Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Tunica Tugs

Very interesting. Thanks for finding this kingpole. Will incorporate these into my routine. One quick question though, how have the length gains been lately with this exercise?

6 X 5(Jun 2002) ----> 8 7/8 X 6 (OCt 2009) -----> 9.75 X 6.0 (Goal)

'I think you will find that the one thing all big gainers have in common is tenacity.' ~Bib

Originally Posted by xtremegamer
Very interesting. Thanks for finding this kingpole. Will incorporate these into my routine. One quick question though, how have the length gains been lately with this exercise?

I had gained a little in length but this seems to fluctuate depending on the consumption of caffeine. I would say maybe about a tenth of an inch in length gains but this could be from doing erect kegel jelqs.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I’m not sure where else to post this, so I’m gonna post it here.

It seems that I’ve gained a little girth once again (about 2/16 - 3/16 inch). I can’t say exactly what this is from, but tunica tugs might have had something to do with it.

I started doing orange bends (two minutes per bend), clamping, tunica tugs, and ulis (in no particular order) a couple of weeks ago. For whatever reason, I was noticing less loss of girth the following day. I have a feeling tunica tugs had something to do with this, but the thing is, after I do them I get little or no girth gains. I feel maybe they just sort of help the girth “stick” rather than actually increasing it.

I do them different than explained in this thread. I tie myself off at the base with a piece of cloth at about 30 - 40 % erection. Then, instead of placing an upside-down v at the base of my cock, I use a piece of cylindrical wood tied to the floor. I realize this probably doesn’t make any sense, so I’ve attached a picture of what I mean. You can either step on the rope to hold it down, or tie it to something. Anyway, this helps cause you can pull with both hands and get more force. I don’t pull straight up, I pull at about a 45 degree angle from my torso. I think the angle is really important, because it’s only at specific angles that I can really feel my tunica stretching. When I do feel it stretch, it’s generally along the bottom of my cock, sometimes the sides. It’s hard to always find the right place, but if you play around with it you can get it.

Ulis also might have something to do with these gains. I do VERY intense Ulis. I basically squeeze the sides of my cock off completely. I make a tourniquette at the base, but rather than applying pressure all around, most of the pressure is focused on the sides, closing off the opening as much as possible. If I want to make it even more intense, I use a second finger and clamp the base off as well. These are really really intense. Each Uli is about 10 - 15 seconds long.

Then there’s good old orange bends. These have given me gains in the past and may be what have done it again. I hold each bend for two minutes, three along the top, and three on each side (nine total). Again, not huge expansion from these, but the girth from them seems to stick.

It’s weird, cause I don’t think I’ve gained any flaccid girth at all. This worries me, cause whenever I look at my cock I’m worried it’s gone back to its original size, but it’s been a few days now and it hasn’t. I’m incredibly surpirsed how much it expands actually. My flaccid is like 5.3 inches in girth, and erect it’s like 6.5 inches. Is this a large expansion? I’m not sure what’s normal. Also, I had gone about two weeks with no break. Then I started to notice my gains weren’t sticking as much the following day, so it seemed time to take a break. I’m gonna start again tonight.

Having some trouble drawing my tunica tugs thingy. Basically put your cock under the piece in the middle and pull up. The ropes on the sides hold it down.

(2.2 KB, 175 views)

Before this specific two weeks, or when I originally started PE?

It’s Mick btw :P.

Originally Posted by Mick
Before this specific two weeks, or when I originally started PE?

It’s Mick btw :P.

You read the post before I deleted it. I did not see your girth stats. In terms of girth gains your recent gains is remarkable. So out of curiosity what were your staring stats before you started PE?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Before this two week session I was at about 6.25 - 6.3, now I’m at about 6.4. If I took a few more days off I MIGHT lose a little more, but I’m not sure. I’m not gonna take the chance though, gonna keep going.

Before I started PE I was about 5.7 inches EG, 7.75 BPEL.

Originally Posted by Mick
Before this two week session I was at about 6.25 - 6.3, now I’m at about 6.4. If I took a few more days off I MIGHT lose a little more, but I’m not sure. I’m not gonna take the chance though, gonna keep going.

Before I started PE I was about 5.7 inches EG, 7.75 BPEL.

You were huge to star with. Other than size increase in length and girth what else have you noticed about your dick after doing PE. Such as better erections.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I honestly don’t know what the difference is between now and when I started PE so many years ago… I can’t remember what my cock was like back then. I know my erections aren’t as good, but I attribute that to not being a horny teenager anymore, rather than it being from PE.

Originally Posted by Mick
I honestly don’t know what the difference is between now and when I started PE so many years ago.. I can’t remember what my cock was like back then. I know my erections aren’t as good, but I attribute that to not being a horny teenager anymore, rather than it being from PE.

Would you ,like to get that hornyness back. Hence the huge hard erections you use to have?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Ya definitely. I mean I still do get very horny, just not the same as when you’re a raging horny 18 year old. Who knows, maybe I really have messed my cock up… I don’t know. Even if I have, I still do get good erections. My only problem is that my CS doesn’t really fill up, so then my head doesn’t really fill up either. I’ve read on here that this could be due to a leaky valve, which I’m going to see a urologist about soon. This could be due to messing up my valves from my intense clamping, or who knows what else… or I don’t actually have a leaky valve and this is just how my erections are now.

I like to wear a cock ring now, it keeps me really filled out.

Originally Posted by Mick
Ya definitely. I mean I still do get very horny, just not the same as when you’re a raging horny 18 year old. Who knows, maybe I really have messed my cock up.. I don’t know. Even if I have, I still do get good erections. My only problem is that my CS doesn’t really fill up, so then my head doesn’t really fill up either. I’ve read on here that this could be due to a leaky valve, which I’m going to see a urologist about soon. This could be due to messing up my valves from my intense clamping, or who knows what else.. Or I don’t actually have a leaky valve and this is just how my erections are now.

I like to wear a cock ring now, it keeps me really filled out.

Hmm, do a Uli fully erect see if that does not fill out the glans.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

No no, I’m talking about not being completely full when I’m just erect normally, not during PE. Everything is always filled out during my PE stuff.

Originally Posted by Mick

No no, I’m talking about not being completely full when I’m just erect normally, not during PE. Everything is always filled out during my PE stuff.

Oh I see. You know edging will help your regular erection catch up to your PE erection. A big dick like your may take 10 minutes or more to fully get erect.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

Would you recommend doing these before or after pumping?

Originally Posted by djam07
Would you recommend doing these before or after pumping?

Try it before pumping, I don’t know seems like it would be a good warm up prior to pumping.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!


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