Thunder's Place

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Andropenis,penismaster and Jes-Extender


Thanks for info Piet,

I replied to your post before but it seems to have gone astray, but now I can update it anyway.

Having tried the p,master today my unit seemed to fit quite happliy in the cradle, so perhpas I have made some gains, but I’ll not check until I have done a few more stretches just in case.


Did you intend to point out a specific thread? If yes, then your post did not contain any URL… Anyways, it seems the conclusion is that the noose (which is used by fastsize and andropenis) is a bad idea since it’ll damage your nerves and cut off circulation… I think I’m going for penismaster which has a bigger area of grip for the glans/upper-shaft.

I have used it now going on 4 weeks, the peni master. I have found that I can wear it about an hour, then need to massage, and put it right back on. It does sting a bit after an hour, or when driving. I do wear it more than 8 hours a day, with about an hour rest during. I have noticed a definite difference in the mornings, as it continues to hang lower, and fuller for sure. I am very happy so far with the results, almost a half inch in length in the flaccid state, and definitely from pumping and jelqing along with the stretcher I have made a good gain in girth of over a half inch, that has taken longer than a month for me however.. So far so good.

my 1st post !

i tried the ando and hated it, i couldnt even get it to the base without pinching hoorbily !
im 8.25 x 6.125 so that may have a little to do with it

i agree with the principle completley ie traction ! it would be great if someone came up with a better soloution

I’ve used the Jes Extender for 18 months on and off and have gained half an inch (7.25 to 7.75 bpl). I did initially try the 12 hours routine but found the discomfort unbearable. Now I do 2 x 2 hours daily combined with 2 x 300 jelqs in between. I’m uncut and initially placed the loop over the top of the in-place foreskin with scary results - serious discolouring etc. Now I wear it with the foreskin retracted and the loop placed over the soft foam attachments (sold by Jes as a spare part) worn around the base of the glans - this allows me to secure the loop fairly tightly without cutting-off circulation. I’m 8.5 when stretched and it definitely shows even through slack trousers. However I’ve definitely noticed a few females looking curiously at this protrusion in the office, so its not such a bad thing! To sum up, I have no experience of the other products mentioned but I have found the Jes to be a high quality reliable product which works, provided you don’t pay too much attention to the guidance they give on its use and the claimed gains. Again I’m happy to answer any questions about my experiences with this device.


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