Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

What do you think about people that say an extender stretches penis but doesn't work

Originally Posted by LightningZee
The x4 is almost identical to the SizeGenetics, isnt it? I have tried to wear the SG but couldnt get it on, not sure why. BPEL is a pretty average 16cm, but i just coulnt figure it.

Half an inch for 1000 hours is pretty decent to be fair. What measurement is that though, flaccid, BPEL or NPEL?

Yes, the X4and the SizeGenetics seem to be the same or extremely similar.

My measurements are BPEL. Yes, 0.50” gain is fine, I don’t plan on stopping so more gains are in my future.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

So I bought the pro extender v3 and started wearing it today, my question is how do I know the extension is good enough ?

Originally Posted by 2 short
and you need more time then 4hrs in stretcher or your wasting your time. And bro get off my ass don’t care if my spelling or anything else is off.

Before you asked me why people have a problem with your posts and one of my answers was your punctuation. Why ask for the solution if you dont care to change?

Originally Posted by 2 short
And we’re are the mods at? Seems like every time a clown gets cocky or arrogant with me you don’t say a thing but when i start to def back a certain mod gets all over me. Funny huh?

Firstly, I am not a mod. Secondly, I dont follow you around TP so I dont know about these “clowns” you are referring to. If you were having an issue and wanted my assistance to fair things over because you felt mistreated, you could have PM’d me.
If you continue to act this way, you’re gonna have a tough time here, and anywhere else for that matter.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
Before you asked me why people have a problem with your posts and one of my answers was your punctuation. Why ask for the solution if you dont care to change?

Firstly, I am not a mod. Secondly, I don’t follow you around TP so I don’t know about these “clowns” you are referring to. If you were having an issue and wanted my assistance to fair things over because you felt mistreated, you could have PM’d me.
If you continue to act this way, you’re gonna have a tough time here, and anywhere else for that matter.

i know your not mod, your to arrogant to be a mod. And didn’t ask for your assistance in anything either. Lmmfao! If don’t like what i have to say or how i spell or write then it’s simple move on. And I’m far from a newbie here bro

Originally Posted by 2 short
i know your not mod, your to arrogant to be a mod. And didn’t ask for your assistance in anything either. Lmmfao! If don’t like what i have to say or how i spell or write then it’s simple move on. And I’m far from a newbie here bro

*You’re not “your” here, and capital I please.
I see you have already forgotten this post from a few days ago:

Originally Posted by 2 short
im sorry but i dont understand the inflammatory part that your talking about, ive been told this in the past before and by tg. I apologize if something seemed rude or cocky or what ever, didn’t mean it to come off that way. Sorry if it did.

My reply was this if you missed it:

Originally Posted by LightningZee
It’s cool, no worries. I will explain to you. I’ll accompany your post too.

“why would you recommend not to go over 5 hours when even the company tells you more? Curious. And at 9” length the pf you couldn’t possibly be able to use”
— This is fine, but punctuate, bro.

“Sorry but what you say makes NO SENSE.”
— This bit is the main issue. To say you aren’t sure why the poster you’re replying to came to this conclusion is fine, but the impression given by your choice of words asserts that he is implicitly incorrect with this statement and that its ridiculous to believe so. The capitalisation of “no sense” emphasises the negativity of the statement (even if you did not mean it as such, remember we cant hear you and how you would say it or any inflections in your tone which would indicate that you don’t mean to be negative).

“I owned the pf for 2 years and first off it was made to fix the curvature in ones penis not make it longer.”
— This is alright, but there are studies which show an increase in length so not entirely correct, in the same way cable clamps are meant to hold cables, not increase the girth of a penis.

“Its not a stretcher and the p.e. boards that endorse it call it that so they can sell it. If you pay attention there are stretchers out there that are made of good material’s and work but the p.e. boards if they can’t make a buck they wont endorse it and if you say something neg they get upset. The pf if you don’t have a curvature problem your tying to fix don’t waste your money on it becuase it will do nothing for you. Garbage.”
— This is your opinion and you express it just fine, no worries here.

