Thunder's Place

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Lig stretch?

Lig stretch?

Okay, I am wondering if this exercise would provide a sufficient stretch on the ligs to produce gains. Basically, what you do is get a full erection and then by pushing on the glans with the palm of your hand you slowly push the erection down until the penis is vertical between your legs. You then hold it there for maybe say 10 seconds all the while maintaining a full erection with maybe some kegeling. Finally, you slowly let erection go back to its normal position. I am not sure about reps or sets, but most importantly I would like to see if this is actually significantly stretching the ligs. So, if you could try it or just think about it and let me know what you come up with I would really appreciate it. Thanks.

You’ll probably get more stretch to the ligaments with downward manual stretches or hanging when flaccid than by doing this. Because the corpora cavernosum (CC) are rigid when filled with blood during an erection, they can limit the extent to which the penis can be bent. You may think that doing erect maneuvers like this are pulling on the ligs, but the resistance you’re really feeling is the bending of the stiff corpora. Remember that part of the CC are inside the body under the pubic bone and too much stress or too rapid a movement to change the penile angle can result in a fractured penis .

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