Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

Originally Posted by Mr_bobby
The spot is lacking pigment due to peeling to remove discoloration, it’s a hyperpigmentation.
So it’s a patch of skin with whiter pigment and that is what I’m trying to treat.
Waiting for the pigment to return will take years, I rather want a quick fix and making it discolored again.
Perhaps someone here already done it.

Silicone scar bandage. Works surprisingly well. In my experience it toke a waxy look then almost lifted the hyperpigmentation out completely and was completely even.

Originally Posted by thomwood
Silicone scar bandage. Works surprisingly well. In my experience it toke a waxy look then almost lifted the hyperpigmentation out completely and was completely even.

Please give more info, how long did it take and how bad hyperpigmentation? Thank you

Hi everyone I have done the dmso ans iodine protocol on 3 different occasions each spaced out by months/weeks. I have seen noticeable improvements in EQ. I have some scar tissue that has pretty much cleared up. Another big benefit is that every time I do this protocol I get a mini chemical burn that results in my penis and glans shedding the old skin layer like a snake. The new skin is much smoother and softer. This usually occurs after 4-5 days and I usually stop and give myself one week to shed and welcome my new penis. On my 4th try with the protocol it has been taking much longer to get the shedding and my dick is stuck between dry/cracked skin and normal. For some reason it is taking longer than expected. I have reordered iodine and my DMSO isn’t expired. I guess I haven’t been coating correctly. I am stressed out because I am seeing my girlfriend in 10 days and I don’t know if that’s enough time to shed completely and have my dick back by then. Usually when I do the protocol I get a very strong burning, warm and tingly sensation that lasts around a half hour but now it’s minimal and the effects aren’t as pronounced. Is there anything I can do to expedite the peeling in the next 2 days so that I can be back to 100% by next week?


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