever had sex with I asked if she was on.. Heh heh loose non-kegeling bitch!) Anyways, I made the mistake of popping steroids and andro for sports and my 7in. Shrunk to 5 in. NBPEL. As of now I’m still only 6.75 BPEL, got a ways to go to recover.

Yeah, roids, what a totally bad experience side-effect-wise, didn’t even do anything for me and I was told that I went from a high school model-type to a war torn veteran in the space of a year.

I know this post was 17 years ago and the person probably doesn’t come here anymore, but just so everyone else doesn’t get some false views from him: steroids absolutely can not shrink your dick. No idea what this guy was on about but he caused it with something else, probably by increasing his fat pad.

I also was wondering if that is possible.

But the opposite could be possible. As a teen in school I had two mates
who got steroids or something because that looked a bit feminin.
And they got the biggest units I ever saw in real live.

started around 15cm BPEL/BPFSL in 2021

now: around 8/6

target: grow in all directions

Only my first wife whom I was her first and only never asked if it was in and neither did I. I honestly have gave up on sex,I’m 7.1 BPEL but only 4.3 EG and I just don’t feel sex with women who have been around any at all. I tell you what it truly is a buzz kill to here “is it in”.

I’ve only been with two women, and my current lady can’t get enough of me. So I’m pretty happy. But she did tell me a story of something that happened to her. Her ex-husband was a serial cheater. So one day she decided to “return the favor”. There was this one guy that was always boasting about his size and kept telling her that she needed to be with a real man. As I understand it, her ex is a little on the small side, but this man kept boasting and boasting. She isn’t the type of woman that cheats, but she just had enough of her ex and worked up the guts to try it. But when the guy pulled don his pants she started laughing and couldn’t stop. She said she felt really sorry about it afterward because she really hurt his feelings. Apparently, she laughed so hard and for so long that the man ended up crying and running out the door. I asked her how big he was, and by her demonstration, I think he was about 5.5 to 6 inches long. So not on the small scale. But the way he boasted, she was expecting way more. So also be careful about the boasting guys. It can really backfire.

Stats 7/7/2017- 8.2 BPEL 5.3 MSEG

Picture thread- Some pictures for inspiration.

When I was twenty I was dating a narcissist with BPD and a very sadistic personality. She used her experiences with her exes against me to stir up jealousy. She took sick pleasure in hurting my feelings and poking at any insecurities she could find. For example, she had had a really passionate relationship with one of her exes and she’d talk about missing him all the time.

One of her exes had a huge dick. I read about it on her blog. He mentioned it himself on his own social media, and people knew him as a guy with a huge dick. After they broke up, she still hooked up with him. She loved his dick almost as much as she loved torturing me with jealousy about it.

She also made fun of one of her other exes for having a small dick. Dick size was often on her mind.

I was average at the time. I had looked up PE years before, but with my two girlfriends prior to her, my size was a total non-issue. I was quite confident. I had tried jelqing for a bit to experiment when I was in high school, saw that it worked, but didn’t see any point in continuing.

The first time I had sex with the narcissist, my sexual confidence collapsed. She claimed to have an STD and so didn’t want oral sex, so I wasn’t able to get us in the mood. When I entered her, it was wildly loose. She made almost no reaction. The sex was terrible for both of us. I was a total emotional wreck after that.

I immediately began jelqing again. Then I found Thunder’s and starting hanging. Tried pumping. Lots of experimentation, and it totally worked.

Before I left the narcissist, she commented that it felt like I was getting longer. I told her that I was using methods to grow it. Haha.

These days I’m very confident in my sexuality. Having a big dick helps. Knowledge of human sexuality helps. Knowledge of psychology helps. Knowledge of sexual techniques helps. Being in touch with myself spiritually helps.

Now I’m with a stunning woman with a heart of gold and a brilliant mind. I’m sure she’s had bigger in the past, but it doesn’t bother me because we both know I’m her sexual best, by far.


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