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PGE1 erection versus clamp erection


PGE1 erection versus clamp erection

Could anyone explain what exactly the difference between an artificially hard erection such as that induced with PGE1, and a clamped erection in terms of physiology or physics or whatever?

In the patent description and practice of the people doing chemical PE, they are inducing very hard erections for 2 hours and that’s basically the primary thing of it that is supposed to induce growth.

In clamping, however, the practice is to only keep the clamped erection going for 10-15 minutes at a time, the reason being that any more would be dangerous and suffocate penis cells.

Could someone explain why oxygen deprivation is an issue with clamping whereas it is not for 2 hour PGE1 erections? My concept of how erections work is basically just that you are erect when the blood pressure is high in your penis due to more blood wanting to come in than being able to go out. I don’t understand how a 2 hour super hard PGE1 erection could be safe when only 10-15 minutes is safe with other methods which appear to me to be doing fundamentally the same thing only through different mechanism.

I don’t know what PGE1 is but would the difference be that the chemical method keeps an even, if vastly inflated flow of blood to and from the penis and the clamp physically restricts a proportion of blood in the clamped off penis, therefore deoxygenating it. :-k

"Drilla Knows Ass" - Para-Goomba

Starter Pics/Clamping Pics

Chemical erection leaves the CS soft, with the CC’s hard, so you get oxygen flow through the CS. This allows you to keep the erection for hours, which you couldn’t do with a clamp.

The PGE-1 has a whole host of other effects on collagen, hormones, androgen receptors, C-AMP, etc. that also result in gains. I’d expand further but my understanding of these mechanisms isn’t complete, and I’d make mistakes.

Is there a physical reason why someone wouldn’t be able to develop a clamp that lets cs stay soft while making the CCs hard?

Originally Posted by vkn1
Is there a physical reason why someone wouldn’t be able to develop a clamp that lets cs stay soft while making the CCs hard?

It’s not a matter of being soft, it’s a matter of bloodflow. There’s a pretty obvious physical reason why you couldn’t clamp off blood flow to the CC without also blocking off blood flow to the CS, but I’m not going to expound upon it…

OK, I will. Such a clamp would have to pierce through the middle of your dick.

Clamping works by cutting the outflow, not inflow itself. If the CC and CS are interconnected, then how does PGE1 cut off outflow from CC more than it does from CS? The illustrations I’ve seen in the past always gave me the idea the CC and CS are independent from one another.

How does brazillionaire know so much about PGE-1 anyway? I thought it was like a substance that was still underdevelopment and wasn’t going to be released until like 2009 or something.

PS: Please hook a brother up with the PGE-1.

Originally Posted by checkoutmywang

How does brazillionaire know so much about PGE-1 anyway?

He’s got a brazillion dollars. With that kind of money, he can get the kind of info he wants when he damn wants it.

Originally Posted by checkoutmywang
How does brazillionaire know so much about PGE-1 anyway? I thought it was like a substance that was still underdevelopment and wasn’t going to be released until like 2009 or something.

PS: Please hook a brother up with the PGE-1.

As far as I know it is already in use for patients with ED

Later - ttt

A pharmaceutically induced erection is just an erection, first quality in the best case and long lasting. A clamped erection, in particular double or triple clamped is much more engorged and clamping therefore induces a girth increase higher than meds. Blood flow while clamped s practically zero since the venous outflow is almost completely obstructed ==> danger for your dick; release clamp every 10 minutes.

I wonder what would be the effect of intermittent clamping while on PGE-1. Experience anyone? Should be pretty effective imo.

Later - ttt

Caverject´s been on the market since 1987 so 20 years. Nothing new there.

Originally Posted by checkoutmywang
How does brazillionaire know so much about PGE-1 anyway? I thought it was like a substance that was still underdevelopment and wasn’t going to be released until like 2009 or something.

I’ll bet you’re thinking of PT-141, also known as Bremelanotide:

http://en.wikip … i/Bremelanotide

According to the Wikipedia article, Phase III clinical trials are supposed to be starting in the first half of 2007, so they should be underway or just about to start. Phase III clinical trials are the final round of clinical trials prior to marketing approval.

The Palatin Technologies web site confirms the timing on the clinical trials: .

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Originally Posted by vkn1
Clamping works by cutting the outflow, not inflow itself. If the CC and CS are interconnected, then how does PGE1 cut off outflow from CC more than it does from CS? The illustrations I’ve seen in the past always gave me the idea the CC and CS are independent from one another.

Alright, so there’s no outflow but inflow still happens… that’s why you end up with an infinite amount of blood in your dick, right? If you really believe what you’re saying, then go clamp for 4 hours in a row and see what happens.

There are 3 separate chambers in your dick: 2 CC chambers and 1 CS. Injecting in 1 CC chamber causes erectile response in both CC chambers and not in the CS. This is well-documented by everyone who injects. It is also documented that this type of erection is non-ischemic and leaves enough oxygen flow to prevent damage. Pubmed papers on megalophallus are the source I have in mind for the second claim, although it has been made in MANY other papers as well which I can’t remember offhand.


If it was indeed PT-141 that you were thinking of, I just found another recent thread here on that:

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For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Prostaglandins are produced naturally in the body, so thinking of it as ever being ‘under development’ is a bit misleading. People just learned how to chemically synthesize the compound, and it was put to clinical use.

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