Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Mem's Momentous Rapid Gain Mechanism

For those who have gained from this routine…

1) Did you work your way up to the 20 mins of stretching? If so, how fast did you increase the time?
2) Did you only do only stretch in the morning, or did you also do another session in the afternoon?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by mgus

Well, Mem’s canister was a few inches in diameter - I’d say something wide yet narrow, like a can of tuna.

How about a powder canister which measures 2.5 inches in diamter and 6 inches in lenght?

Elegant and practicle.


I may be the oldest (or one of) still active member of this board . Over the years I have read and reviewed many ideas and concepts some of which have merit, and some are very impractical and dangerous. Your routine is arguably the best I have seen- it is simple, elegant, efficient, and practical.

The evolution and growth curve of PE concepts is like any significant discovery and reminds me somewhat, thought the subject matter is drastically different, of the inventor of the 18th century maritime clock that enabled the determination of longitude through the use of a very accurate and PRACTICLE clock.

The thorniest scientific problem of the eighteenth century was how to determine longitude. Many thousands of lives had been lost at sea over the centuries due to the inability to determine an east-west position. This is the engrossing story of the clockmaker, John “Longitude” Harrison, who solved the problem that Newton and Galileo had failed to conquer. His series of clocks can be viewed at the naval museum at Greenwich.

My congratulations on a great idea!


Alchemy of PE

Grip Question:

For the V-stretch, where do you grip on the penis? I mean, it seems that the ideal spot would be below the head to get the maximal amount of penile area expanded on the cylinder. But I am always a little worried about gripping right at the head, and I like gripping half an inch to an inch behind the head. Memento, or anyone else, what are your opinions on this for the V-Stretch specified here?

Start: 6.6bp x 4.875eg, 2006: 7.2bp x 5.00eg (5.5 base), 2009: 7.6bp x 5.25eg (6.0 base)

28876 28885

Originally Posted by kramer16
How about a powder canister which measures 2.5 inches in diamter and 6 inches in lenght?

You should be fine. The diameter bears far greater importance than the length. I believe mem chose the canister he did because it fits comfortably between his legs and he can push it up against his scrotum without too much trouble. With a 6 inch long canister you might run into a bit of trouble in that regard.


When it comes to stretching, albeit upward stretches or inverted v’s, how hard do you pull or force the stretch?

I mean, I know you gradually increase the tension - you said that you ease into it. But how long does it take you from going from zero force to your max force of pulling/stretching?

Also, when you stretch, what is the hardest amount of force that you get up to (on a scale of 1 to 10 - 10 being the most force possible)?

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Is memento...

…still there???

We need some answers please! Dry or wet jelq??

Im starting with this next week. :D

We need one of the PE gods…er…Thunder to summon him.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

So Mem stuck with this routine for months and got gains the whole time without changing things up every now and then?

I think you are supposed to work your way up to these levels/times.

Mem said “months”.

After that, I’d decon then start over (if it’s working that is).

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

~Oscar Wilde~

Originally Posted by Antistar

You should be fine. The diameter bears far greater importance than the length. I believe mem chose the canister he did because it fits comfortably between his legs and he can push it up against his scrotum without too much trouble. With a 6 inch long canister you might run into a bit of trouble in that regard.

Or how about a different variety like the inverted V A stretch using only the arm as the canister?

The beauty of the canister as support is that you can grip your head/shaft with both hands, one over the other, and damn near lock off your grip, then “fold” your shaft as you pull it downwards over over the canister. This gives you great control and good leverage - the determining factor of the stretch will in effect be the grip of your fingers, because you can literally heave your upper body onto your straight arms as you lean forward. Very controlled, very forcefully.

If you start messing around with your arm to do an A stretch, you can never get that kind of grip, force or control. At least not for the time span you need.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mgus
The beauty of the canister as support is that you can grip your head/shaft with both hands, one over the other, and damn near lock off your grip, then “fold” your shaft as you pull it downwards over over the canister. This gives you great control and good leverage - the determining factor of the stretch will in effect be the grip of your fingers, because you can literally heave your upper body onto your straight arms as you lean forward. Very controlled, very forcefully.

If you start messing around with your arm to do an A stretch, you can never get that kind of grip, force or control. At least not for the time span you need.

So where do I exactly put the canister when inverted v-stretching? In between my thighs near my balls? Or just place it above my thighs?

I sit down on edge of the toilet seat - lid down - lift up my shaft, tuck the canister (lying down) in against the base under my shaft, nudge my balls out of the way, and then pull out and up, and “fold” my shaft while pulling it down over the rounded canister, until it is pointing 45-60 degrees downwards from horizontal, then I lock my elbows and lean in for force. This makes the canister roll in even tighter against my base. You need to find the correct distance from the edge of the seat - too far in and you don’t get pull, too far out and the canister falls off the seat.

Make sure your wrists aren’t bent 90 degrees, so that your palms are 90 degrees to your arms - this places a lot of strain on your wrists and you can even damage nerves by doing this excessively (all right, maybe not from PE, but those who paddle kayaks and and push with their wrists 90 degrees are likely to wind up with problems). My wrists hurt if I don’t watch it. I usually use the one hand to lock off the grip of the other.

I use a pill bottle for Omega3 capsules - only thing big enough without being to long I could find, and it’s made of plastic.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains


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