Thunder's Place

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Amount Of Tension and results


Originally Posted by dj8cut
Hi Ryshea95!
About “extender” if you feel good traction, it’s ok…increase tension only when you feel that is not enough for you.
Take your time…(your penis doen’t need any pain)
Also, you have to remove the extender every 20-30 minutes …. make a small message to your penis (1-2 minutes) and put it back to avoid cutting too much blood circulation.

Oupps,correction: make a small “massage” to your penis. :-)

Thank dj yes i agree on that 20-30 min thing now…. at first i was able to do like 2 hours at a time before i started increasing tension and rods… now with higher tension i have to take a break every 20 min to make sure good blood gets in

New guy here. I’ve been using the andropenis pro for about 3 weeks. I usually run my extender for their recommended length of time which is 2 hours then a 10 minute break. Right now I run this routine for 6 hours. I’ll be increasing to 8 next week and adding .5cm. It does get uncomfortable and a little sore but it’s worth it. I will take a new measurement at the end of the first month.

I found a weird way of wearing the extender. While binging Netflix, cellphone, or eating.

As I put on the extender (my maximum stretched flaccid length without slippage), I try to loosen it just a tiny bit before I lock in the straps/noose. It will feel like it’s about to slip off…then I lay on the ground in the prone position. (Stomach on the ground, butt in the air).

Somehow, I can lay in this position for hours while I am distracted. It also helps my extender stay in position and prevents slippage without cutting too much circulation. I’m surprised I didn’t think of this earlier.

I have a silicone sheath for my penis (I don’t have to retract my foreskin…just have the sheath behind your head). I also wrap additional foam loosely around my silicone sheath for added comfort before I tighten the strap/noose.

Oct 20, 2018 - [BPEL ~5.1" , NBPFL ~2"]

Over 5 months later... March 19, 2019 - [BPEL 5 5/8" , NBPFL ~3"]

Anyone know where to measure while extending?

Just to get an idea of how much you’re exactly extending. A visual example would help.

Originally Posted by waterman888
Are there any uncut guys here that have used extenders for long periods of time (definition of long being 6+ hours a day, over a longer period of weeks)? If so, I’d like to learn from you what levels of traction/weight-equivalent you found was the maximum sustainable level without any problems like blistering? And whether that was achieved with or without a silicone glans cap. Weight-equivalent being measured by using some kitchen scales and pressing down the extender base onto the scales up to your normal point of tension…

Reason for asking is that I’ve bought an extender in preparation for my next cycle. I’ve just come off a Bib hanging cycle (using Xeno’s modified Bib hanger) and I’ll wait to measure, but if I find there were gains from that then I might repeat and add an extender for a few hours extra per day (but at lower tension, say like what Penimaster suggest as a max around 1.1kg). If I didn’t find any gains then I think I’ll go for an extender-only cycle next time, in which case it would be good to know what longer term traction tension I should aim for - would want to keep it as stretched as I can but also in a sustainable way. I suppose it’s a matter of experimentation (too much = blistering, so heal and reduce) but would be good to know experience from others on here.


I am uncut and can use the extender for long periods of time (6+ hrs) with 1 5 min break per hour. I find that comfort and circulation is the limiting factor.

Here are some things that work for me. It may work for you.

1. I leave my foreskin unretracted. There is little to no reason for me to pull back the skin. If you are like me and have a glans larger than the shaft, you will have less slippage.

2. For comfort, use a 3 inch silicone sleeve from the base of the penis to behind the head.(get the silicone sleeve that has one thick end that can be used to help keep the noose behind the head). Use a thin piece of foam cushion on top of the silicone sleeve for add plushness. (You will have less circulation loss)

3. If you use a strap-style noose, put the foam over that like you would with the noose.

4. Find out what your maximum BPSFL is and adjust the bar accordingly.

5. I use the maximum tension all the time. This allows me to not worry about the exact amount of traction, but how long I am at maximum stretch for.

6. I like to stretch on the prone position with extender sandwiched between me and the carpet. This keeps the extender from falling off at max stretch.

I hope at least one of these tips work.

Oct 20, 2018 - [BPEL ~5.1" , NBPFL ~2"]

Over 5 months later... March 19, 2019 - [BPEL 5 5/8" , NBPFL ~3"]


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