Thunder's Place

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New Jelq City!

New Jelq City!

Jelqing is the basis of manual PE. Anyone who’s spent any time at all on this forum should know what jelqing is, even if they haven’t tried it. The basic jelq is very simple—deceptively simple. Grasp the penis in an OK grip at the base and “milk” the shaft by stroking with a firm grip up toward the glans to move blood around and stretch/expand the penis. At the end of the stroke, grasp the base with the other hand and repeat.

But how hard do you grip? How erect should you be? What does a good jelq feel like? How do you know when you’ve jelqed enough vs. too much? How and why does the function of the jelq change at different erection levels? Wet jelqs vs. dry jelqs?

I would like to hear from experienced jelqers on this subject. I’d also like to hear about variations on the basic jelq, what has worked and what hasn’t.

Here are some of my experiences and observations:

Most guys seem to be interested in gaining some length as a top priority. It’s well known that you should target length before going for girth. In my experience, it is true that it can be harder to gain length the more girth you have. So target girth only after getting close to you length goals. (There is a good chance you’ll get some extra girth by doing length-focused exercises anyway.)

“Flaccid” Jelqing, or “the Jelq Stretch”

As far as jelqing for length, my feeling is that most guys are jelqing at an erection level that is too high. What I’m about to say flies in the face of received wisdom. Most instructions for jelqing say 40-50% is the minimum erection level one should jelq at. The videos also show jelqing at 50-70% erection level. I consider this erect jelqing. For me, this jelq is only useful for maintenance. The unit is too hard (rigid) to target length, and not hard enough to really target girth adequately. It is possible that this is only applicable to guys with thicker girth (say 5+), but it is certainly true for me.

The reason it is generally advised not to jelq below 40% e level is the dreaded “baseball bat effect.” This is not an issue for me, since my unit is shaped like a missile and it would take an inch in girth for my upper shaft and glans to match my mid shaft girth. Also, I have seen no evidence of someone who’s got the baseball bat effect from jelqing, and even it is true, I would imagine that targeted girth work like clamping could even out the unit. Also, the way I do it, the pressure of the grip is adjusted throughout the stroke so that there is never enough pressure on the glans and upper shaft to qualify as a girth exercise.

For length, I jelq straight down (SD) at an erection no higher than 20-30%. There should be no rigidity in the unit whatsoever—basically what you want is a “softie”—a unit that looks like a good flaccid hang, but not semi-erect. I do wet jelqs. I use an overhand OK grip, grasp firmly at the base and pull SD. At the beginning of the stroke, there is a strong pull on the ligs/base. About halfway down, the blood in the unit will be expanding the upper shaft and glans. The grip is adjusted so there’s not too much pressure as the stroke is completed and a little back flow is allowed as the opposite hand forms an OK grip at the base for the next stroke.

At the end of the stroke, I stop just behind the glans and hold a stretch in this position, then turn my hand out so that the glans is forming the foot of an L before releasing for the next stroke. Strokes are slow, between five and ten seconds.

How it feels:

Behind the stroke, the tunica and ligs feel like they are being stretched. (I get occasional lig pops doing this.) After the midstroke point, the lower shaft and ligs continue to be stretched while the upper shaft and glans feel mildly expanded. I have to be careful to allow enough back flow that the glans is not too expanded for the final stretch/tug at the end and the grip can be firm enough to really get a good stretch.

I will often pause at various stages of the stroke (1/4 up, 1/2 up, and 3/4 up) and kegel for ten seconds then release and continue. I bend the unit into an L shape as described above and focus on the stretch. When you kegel like this, you are stretching against the tug-back, and when you release you can feel your unit relaxing into the stretch.

Controlling erection level:

With this variation, there is really not a concern with having too low of an erection level. If I’m 100% flaccid (0% erection), which is only very rarely at the very beginning of a session, a few light strokes will give me enough blood to work with, or I can just do SD stretches. 5% e level is enough blood to work with.

