Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

MaxXtenders on eBay

MaxXtenders on eBay

Just saw this on eBay. MaxXtender ADS for $39, new in the box. He had 19 of them left this morning. Don’t know if it is a good ADS or not, but it looks similar in function to the ones I have paid hundreds for. Just thought I would share…



I have a max xtender and use it a about 4-5 times a week. I think it gives a great stretch. I think it has definitely contributed to my 3/4” length gain in the last couple of months. It would be well worth the $40.

Go for it.


PS I got your message and will PM you soon, I have been working a lot and traveling lately and have been just straight out.

Well, I have one and I hate it. It gives a good stretch, I won’t take that from it, but it gives it at the expense of safety. Let me explain. The way it stretches the penis is with a noose (from a thick nylon string) on the penis head. As you can already imagine, this is very dangerous to the penis head. In comparison to the Jes Extender, for instance, it is miles behind in terms of safety. But one has also to keep in mind that the MaxEx costs 20 times less then the JesEx.

Just wanted to post my opinion for the ones who don’t know the device.



UIShrike, that is why I don’t give it a try. A noose around the head of your dick is asking for trouble especially after 17 minutes in which tissue death creeps in. I am not trying to start shit and hats off to you guys who can wear these without having a cool dick head. I am sure someone is wearing one of these safely,but it would be tricky at best in my opinion. I definitely would make damn sure I had my shit together before wearing one of these for over 10 min.



I only wore mine 5 times (just as an experiment, and for little time). Stopped using it exactly for the reasons you posted. I prefer to stretch with my hands and be safer than to risk permanent injury. This is why I posted my view of the thing, to warn other potential buyers.



Hey Guys,

I certainly understand your concern with the Max extender. The first time I wore mine without any protection around the head I didn’t last 5 minutes in the thing. I then started to wrap a piece of terry cloth about 8 X 2 and then a self adhesive ace bandage and then placed the noose around that. It doesn’t strangle the head and I still get a really good stretch. And I completely understand about the safety issue. I have since ordered a Penimaster and will let you know how it fits once I receive it and use it a bit.

When I first started PE in June (after lurking and testing for a couple of years) I decided that I was going to be quite serious about it. Part of my “go for broke” personality I guess. Well since then I have ordered $300 worth of Androgel, cock rings, max extender, power jelq, and the Penimaster. All of which have or will play some part in my goal of a larger dick. To date I have gotten 3/4” in length (erect), 2” increase flaccid, and about 3/8” in girth. Not a record but not bad for 4 moths. So I cannot say enough good things about the stuff I have tried and will continue to try in the future. The max extender has its place in my arsenal.

Good luck

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Is there a way to make the max extender more comfortable. Cab i order soemthing online. The nylon rope thing kinda sucks. But i think the extede stretches well.

How does everyone feel about the penis master. If the penis master is indeed safer and better I would be willing to buy into it. However, from these forums the results of the penismaster also seem mixed.

I was 4.5 but made it to 5 in one month. hoping or a 6.5. just want to be average.

dont know if it is the jelq or the extender but it seems to be working.

I have the MaxXtender and the Penimaster. I like both, but I find myself using the Max (placing a thick wrap material between the back of my head and the noose, similiar to 678) more because its so much easier to get on and off. Once you get a good grip you can just strectch yourself to your max where as with the penimaster my head slips because its difficult to really get the grip tight without pinching skin.

The only issue I’ve had with the Max recently is the skin underneath bunching up but nothing too serious.

678 let me know what you think of the penimaster.

By the way I hang before I use the stretcher… its kind of my in between hanging and ads.




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