Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Silicone Sleeves - Make your own

You’re a good man, tps. I hope your graciousness doesn’t get taken advantage of. :)

*A round of applause to TPS*

I too hope ‘Paying It forward’ is still alive and well today.

I’ve cut the outer tube 2 different ways, neither takes very long. The method shown with the exacto, takes a minute or two per side. I hold the 6” tube in a vice and score a straight line with the knife, and then go over it again and again (6 passes maybe) until it cuts through. Then flip it over and do the other side. That method gave the best, cleanest results with less material ooze through when casting. Also very acceptable results were obtained by running the tube through the band saw, cutting both sides simultaneously, and that method took all over 5 seconds. :)

What I ended up doing was using a ratcheting PVC cutter, made the initial cut and then angled it and ran down the line with it. Seemed to work well, now it is just a matter of leakage. I ordered the silicon mix from that website, I’ll keep you posted on how that worked out. One other problem I ran into was finding a flat endcap. The ones I found at the Home Depot and Lowes in this area were rounded at the end. I am going to try it with those and see what works. I’ll post a couple pictures with the setup once I recieve the mix. Thanks!


When you took the sleeves out of the pipe, did they have very tiny tiny air bubbles in them?



I don’t understand clearly on how to make the sleeve. Can you explain a different way?


Best way is to go out and get the stuff and start tinkering. If nothing else, you’ll figure out a new way.

If you don’t want to buy silicone, use something else to cast with. Wax maybe?

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Originally Posted by mm

When you took the sleeves out of the pipe, did they have very tiny tiny air bubbles in them?

Yep. Tiny tiny, suspended in the silicone. I haven’t had any issues with them, and I didn’t figure the average home DIYer would have a vacuum chamber, so I left that part out. :chuckle: Actually, I have a couple ideas I’m working on there too just for the fun of it, but it’s still a work in progress and not very high on my list at the moment. For the time being, you can minimalize air bubbles by letting the mixed silicone sit in the mixing container and “de-gas” for 15 minutes or so. The air can escape easier out of that container than the taller mold with more material in it. Pour the mix slowly in a small, steady stream into one spot in the mold. Do this from around 8 inches above the mold so the stream of silicone thins out to almost nothing, this will break additional air bubbles. You can also help some of he remaining air bubbles out by using a vibrator held to the side of the mold. I’ll post my other ideas after I’ve messed with them some.

Thunder thanks for the information on saving the site. Sorry it took so long to reply. Tps can I get on the list. I drive for a living this idea would be great for those long trips. I don’t have a bunch of free time to make it though.

Thanks TPS.

My first go went alright. I had too much leakage and I only ended up with a 3 inch long sleeve. Still a work in progress, but moving forward none the less.

Maybe the pvc cutter created some larger gaps for it to ooze out? Some ooze is normal. Maybe wrap your outer tube in some kind of Saran Kling Wrap?

As far as the tiny air bubbles, they can be eliminated fairly easily, if you have the tools. I tried to find a solution a lot of us PE’ers would have and came up with the good ol’ penis pump. Two different methods, both worked perfectly.

The first is to de-gas the mixed silicone before pouring it into the mold with the standard brake bleeder kit that a lot of us got when we bought the MightyVac pump from the auto parts store. This is in the right half of the picture. The clear plastic container has the measurements marked right on the side. 1 ounce of each part of the silicone, stir for a minute, then seal it and pump it up to 25 for about 5 minutes and you’ll have no bubbles when you pour. Only fill the pump's plastic container half way or you could suck some up into the pump.

The second method is to de-gas right in the mold. On the left you’ll see the mold already filled, placed on a piece of silicone I had laying around, and placed inside a 1.75”x9” LA Pump tube. I had to sand the pvc end cap just a tad to get it to fit. I pumped this up to 10, and left it on the entire cure time, going back occasionally to find the pressure dropped to 5, so I pumped it back up a time or three. Again, no air bubbles.

I’m going to change my thick cotton string recommendation in the first post to a very thin piece of cotton string. Plenty strong enough, ends don’t need to be frayed, and it removes a place for air bubbles to get caught.

The one thing I’d like to caution about is that you probably want to trim the sleeves to be as short as possible while still holding the desired weight - if you cover the entire shaft with the sleeve, you’ll be pulling on base skin (less effective) and stretching it (more turkey neck).

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

Thanks mgus. :) I’ve been leaving them long and just folding the base end back up over on itself to keep the base of the penis exposed. I keep expecting a sleeve to tear from the end, and by leaving it long, I could save the sleeve. I just haven’t had one tear yet. Knock on wood.


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