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I'm about ready to give up. Extender users please comment.

I'm about ready to give up. Extender users please comment.

I hadn’t seen any gains in quite a while and was about to throw in the towel. Then I heard about some of the progress that some had made with extenders. So, I bought one from X4 labs. I’ve been wearing this thing religiously for about six months. The manufacturer recommends a minimum of four hours and maximum of 12 hours per day of wear. During the week, I wear that thing eight hours a day. On the weekends, I’m only able to get about four hours a day. During this six month period, I tried to make it a point of not measuring because I understood it to be a very gradual process. When I started, I had just gained a quarter inch in girth but I lost some length as a result. Anyway, I was 7 NBPEL X 5.5 EG. Six months of extender use and I’m the same. I just measured myself this morning. The only time I’m any larger is when I take cialis (just for fun) and it seems to give me another quarter inch in length (7.25 NBPEL x 5.5 EG). So, I’m very disillusioned by this and am considering giving up on the extender approach. The guys at X4 labs say it takes anywhere from six months to a year to make progress but I thought I would have seen some gains by now. I’d really appreciate any input you guys might have on this. Anybody?

Dude you’ve been around a long time, it gets harder and harder to make a gain. I’ve been pretty much stuck for years. I took some time off now and I’m back with the extender again. I’m happy to report that any gains I may lose seem to come right back with very little effort on my part. But that does suck that you wore that thing that much and didn’t get a gain. Is it a nose style? Maybe you need a decon break? PE is no doubt the king of diminishing returns.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Dude you’ve been around a long time, it gets harder and harder to make a gain. I’ve been pretty much stuck for years. I took some time off now and I’m back with the extender again. I’m happy to report that any gains I may lose seem to come right back with very little effort on my part. But that does suck that you wore that thing that much and didn’t get a gain. Is it a nose style? Maybe you need a decon break? PE is no doubt the king of diminishing returns.

I know I’ve been around for a while but I don’t feel like I’ve made much in the way of gains throughout my PE career. From PE, I’ve only gained one inch in length and a quarter inch in girth. WTF?

No, it uses the strap methodology. I’ve thought about surgery a great deal.

Originally Posted by andgrowing
I know I’ve been around for a while but I don’t feel like I’ve made much in the way of gains throughout my PE career. From PE, I’ve only gained one inch in length and a quarter inch in girth. WTF?

No, it uses the strap methodology. I’ve thought about surgery a great deal.

Still one inch is nothing to sneeze at, if you broke that down to % it’s a nice gain. I’ve thought of adding a basic jelqing program maybe four times a week, plus the extender. Maybe we need to get back to basics???? Don’t know. But I think I’m going to try.

Also I don’t like the strap thing, I like the noose style better, more dangerous if not used right but my head is so well-developed because of it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Still one inch is nothing to sneeze at, if you broke that down to % it’s a nice gain. I’ve thought of adding a basic jelqing program maybe four times a week, plus the extender. Maybe we need to get back to basics???? Don’t know. But I think I’m going to try.

Also I don’t like the strap thing, I like the noose style better, more dangerous if not used right but my head is so well-developed because of it.

Well developed head you say? I might have to give it a try. Also, what is your experience with the extender? And you might be right. Perhaps going back to basics would be the way to go. Maybe we should analyze what’s worked for us in the past. I want to comment on this more. I’ll be back.

Are you measuring your BPFSL?

If after a total of 1,000 hours of use you don’t get any increase in BPFSL, you could consider switching to something else, say back to manual stretching - expecially fulcrum stretches - for a few months.

After a year or more of little growth I have resorted to hanging and I’m optimistic that I will get results from this approach.

My ligs have been sore like no other time in my PE career, which the hangers say is a good sign of growth to come and my EQ has been excellent, which surprises me considering what the hell I’m doing to my dick each day!

Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.

As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.

Going for the magic 8"x6"

Originally Posted by marinera
Are you measuring your BPFSL?

If after a total of 1,000 hours of use you don’t get any increase in BPFSL, you could consider switching to something else, say back to manual stretching - expecially fulcrum stretches - for a few months.

Forgive me, but what are fulcrum stretches?