If the e level gets above 25%, I grip firmly at the base, do a half stroke, then do a Uli type squeeze while pulling up to get a kind of inverted V stretch with blood trapped in the upper shaft. Or else I push staight down and rotate my hand to get the L shape. Sometime I’ll rotate the unit in a helicopter motion while holding the squeze. After about a minute e level comes back down to manageable levels. Once e level is back down I’ll focus on just stretching to allow the unit to calm down and stay in exercise mode before continuing with the jelqing. Also, if the jelq strokes are starting to cause too much stimulation, I will focuse on pausing at the various stages of the stroke and feeling the stretch without friction, as mentioned above.

O-bend type exercises are also good for bringing e level down. These “Ulis,” squeezes and bends are not intense enough, held long enough, or repeated enough to target girth—they’re just a means of managing e levels while keeping blood moving in the unit.

I think this approach might be the key to gaining length from jelqing, at least for some people. :shrug:

Last edited by cheeva : 08-18-2008 at .

Did I inspire this? Because yesterday you were talking about black-belt jelqing to me. Haha

Thanks For All Your Help

Very nice description and tips, thanks Cheeva!

7.8 x 5.4 (goal by November 1, 2020)

Very well described, Cheeva. I actually used to do something almost identical to this and I believe that it gave me some good gains. One thing that led me away from it was that it is difficult to gage how successful each jelq session was. I found that I didn’t really hang fuller or more plump after doing such low erection jelqs, but like I said, I believe they gave me good gains so now I’m reconsidering adding them to my routine once more.

Cheeva, what indicators have you found are present after a good session of low/no erection level jelqs?

A technique I like to do about every 5th stroke is to use an overhand OK grip, go about half way, then start closing fingers one at a time up towards the head. This is squeezed and held for about 2 seconds and really causes the glans to pop out of your hand and get good engorgement.

Hell Im on board. Its been WAY to long since I have gained! I will let you know my results in a month or two. I am starting out with some thick girth and I am having a hard time gaining length, so I am ready for a fresh approach. How many do you usually do Cheeva? And are they slower jelqs, or faster 2 to 3 second jelqs? Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated!

Hmm, I have been doing them wrong, 70% erection firm grip of the base, move hand up pushing the skin up over my glan as if I was uncircumcised. I never really could master one hand at the top and the other at the base, I will try it at low erection and SD.

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

Originally Posted by carlos11
Did I inspire this? Because yesterday you were talking about black-belt jelqing to me. Haha

Kind of. I’ve been thinking a lot about how I jelq lately and how it’s different from what is normally recommended, and my post to you helped motivate me to write it out in some detail.

Originally Posted by wherezmyname
I found that I didn’t really hang fuller or more plump after doing such low erection jelqs.

You can end the session with standard jelqs if you want a plumper post-routine hang.

Originally Posted by wherezmyname
what indicators have you found are present after a good session of low/no erection level jelqs?

A feeling of mild fatigue in the ligs and/or shaft, but still good EQ.

Originally Posted by dlm4
How many do you usually do Cheeva? And are they slower jelqs, or faster 2 to 3 second jelqs? Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated!

I started doing 100 and worked my way up to 200. Now I just go by time and do it for 30 minutes. These are slow and intense (between five and ten seconds per.) Because there is less blood in the unit, more pressure can be applied without spotting. I could not apply the force I do with these jelq at a higher e level without getting a whole lot of spotting. You will probably have to experiment to get a sense of what the pressure plateau is for you.

To begin, stretch the unit SO with one hand before making the overhand OK grip at the base. Then “cinch” up the base grip by pushing in as much as you can and tighten the grip as much as possible. Now release the hand that is stretching and start the SD jelq. You should feel that you are stretching you ligs and inner penis at this point. About halfway through the stoke you will meet resistance from the blood trapped in the upper penis and glans. Your grip should be so tight that you cannot continue without loosening up a bit and allowing some back flow. This is where practice and trial and error come in, because you want to stay just on this side of spotting, but you will probably overdo it a little at first to find where your threshold is. Also at this point I will cinch up the base with the opposite hand as I continue the stroke. This keeps the skin pulled back while preparing for the next stroke.

