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The PE Survey results!

The questions.

Originally Posted by mbuc
I think you should be far more specific on which parts and in what ways the survey is flawed. Obviously you will have to see the full results on the site remek is preparing and explain in more detail your reservations.

I am with mbuc on this one. I believe Criticisms are very very helpful in the “learning” process. A few of you are criticising the questions. I laid out all of the questions above for you. Which ones do you see as a problem? How can you see the problem affecting the results? How big of a problem do you think it is?

I asked questions, in a clear way.

For example,
The pills question: Did you use any penis enlargement pills during the time you exercised your penis?

This is a yes or no question. Correlate the yes or no with the “growth questions,” and you have an answer. I don’t see how this is “worded bad,” or could cause confusion. If it is, point it out to me. I am a very open, and relaxed guy - I can admit my mistakes.

Now, WestLA did point out a question that could have been worded different

Question 19 - Within an hour after a normal PE session do you masturbate? If yes, do you ejaculate? Please select the answer that fits you best (meaning if you masturbate and ejaculate 70 percent of the time, then check “Yes, and I Ejaculate.”

WestLA said the example “meaning if you masturbate and ejaculate 70 percent of the time, then check “Yes, and I Ejaculate,” could lead people in the wrong direction. He stated that “70 percent of the time” could be confused for 70 percent or more.

I don’t know if WestLA’s claims are correct. Giving himim the benefit of the doubt, lets say some people were confused. There is still the other masturbation question:

Question 12 - On average, how often do you masturbate?

This again is another simple correlation. Correlate the “growth questions,” with the answers, and you have your results. I again don’t see how this question could cause ANY confusion. But if there is a problem with it - let me know what, so I can control for it in my next survey.

As with any survey, the person taking the survey can’t answer the questions with exact precision. The questions have to be answered as best as possible. That is what I advised everyone to do, and that is what I am hoping they did.

I am not asking anyone to “give up” on their opinions and thoughts towards masturbation and pills. Furthermore, I respect the fact that you defend the claims that you have stated for so long. However, I am asking you to be open to the possibilities.

This survey wasn’t created to find all the answers, but we have to start somewhere. Unfortunately, knowledge isn’t handed to us in a gift-wrapped basket.

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Poor Remek.

He worked so hard on getting it all figured out just for everyone to tell him it is wrong. Where were all you guys when the survey first opened?

Any internet survey is open to fraud and bad numbers…but especially this one because there is no way to pre-qualify people taking the survey as actually having done any PE.

Even so I think Remek did a great job and the survey is a nice first step which will be looked at for quite a while. Using that data to form the basis of a more reliable survey sounds very exciting.

Nice job Remek!

LOL I can’t believe people are still talking about masturbation and pills…

I think some very valuable info you can gain from this is how volume of PE work is related to gains.. remek is there any way you can graph the data for this (volume vs. gains)?

Originally Posted by remek

I am with mbuc on this one. I believe Criticisms are very very helpful in the “learning” process. A few of you are criticising the questions. I laid out all of the questions above for you. Which ones do you see as a problem?

Can you post the whole survey, including the answer choices?

I know from experience that correlation of PE data can be annoying and results interpreted many ways. But I still think remek rules. Just be glad you did a survey and not an experiement…

Man you guys could have sayed the bashing of the results and survey credability for a little later. First I think we should all give Remek thanks for he spent a lot of time when he didnt have to to get this out to us ASAP. I know I was waiting everyday and I am glad to finally have it and the results do interest me. Thank you Remek.

>Just be glad you did a survey and not an experiement…<

The weight of experience hangs heavy.

I 100% agree with dreamaloud. So many people criticize, but those same people didn’t even try to improve this survey during the long time remek asked for help and votes.

Besides, I don’t see the point of bypassing those cookies… why someone would vote 100 times for `masturbation hinder gains`, especially since this survey was fairly long to complete. Now it’s a different story for the pills, but there again, there doesn’t seem to be many pills promoters on this forum.

Were there questions to find out the most efficient PE exercise?


Great work Remek!

Thanks for putting this together. I’ve been following your updates on this since inception and I’ll continue to stay tuned to the full results.
Thanks again.

Originally Posted by TheFranchise
Man you guys could have sayed the bashing of the results and survey credability for a little later. First I think we should all give Remek thanks for he spent a lot of time when he didnt have to to get this out to us ASAP. I know I was waiting everyday and I am glad to finally have it and the results do interest me. Thank you Remek.

I don’t see comments on perceived flaws of the survey as “bashing” at all. Nor does Remek, apparently, who knows as well as you and I that a survey on a subject as arcane and complex as PE is not an easy thing to pull off, making it complete at the same time.



Like Avo put it, I don’t believe what some were doing to be considered “bashing”. It is something called constructive criticism. Without this, the survey wouldn’t have even been made. I bitched and bitched and bitched about his separate threads being too narrow. After some thought, he designed the PE survey. It started small, then with the input of a few good men from this forum, it grew (how ironic). It isn’t perfect, as he admits, and he takes this graciously. The only way to improve it is for people like hobby and memento to pick out things that can change for the better. Remek wants to take this experience and create a new one that will get more exact results without bias.

You, remek, deserve a round of applause not only for working your ass off for us poor schmoes, but for taking our criticism in stride. :round of applause smilie:

Yes —- a big round of applause

Thank you remek


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