Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




So, I’ve read it is good to use ADS as a supplement to hanging. Well, I have a Jes Extender, with teh comfort strap, and I use it for 2 hours a day (pretty dam good stretch it gives too), I wouldn’t call the Jes an ADS, just not comfortable enough.

So, I’m wondering what are the best ADSs out there, that are concealable under normal clothes. It doesn’t have to give the world’s best stretch, I don’t expect it to, just something to prevent turtling and keep it in a reasonably extended state.

One more thing, the ANS device, I think the autoxleeve or whatever it is. Does anyone have experience sleeping with one of those things on? I’m thinking about getting one of those too.

Thanks in advance.

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

I would stay away from the ANS. As for comfort and discretion it seem like a lot of guys here talk about golf weights. I have an Andro extender which I don’t mind but there is no way it is discrete and walking around with it on sucks, especially if you drop something.

10/10/08 Bpel 6.50 Eg 4.9 base 5.0 few weeks off due to injury :( 12/10/08 Bpel 6.875 Eg 5.0

03/10/09 Bpel 7.25 Eg 5.0625 base 5.25 Donations Keep The Community Going, Click Me

05/10/09 Bpel 7.50 Eg 5.1 base 5.5 11/10/09 Bpel 7.6875 EG 5.125. Goal is as much as I can

Same here. The extenders aren’t discrete at all. I’m thinking of trying golf weights though.

The autoXleeve is not an extender: first of all, it has no rods, base or whatever.
It’s just a silicone sleeve, flexible and comfortable enough to be worn for as many hours as you want.

Moreover, it cannot deliver a traction comparable to traditional extenders; just think of it has a “anti-turtle” system, effective in keeping the penis stretched - but not that much. For the same reason it can be used as ANS, not interfering with erections.

As I posted recently in the review forum, I consider the Xleeve an excellent complement to any PE routine: far more comfy and discreet than everything else.

Originally Posted by theleviathan
The autoXleeve is not an extender: first of all, it has no rods, base or whatever.
It’s just a silicone sleeve, flexible and comfortable enough to be worn for as many hours as you want.

Moreover, it cannot deliver a traction comparable to traditional extenders; just think of it has a “anti-turtle” system, effective in keeping the penis stretched - but not that much. For the same reason it can be used as ANS, not interfering with erections.

As I posted recently in the review forum, I consider the Xleeve an excellent complement to any PE routine: far more comfy and discreet than everything else.

Interesting. Do you get any “lymph” (if that’s really what it is) build-up from wearing it for a whole day?

I’ve been wearing a silicone sleeve(like the AutoXsleeve) for about two weeks now, and it has been a great addition to my routine. If you do decide to get a sleeve, start by wearing it during the day and see how it works for you. I take it off to use the bathroom(about 1-2 hours for me-I drink a lot of water)and I massage and check temperature/blood flow. Other than that, I practically wear it all day and all night.

I honestly don’t completely believe that ADS is beneficial enough for all the discomfort that it may cause, if the user is not particularly concerned with flaccid size. My use of ADS (some sort of extender that had a good trial on the forum) was terrible due to discomfort and a complete lack of any benefit aside from flaccid length, which I don’t care for really. It also did not assist any of my other gains -whatsoever (tried with and without for a period, being the curious researcher that I am).

Big Girtha has perpetuated the “don’t let it turtle” mentality…but we must keep in mind that BG, the very fine PE’er that he is, is heavily concerned with flaccid size (rightly so - given his nudist camp fixation). Somewhere along the line people seem to have begun to take it as a given that ADS is useful to “cement” gains or help solidify benefits of workouts, and this has been heavily reinforced by new PE’ers who seem to simply repeat what they read to other newbies.

There are surely some people who have given ADS a try and actually measured results. The only major one I can remember is the guy who created the extender that I used (gerry something I think), but he was involved in the business.

Aside from making you feel better because your dick is engorged/lengthened all day, and benefitting flaccid size, I have my doubts about the usefullness of the whole system, both as a PE tool for gains and for “cementing” workouts.

Note: ADS is extremely useful when it is actually very long PE. Bib’s ridiculous hanging (hours upon hours from what he says at his forum, and old posts here) and BG’s clampathons come to mind (they have breaks of course). But this isn’t ADS, it’s just PE’ing constantly all day. ADS, in my experience, is not at all similar to the former.