Stretches done using something as a fulcrum - a stick, a bottle, one of your hands. ‘A-stretches’ for example.

Originally Posted by andgrowing
Well developed head you say? I might have to give it a try. Also, what is your experience with the extender? And you might be right. Perhaps going back to basics would be the way to go. Maybe we should analyze what’s worked for us in the past. I want to comment on this more. I’ll be back.

Been using extenders on and off since the beginning 1999, tried all the different ones and nothing works like a noose. in my opinion the strap is useless, I shouldn’t say that because I couldn’t even wear it longer than a few hours before I was done with it, but I hated it and didn’t feel the stretch I get with a noose extender.

I’m just started back with the extender so I will give it some time, but I think I’m going to work in some basic jelqing with it.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by marinera
Are you measuring your BPFSL?

If after a total of 1,000 hours of use you don’t get any increase in BPFSL, you could consider switching to something else, say back to manual stretching - expecially fulcrum stretches - for a few months.

I haven’t once measured BPFSL. What difference would it make, anyway? I’m not asking to be a smart mouth. I’m serious. Why would an increase in BPFSL matter if there’s been no increase in NBPEL or BPEL?

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Been using extenders on and off since the beginning 1999, tried all the different ones and nothing works like a noose. in my opinion the strap is useless, I shouldn’t say that because I couldn’t even wear it longer than a few hours before I was done with it, but I hated it and didn’t feel the stretch I get with a noose extender.

I’m just started back with the extender so I will give it some time, but I think I’m going to work in some basic jelqing with it.

What kind of gains have you seen with extenders over the years? Also, why do you say what you do about the strap vs. the noose? You felt like you got a better stretch from the noose as opposed to the strap? How many times did you use the strap and for how long? What kind of routines did you follow with the extender? Sorry about all the questions but I’d like to think I didn’t spend $200 and six months using this thing only for it to be a complete waste. I know things don’t typically work out so simply, but if my progress is a simple matter of switching from the strap to the noose, of course I’ll do it in a heartbeat. Who knows? Maybe I’m just grasping at straws.

Originally Posted by andgrowing
What kind of gains have you seen with extenders over the years? Also, why do you say what you do about the strap vs. the noose? You felt like you got a better stretch from the noose as opposed to the strap? How many times did you use the strap and for how long? What kind of routines did you follow with the extender? Sorry about all the questions but I’d like to think I didn’t spend $200 and six months using this thing only for it to be a complete waste. I know things don’t typically work out so simply, but if my progress is a simple matter of switching from the strap to the noose, of course I’ll do it in a heartbeat. Who knows? Maybe I’m just grasping at straws.

You can make a noose on your strap extender. I made one from a rope thing for glasses, if I can dig up the link I will post it. I never really gave the strap a chance, I didn’t like it from the start, I also liked the affect it had on my head. I also didn’t like the vacuum ones very much. I used to use my maxextender before I started hanging and then after I started to hang, the maxextender is uncomfortable and not as good as the newer extenders. But back than I used it a lot and it worked. Just take it easy if you switch to the noose it’s takes a while to toughen up that area, and at first you won’t be able to wear it as long and you need to stop more often to get the blood flowing. I never followed any routines when I had time I threw it on, it was perfect to multitask with. Wore it as much as possible and sometimes after hanging to keep my dick stretched. Can’t say about the gains, I mixed forms of PE together.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Been using extenders on and off since the beginning 1999, tried all the different ones and nothing works like a noose. in my opinion the strap

ss, I shouldn’t say that because I couldn’t even wear it longer than a few hours before I was done with it, but I hated it and didn’t feel the stretch I get with a noose extender.

I’m just started back with the extender so I will give it some time, but I think I’m going to work in some basic jelqing with it.

Have u surpassed your 8.75 bpel in your PE stats?

Try using the extender for less time like 2-4 hours a day and do the newbie routine along with it don’t forget the rest days I wore my extender for 3 months and had no results now that I’m doing the newbie routine along with that I established a 0.2inch gain per month

Start BPEL 5.5 EG 5.2 09-20-2011

GOAL 7x6 - on a 5'5 guy it will look huge

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