Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

'Size Matters' references in society

Listen to almost any song from Missy Elliott.

She is constantly, bluntly going on about how being big is better and she only wants a man with a big cock blah blah blah. Gets tiring.

The great elm.

The “Sex and the City” TV series had a fair deal of cock-talk. One of the characters breaks up with a dude because of his small penis, and breaks up with another guy because of his oversized dick.

You must remember guys, these ads are not made to please you. They are made to get your attention and to make you remember their product. This thread proves that they work, and that is why they will keep making them. In my opinion, the advertisers are doing a good job.

Originally Posted by 8-Ball

Agreed. I think it’s completely tasteless and at this point it’s not a very original idea anymore.

It might not very original, but as long as men have any insecurities regarding size then using this type of advertising will work.

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Originally Posted by wannabeXL
You must remember guys, these ads are not made to please you. They are made to get your attention and to make you remember their product. This thread proves that they work, and that is why they will keep making them. In my opinion, the advertisers are doing a good job.

Get this, I have another ingenious idea on how to make more ads, tv shows, hell anything, to make lots of money and be really memorable. Let’s inundate everyone with references to a topic of snug versus cavernous vaginas. What a great way to sell lots of records to teens — let’s have male singers sing about how they only date girls with abnormally small vaginas. Let’s have tv shows where people laugh, sneer at, dump, and imply that woman with average or larger than average vaginal canals are pathetic and useless. Hey, as long as it would raise insecurity about this in women and girls then it would work, right, so it’s inevitable and doing it would be doing a really good job.

Last edited by vkn1 : 05-02-2009 at .

Originally Posted by vkn1

Get this, I have another ingenious idea on how to make more ads, tv shows, hell anything, to make lots of money and be really memorable. Let’s inundate everyone with references to a topic of snug versus cavernous vaginas. What a great way to sell lots of records to teens — let’s have male singers sing about how they only date girls with abnormally small vaginas. Let’s have tv shows where people laugh, sneer at, dump, and imply that woman with average or larger than average vaginal canals are pathetic and useless. Hey, as long as it would raise insecurity about this in women and girls then it would work, right, so it’s inevitable and doing it would be doing a really good job.

Exactly. Just imagine if the situation were the same but reversed.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

vkn1 - good post. Just imagining songs like that makes me ill.

Advertising etc sort of do that to women with “breast size matters”, but it is not the same as going after their genitals. Because people understand that breasts can be enlarged, but as far as they know penises cannot be enlarged.

There is a lot of pressure on women to be thin though. Still not the same as penis size matters.

Sta-Kool is correct there.

For the most part, our society does the reverse for women, but it’s more or less promoting a false reality of body image as a whole that all women must look like Barbie and ironically it’s pushed and promoted by many women themselves. But, there is never usually anything specifically demeaning or derogatory about a woman’s vagina, if there were, all hell would break loose.

The great elm.

Roman centurian in Monty Python ‘The Life of Brian’, Biggus Dickus

Near hysteria over the 1 second flash of Gilles Marini hanging a big semi in Sex & The City movie (as watching Samantha slides a huge cracker full of Avocado into her mouth)


"Louie, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship"

- Humphrey Bogart to Claude Raines, Casablanca

I’m surprised no one mentioned that Seinfeld episode about shrinkage yet. That one just came to me.

"If you can conceive it, and you can believe it...then you can achieve it."

Formerly known as Gandolf

I work in a retail store that also has video games, there is a PSP game called "Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters" in reference to his big explosive weaponry that you shoot enemies with in-game…supposedly.

Any of the Extenze commercials, or the one with "Here’s Bob!" (not sure if that is the same product or not), Maxoderm CQ or something is another… my local radio station plays an ad where a girl is like "Size truly does matter, but you guys have it all wrong, its not length that matters—but width AND thickness! Now I bet all the girls listening are either nodding their head or giggling because of how true it is…" but I forget the name of the product. If I hear it again I’ll be sure to post.

Or the Water Tower at a nearby University… is famous for its symbolism.

The local newspapers (which are now dead over here, ex-papers I should say) would always have ads for free trials of these miracle creams that increased size and endurance.

There’s a Quizno’s commercial on that talks about how big their new Sub is, and at the end the talking oven says "Put it in me"

I’m sure I’ll find more…they’re unfortunately everywhere.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba

The "Sex and the City" TV series had a fair deal of cock-talk. One of the characters breaks up with a dude because of his small penis, and breaks up with another guy because of his oversized dick.

It’s funny that the episodes in question were written by a man (see episodes 201 and 218 in http://en.wikip … e_City_episodes ). Actually, the same man wrote both episodes and he was one of the Executive Producers so he likely set the tone for the entire show. Another case of men torturing themselves over penis size?

Originally Posted by Norsey
*In the Christina Aguilera song "Candyman" there’s the line "He’s a one stop shop, with a real big.." and then there’s a little moan or something. In concerts she even kinda points to a male dancer’s groin when singing this. Kind of "explicit" for this kind of kid friendly music.

*Back in the 90’s there was the minor dance hit "Short Dick Man"

*Lilly Allen has the the song "Not Big". I also saw an interview with her on youtube (couldn’t find it now) where the reporter asks what kind of guys have a chance with Lilly Allen, and she says "Men with big penises".

I’m not sure if you’re interested in a bunch of movie and tv references, but that’s the easiest to come up with:

*Bedazzled: the scene where Brendan Frasier is a huge basketball player and the female reporter wonders if he’s huge "everwhere", and loses interest when he turns out to be small.
(This scene is actually on youtube:

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*American Pie (the first one): The girl who wants to know if Finch has a date for the prom appearantly just because there’s a rumor that he’s "equipped"

*The big-dicked slave scene from "Rome" with the "large penis is always welcome" comment (somewhere in season 1, I think)

*I think there’s a Simpsons episode where Ned Flanders is nude for some reason and even though it’s "pixelated" you can see it’s ridiculously huge. :p

*I think there’s at least three episodes of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" that have some size stuff in them..

I’m kinda interested in this subject myself, so I can probably think of more later..

Nice work, had thought of some of those myself but you beat me to it and you remembered them better as well. :up:

In the movie Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj, there is a shy geeky character and at a party he gets nervous about his size and shows some of the guys, and after seeing it they all look into their pants nervously. One of the girls, comes into the room and says to him “I’m surprised you don’t get out more”. Later, he gets setup with a girl and she faints when seeing it.

And also, Lily Allen and Missy Elliot have huge vaginas. :D

Originally Posted by Norsey

*I think there’s a Simpsons episode where Ned Flanders is nude for some reason and even though it’s “pixelated” you can see it’s ridiculously huge. :p

In that Simpsons episode. After Neds wife Maude Flanders died in the stadium/bleacher accident/fall. Homer wanted him to get back in the dating scene, so he made a movie of Ned as an advertisement for Ned to get a date. I haven’t seen this episode for over seven years. I’m surprised how much I remember, since I haven’t seen a Simpsons episode since I was in high school.

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