Out of curiosity, what ADS system did you use? I had to tinker with the way I wear my silicone sleeve to get it comfortable But now that it is comfortable enough to wear all day, I hardly ever take it off.

I got newbie gains without using any ADS, so I know that PE doesn’t necessarily require ADS to gain. However, I do think there is something to be said about the concept of keeping a (very) light stretch for long periods of time(in my case, I wear a very soft sleeve simply to keep from turtling; not really looking for a “stretch” necessarily).

For now I’ll keep wearing my sleeve, and in a couple of months we’ll see how the gains are affected.

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Interesting. Do you get any “lymph” (if that’s really what it is) build-up from wearing it for a whole day?

Nope, probably as a consequence of low traction AND distributed pressure over the entire penis.
No fluid build-up, no numbness, no coldness.

Anyway, the whole ‘ADS issue’ IMO is exaggerated; there’s no secret recipe behind it.
If you keep a human tissue elongated for a prolonged period of time it will grow in that direction. While this affects mainly the FL, it has consequences on the EL too.

So, I do not consider ADS a PE routine by itself; wearing it 24/7 for months, or years, would result in a longer penis, ok, but it’s too slow - and above all, it’s impossible to wear it truly 24/7 for months.
Instead, I think ADS is an excellent complement to jelqing/hanging/stretching. If you jelq or stretch, for example, you’ll cause microlesions inside the penis tissues: the ADS will just keep it in a slightly stretched state (not too much, or the lesions wouldn’t heal), maximizing the gain you can get from the healing process.

There’s one thing to add about the Xleeve; I’ve been wearing continuously these days, even without underwear (summer’s too hot). Actually, with tight pants it IS someway visible: looking at my crotch you’d see the bulge, and maybe you could also see the shape over my leg, but you’d just consider it to be my penis.
So, wearing it just make you appear like a very well endowed man. This is not necessarily good, if you have no interest in being noticed.

Originally Posted by theleviathan
So, I do not consider ADS a PE routine by itself; wearing it 24/7 for months, or years, would result in a longer penis, ok, but it’s too slow - and above all, it’s impossible to wear it truly 24/7 for months.
Instead, I think ADS is an excellent complement to jelqing/hanging/stretching. If you jelq or stretch, for example, you’ll cause microlesions inside the penis tissues: the ADS will just keep it in a slightly stretched state (not too much, or the lesions wouldn’t heal), maximizing the gain you can get from the healing process.

Good post. My question is regarding the part I made bold: how exactly do you know this? I hung for hours a day and then used the ADS and experienced 0 difference in growth with or without the ADS over time.

The theory sounds good, but I think the tension isn’t high enough to do what you’d like to do.

2005: The user who reviewed it has a handle starting with “gerryk…” I think. Check out the reviews forum. It’s probably the best extender and the most comfortable one out there, but I’d never touch an extender again.

Personally, I experienced better gains with ADS (following jelqing) than without.

Since the theory “healing in a stretched state makes the healing gain more effective” seems rather consistent, I accepted it.

Originally Posted by theleviathan
Personally, I experienced better gains with ADS (following jelqing) than without.
Since the theory “healing in a stretched state makes the healing gain more effective” seems rather consistent, I accepted it.

What did it do for your stats vs. without it?

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

You’re right, I shouldn’t have said “better gains”; since I do not measure, I can only report that using ADS after jelqing I ‘feel’ bigger (meaning, engorged and longer/lower) most of the time, and I’d say EL is increased too - probably around 0.25/0.5” (referring to my hands).

Unless of course ADS made my hands shrink :)

I experienced almost non-existent gains using just jelqing alone, and when I incorporated ADS into my routine things began to change. My EL still hasn’t improved, but my FL has gained about 1.5 inches in a year. I started as a grower, not a shower, so I imagine this has something to do with it — it isn’t so much that I’ve gotten bigger, but my dick has gotten used to resting in a more full state than it used to.

2009-05-20: 6.5 x 4.8 - Starting Stats

Short Term Goal: 7 x 5

Long Term Goal: 8.5 x 6.5

See I still do not quite understand. Is an Extender different from an ADS or are they both the same?

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