Last edited by cheeva : 08-17-2008 at .

I recently bean jelqing at a lower erection level. OK grip or “V” grip. I say around 40-50%.

Uli’s and squeeses and high erection level jelqs are great for girth work.

Slow the jelq down to over 5 seconds is my advice. Keep it in the pleasure zone like Sparky recommends. If you enter the sore zone stop! If you enter the numb zone stop! If you enter the blood out of the end of your cock zone stop! I can careless about morning wood this is not an indicator to me. If you fail to get an erection the next day by stimulus you need to back off your program for few days until EQ is back up.

Keep that grip lite, be hesitant about tightening the grip.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by dlm4
Thanks for the help, it is much appreciated!

I should also mention that when I pause to do the “L” stretches, I will use my other hand to reinforce and apply more pressure—in other words, I’m pushing down with both hands, the second hand placed over the gripping hand. Because there is so little blood in the unit, when you turn the penis to a 90 degree angle the pressure in the upper shaft is not too high, but sufficient to give some resistance. The target is the ligs and tunica of the mid and lower shaft, and you can really apply quite a bit of pressure. I have found no other way to get this kind of intense stretch manually.

With regard to strength of grip, this is a functionally different exercise than standard jelqing, and because there is so little blood in the unit, a much tighter grip can be safely applied for the first half of the stroke.

Wow, great post, Cheeva. Props!

I’ll try the low erection jelqs, although I also like the plump feeling of standard jelqs.

Thank you very much for sharing!

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Cheeva, I just tried your way. It is definately a wet jelq. I found it rather difficult to manuever my hands my flaccid length is around 4 inch about the same as fist. I did it for 10 minutes, I couldn’t keep interest in it much longer, I don’t think I’ll ever get an erection do that . I do see how it could help length tho, I will keep on plugging at it.

Starting BPEL= 6.7 " EG= 6.5"

July 2016 BPEL=7" EG=6.75"

Goal NBPEL=8" x EG=7"

Originally Posted by TheBigLurk

Cheeva, I just tried your way. It is definately a wet jelq. I found it rather difficult to manuever my hands my flaccid length is around 4 inch about the same as fist. I did it for 10 minutes, I couldn’t keep interest in it much longer, I don’t think I’ll ever get an erection do that . I do see how it could help length tho, I will keep on plugging at it.

I’m glad you tried it.:up: But remember, you don’t want an erection for this. Anything above a 100% flaccid is enough to do it. Also, at the end of the stroke you should be at your FSL. Think of it as SD stretching where you are starting the stretch from the very base and slowly working your way down to a standard SD stretch. You also don’t need to position the opposite hand before the end of the stretch if it’s too distracting. But do try and time it so you are at least gripping with the opposite hand just as you release from the previous stretch. Good luck, and I hope you find some success with this.

What is an ” L” Stretch?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Originally Posted by kingpole
What is an ” L” Stretch?

Start with a good fluffy flaccid. Grip the base with an overhand OK grip. Use lube. Stroke slowly straight down with a very firm grip. When you start to feel resistance from the blood in the upper shaft, stop the SD stroke and turn the gripping hand parallel to the floor. The lower shaft will now be pointed straight down, while the upper shaft and glans is horizontal. The unit will now be in an “L” shape. This allows intense pressure to be applies to the ligs and lower shaft without putting undue strain on the upper shaft and glans. It takes practice to know how engorged the upper shaft/glans can be without causing spotting, which is why a little lessening of the grip may be required to allow some back flow before doing the “L” stretch.

You can also finish the jelq stroke in the “L” position without pausing.

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