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Jelqing frequency and amount correlation

Jelqing frequency and amount correlation

Ok guys, I would like to do some data mining so I’m hoping people are willing to help out.

This goes out to all of you who have made gains just by jelqing (clamping and stretching is allowed too, but nothing like hanging or pumping).

I would like to know the following:

A) How many jelques did you do per session (if you ever increased the amount, make note of it)
B) How often you did it per week
C) What you’re gains we’re over the entire period of your jelqing

I realize that I can probably harvest this from the PE Data site but there are a lot of people who don’t post their info there, plus I want to get some live feedback from people who have had success with just manual exercises.


I make 600 jelq by session and 5 time a week.

My gain is 1 inch in lengh and 0,25 inch in thickness. And you?

How long have you been doing that routine?

Nobody on this forum just does manual exercises? Come on guys.

Rubbing Alcohol,

I can only give you time—not number of jelqing strokes because I stopped counting strokes after a week or two. But I have done only manual exercises since I started PE 16 months ago. I’ll describe my first four to five months of PE.

I started jelqing at a quarter hour a day, with no off days, then increased it to a half hour a day, with no breaks. This was after a week or two.

By the end of the first month I was jelqing 45 minutes to 1 hour a day, which I continued throughout the second month.

I added stretches to my jelqing routine in the third month, a quarter hour to a half hour, for a total of 1 and one half to two hours a day.

I continued this routine throughout the third, fourth and into the fifth month. I never took a day off during that period.

Why so intense? I measured frequently and found I gained throughout the first month—almost an inch in length.

I made no gains the second month, as predicted by most pe literature I had read, but went on faith that I would gain more sooner or later, and about the second week of my third month, after I had added the stretches, I started gaining again, which continued for the rest of the third month and throughout most of the fourth month.

By the beginning of the fifth month, I had gained a total of 2.5” BPEL and 1” in EG, except at the base, where I gained 1.5” in girth. My flaccid gains were even more impressive, from 4.5” to 7”. (In the warm weather, and if I’m doing my jelqing routine regularly, I hang closer to 8”).

During this period I also lost 19 pounds,dropping from 194 lbs to 175 lbs. My old morning woodies returned during this time and my erections grew to almost 11:00 o’clock, something I hadn’t experienced in at least 30 years. I felt better than I had felt in many, many years.

BTW, none of these gains can be attributed to regaining lost penile length or girth due to the aging process since I had been the same dimensions since puberty. But I’m sure the weight loss contributed some.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg


Thanks a lot for that info HH, it’s very helpful.

I have gained .75” erect length and .3” girth in 3 months by only stretching, jelqing, and the odd squeeze exercise. I’ve never exercised for more than 15 minutes total and usually only take 1, sometimes 2 days off a week. The only thing I do “differently” is concentrate on length and girth separately, and vary the intensity over the week.


I jelqed 500-600 reps, 5 days per week for about 2.5 months. I worked up to this gradually over the course of the first month. I also did some manual stretches—about 5-10 minutes per day. I went from 6.5” BPEL to 7.0” BPEL, and from 5.1” EG to 5.8” EG during this time.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

I generally only jelq and do manual stretches.I started out just jelqing 15-20 minutes per day, at least 5 days per week.Went from a starting size of 6.25” bpel to 7.5-7.75” bpel, depending on strength of erection.didn’t measure starting girth, but gained quite a bit there, too, up to 6” eg.this happened over a period of about 1.5 years.then I took 2.5 years off because my gf asked me not to get any bigger.didn’t lose anything during that time, but took hgh for the last 14 mos of my break, so that may account for the lack of retraction.have just started up again in Dec. 2004 with jelqs, now up to 20 minutes per session and manual stretches combined with the pc exercise for 15-20 minutes, 5 days a week.I split the jelqs and the stretches up, jelqing at night and stretching during the day.thinking of adding some vacuum pumping to the mix soon.haven’t measured since my return, but I look fuller and slightly longer, both erect and flaccid.

To add to his question, I always get confused on how “hard/plump” your suppose to be when dry or wet jelqing.

Should it be enough that when you squeeze at the base to move forward, there is a nice “squishy feeling”, or should there be some decent tension in the shaft when applying pressure?

Originally Posted by rubbingalcohol

please don’t bump your thread this way you can ask a question or add a statement to move it back up, thanks

I go by time I don’t count at all. Right now my routine consist of jelqing and squeezes and a clamp routine for about a half hour a day 5 days a week.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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