Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question for Anna or Diamond

Question for Anna or Diamond

I think Anna said in one of her posts that 6.5” was fine but liked 8”. My question is, what difference does 1.5” make? Does it hit a different spot such as the culdesac or what? I know that vaginas come in different sizes and even the smallest can accomodate almost any penis, with enough arousal. It seems to me that in most cases the womens vagina naturally adjusts to the size that is in her, for the most stimulation. Also I beleive it is in the way the women holds herself (the right angle) during intercourse for the type of stimulation she want’s to fill.This is only my opinion, from the knowledge of being married for 14 years.
I guess the reason I am asking is that before I started pe I was 5.5” long x 4.5” girth, and never had any problem bringing my wife to orgasam, usally once in the G-spot and several times vaginally, and somtimes causing some discomfort from what she said was going to deep. When I ask her what hurt or what happened she is not shure she just knows that it did not fill good. The same goes for what does fill good to her, she is not shure of what I am hitting but it just fills good and could be a combination of things (other than direct G-spot stimulation). Talk about complicated!
Now I am 6.25”x 5.75” and not much has changed as far as her reaching orgasms, other than I can go for over an hour somtimes and she will tell me she can’t take it any more, and than ends up having another orgasm. Other times she will not let me go that long because of the girth gains causing her to be rubbed raw, or she can not hold her self at the right angle any longer, and then I will hit something that hurts. I definitely do not have to stop and wipe anymore.
Who am I doing pe for? It must be me. Am I obessed or motivated? She want’s me to stop because she does not think she can handle any more girth. What makes me want to continue? I want length and I get more in girth. My flacid is longer and I feel better about myself! The pressure is more than I can bare! Just kidden around, got to go.


You comment about “rubbing raw” made me chuckle - a sexual encounter I had with a married gal from work years ago caused the same problem - the fact that we had VERY enthusiastic sex for about 5 hours straight undoubtedly had something to do with it, but she was VERY tight to get into, and later in our relationship, she made comments about “how big” I was - which made me think her husband must have been sorta small, or else they didn’t have much sex - I’m certainly NOT what I’d consider large! After a few more sessions, she was still tight to get into, but the soreness was no longer an issue for her - but she sure had problems walking for a few days after the FIRST time… And she came to orgasm every time we had sex - usually at the same time I ejaculated - great sensation!


It’s just a personal preference

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Anna thanks for your reply. I am like your hubby, even though I have made some gains I am sometimes not happy with my size. I guess I get into that bigger is better line of thinking, even after my wife telling me that I am fine and she really does not want me to grow any more.


We all think we need bigger dicks or we woudn’t be here :)

Yesterday after sex my girlfriend and I were laying in bed, and she’s like ” I swear you had to be at least 8 inches today—I was totally filled. You felt bigger around too.”

Then she grabbed my now flaccid dick and said, “This is the smallest limp dick I’ve ever been with, but it grows to the biggest hard dick I’ve ever had. You’re weird.” :)


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

>We all think we need bigger dicks or we wouldn’t be here<

You are right about that. I need to get that through my thick head (no pun intended).

Also I have reached a plateau on my length gains and probaly can’t break it with out switching to hanging or something else in my routine. My wife has made it clear that she really does not wan’t me to gain any more in length or girth, but she knows how pe has helped my self esteem, and has never really put her foot down and said you better stop. I will probaly continue, and focus more on length until she finally stops me. Once that happens I will just do maintenance exercises to keep it healthy. I do love her very much, and I do not wan’t to turn our love making into something unpleasent for her.


1 Quest

What if she doesn’t stop you? If she has told you that you were fine and you pressed on maybe she will feel that this is something YOU need to do to make YOU feel better and therefore she wants to be supportive.

Where is the line of what makes you happy as a man and what makes your spouse happy? I mean, it is your penis. But it is her you are probing in your most intimate moments. When does the time to listen to her when she says you are big enough? Is there a time? Just curious.

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

>What if she dosen’t stop you?<
Oh she will! My goal when starting was 6.5” and she knows that I’m not there yet. Once I reach it I know she will let me know then. Yeah i’m honest with her.

>Where is the line of what makes you happy as a man and what makes your spouse happy?<
Hard question. I think we all are a little selfish in what we wan’t sometimes. She has seen how it has helped my selfesteem, and has compromised what she was already happy with in order to help me be happier with myself. I will stop because of what she has done for me. Also as an result of all of this she is now wanting a boob job, to help with her selfesteem. Know problem as soon as we get the extra cash. Penis enlargement is free!


Hey, I am the same size you were exactly! And my goals are your goals exactly! You are nearly there…after 1 year, I haven’t budged a bit. I am only after 1 inch length and girth. Seemed simple at first. But it’s just not there. Can you tell me your routine? Thanks.

By the way, I have done several routines during that time. I have down Big-Penis stuff for most of t hat time, and have been doing #1Natural Penis stuff since then. Thanks


My routine

Jelq for about 15 to 30 mins. with some ulis, or squeeze’s incorporated in. Manual stretch, and V-stretch for 5 mins.
I perform these about 5 days out of the week for 3 weeks and then a week off for rest. Here recently I have made some good girth gains by doing some pretty intense jelq-squeeze’s. Make sure when your doing your exercises, that your penis is engorged
with blood and you are expanding it, just like if you were squeezing a water ballon.
I am now going to try a 2 week rest period, and then see if I can’t break this length plateau that I have hit.

Good luck

Can you be specific on your Jelq. Is it the tourniquite method, overhand, underhaND, ETC. Thanks


I always jelq palm down. Use the tourniquite grip for engorgement to perform the different squeezes. Just play around with the squeezes and you will get it figured out.


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