Thunder's Place

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Weirdness-Dry Jelq-wet jelq

Weirdness-Dry Jelq-wet jelq

I had a thrombosed vein about 2 months ago, over a year i’ve been on again off again PE trying to get rid of it. It wont leave it gets weaker but it wont leave. Anyway if I even dare try to wet jelq the vein bulges up it looks really bad. I dry jelq it kinda end up like an ULI though, I can’t stretch so much and I was wondering if I could gain any size from doing this?

Also when im dry jelquing the veins on the bottom of my penis become hard and feel nasty, when im done though no problems.

I suggest you go and see a doc about this problem. I’m not trying to freak you out, but it might be a good idea.

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

Hey stormblade,

What does your thrombosed vein look and feel like? I’m only wondering ‘cause I have some sort of bump on my penis and I have no idea what it is.

The thing I have is just a little bump, about half a centimeter in diameter. It feel sort of hard on the inside and gets darker when I do PE.

I’m assuming this thing is PE related but I really don’t know. Right now I’m taking a PE break and trying to put as much heat on it as possible. I think it is getting better, but it is definitely still there.

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