Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How long to wear an extender?

I stretcht for about two hours without interruptions all I do is push the spring back releasing the tension and that’s all unless I have to go to the bathroom.

Blue eye, blonde latino

It’s been said many times before. Assuming an extender works, and it’s still too soon to say for me, you’re better investing in a vacuum type. Why cause yourself unnecessary discomfort for the sake of saving one or two hundred bucks, not to mention the constant removal of a noose extender. The vac-type can be kept on for 4hrs straight.

With stretching are you supposed to do it erect, or flaccid or 1/2 way between.

I am finding no time to put my dick in a pump. Thought it woould be easier to get it pumped, but maybe I was wrong.

Originally Posted by biker_dude
With stretching are you supposed to do it erect, or flaccid or 1/2 way between.
I am finding no time to put my dick in a pump. Thought it woould be easier to get it pumped, but maybe I was wrong.

If you talking about stretching whilst in an extender you will need to be flaccid. As far as I’m aware all manual stretches are supposed to be done whilst flaccid too, atleast when you’re a beginner they are.

I’m stretching for 10 hours straight with vacuum cap + 2/3 hours with the extender with noose. It seems to be working, but it’s a very very slow process. Anyhow, better than nothing. I never gained with manual exercises so I’m committed to keep wearing extender for at least a year.

Well in my case, I must say.
I fit the extender while being erect. I push the device just under the glans..
Tighten the strap a little then wait for the shaft to slightly deflate, then tighten it completely while inflating the head.
(I use a sleeping bag strap (with non-slip buckle), so it’s very easy and adjustable as a charm)
In other words, I put it on a 80% hard on. And *then* the penis goes to “flaccid” by itself.
Never had any problems and settling the extender takes me less than 5 seconds.

That being said, I do sessions of 1h to 3h30 without problems.
But 2 hours session are better as I’ve come to notice. (A little bit less painful)
I do from 4 to 6 sometimes 7 hours a day.
1h30 on day off.

And I’ve read earlier about blisters in this thread.
That either mean that the strap is too tight first of all.
And/or that you had an erection while wearing the extender.
Which is a “No no”.
I hardly recommend to use a non-slip buckle strap, which means that loosen the grip of few “mm” under the glans
Will be done in a fingertip motion if you happen to have an erection while wearing the device.
Then blisters will be avoid and become things from the past. :)

Has anyone done 16 to 22 hrs a day for weeks usung extenders?

Originally Posted by djrobins
Has anyone done 16 to 22 hrs a day for weeks usung extenders?

I have not and won’t as I think that would be counterproductive. Too much stress, potential pain/trauma, overtraining, etc. supposedly 8-9 hrs is recommended in the few medical studies. I’m getting in 5-9 with about 74 hrs total.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
I have not and won’t as I think that w ould be counterproductive. Too much stress, potential pain/trauma, overtraining, etc. supposedly 8-9 hrs is recommended in the few medical studies. I’m getting in 5-9 with about 74 hrs total.

Well you know in the leg where.they give you a few extra.inches… Thats 24x7 for months. One could remove extender every few hours and restore circulation and go back in.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Well you know in the leg where.they give you a few extra.inches… Thats 24x7 for months. One could remove extender every few hours and restore circulation and go back in.

An entirely different physiology at play. But, I’m all for seeing someone give it a go just out of curiosity. As long as it’s not me.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
An entirely different physiology at play. But, I’m all for seeing someone give it a go just out of curiosity. As long as it’s not me.

Nope tissues stretching. Same like an earlobe taking larger and larger diameters.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Has anyone done 16 to 22 hrs a day for weeks usung extenders?

Not came across someone.

I think it makes sense to do it. Signs are with low tension that the more the better..
Too much will be subjective and dependent on the intensity during that time.

Originally Posted by djrobins
Nope tissues stretching. Same like an earlobe taking larger and larger diameters.

Again, different. No bone in earlobes to state the simplistic. Your local med school library will have some basic texts on histology and bone physiology. Check it out for four years and you’ll see the distinction.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Again, different. No bone in earlobes to state the simplistic. Your local med school library will have some basic texts on histology and bone physiology. Check it out for four years and you’ll see the distinction.

Cock is tissues. They can be elongated. I know its smooth muscle, skin, veins and arteries.

Originally Posted by djrobins

Cock is tissues. They can be elongated. I know its smooth muscle, skin, veins and arteries.

and most important: collagenous tissue, which is the “problem”.


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