It really was just the main point i highlighted, you seem like a decent guy to be fair, just misunderstood sometimes but I hope my explanation here was sufficient to explain the issues some people may have with your posts and with it you can work on your typed language to give the opinion you intend to express :)

I think you are quite young to be posting here. My interpretation of your overall behaviour and attitude is that you are either rather young, perhaps too young for this forum, or you have a learning or behavioural disorder.
If it is the former, I suggest you leave TP and return when you are older. We don’t know how old you are and I doubt you would leave just by my words if you were below the requested age seeing as you’re already here so although I probably shouldn’t say this, at the very least present yourself more maturely.
If it is the latter and you do have a disorder of some kind; reign it in. Regardless if you have issues or not, this is not a forum for arguments or name-calling or for being a general douche. Go to Reddit. This is a discussion forum where respect should be given to each member and where information and experiences are exchanged.
I’m sure you have something to contribute to this forum. Just don’t be an ass otherwise I will put you firmly in your place for a second time on here.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Your a smart ass and your the only one being critical of my spelling. Why? Because your arrogant and pompous obviously. And you don’t want to argue then why you keep posting and saying stupid ignorant things? Why because your being a drama quee. And no I’m not young and by what I’ve seen of your postings i have alot more to offer to this board then you. What do you have to offer to this board? It’s obvious you don’t know anything about a stretcher and how long to use it, and I’m pretty confident you don’t have any experience in pumping also by what i see you post. The only thing i can see you having any experience in is pulling on soldier. Because with your arrogant attitude i know you have no woman in your life. Go ahead and repost because your ego won’t let you not repost. And argue with yourself because your a waste of time. Good night arrogant one

Now now lads take a deep breath and calm down.

Busy Building a big dick with AM 2.

Originally Posted by 2 short
Your a smart ass and your the only one being critical of my spelling. Why? Because your arrogant and pompous obviously. And you don’t want to argue then why you keep posting and saying stupid ignorant things? Why because your being a drama quee. And no I’m not young and by what I’ve seen of your postings i have alot more to offer to this board then you. What do you have to offer to this board? It’s obvious you don’t know anything about a stretcher and how long to use it, and I’m pretty confident you don’t have any experience in pumping also by what i see you post. The only thing i can see you having any experience in is pulling on soldier. Because with your arrogant attitude i know you have no woman in your life. Go ahead and repost because your ego won’t let you not repost. And argue with yourself because your a waste of time. Good night arrogant one

*You’re. I have explained this before, shall I give you an educational lesson in the difference between “Your” and “You’re”?
“Alot” is not a word, it is two separate words of “a” and “lot”. I explained this before.
These things are simple, even you should be able to comprehend.

Like I said before, you asked for help in this before and I politely offered. Just because you are not yet mature enough to understand or appreciate the answers you are given, doesn’t mean you should be rude to the person who replies. If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing. It’s a good lesson in life, too.
If anyone here is a drama queen, it is you for all the unnecessary and inflammatory posts you make. It is rare your comments further a discussion in the correct direction. People on this forum are going to get fed up with you, I can personally name 3 without trouble who would be happy to see you gone. I am sure there would be more that I simply don’t know. On the same lines, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone other than yourself who would wish me to leave because I have helped quite a few in the small ways I can and I’m sure the others are just simply indifferent and don’t care either way. I’m not saying this to be a jerk, i’m saying this because you need to see how others see you here, because if you continue this way, you will be given the boot. Inflammatory posts are not tolerated here.

If you aren’t sure how you appear to others, I will take this occasion to inform you. Your age comes across as young and juvenile, as does your spelling, reluctance to spell-correct which I will again inform you is a rule on this forum and your general attitude. Its very child-like. I would guess you are 15 at best? If so, you shouldn’t be here. And this makes it hard to take you serious.
I find it laughable that you are “confident” in things you know literally nothing about and I could not care less about what you think if I tried. I mean, who are you anyway? To me, nobody. Just a rude keyboard warrior wannabe. But this attitude of being sure about things you cant possibly know and actually being wrong on literally all the things you are “sure” about me, can not be good for where your life will be heading if you apply it elsewhere. You should take a moment to think about that.

It’s true I could not figure out the SizeGenetics, I tried twice and stuck to the Phallosan which I found simpler and more convenient. I use a Bathmate for 5 minutes per day to assist with length gains as studies have shown. I believe I stated this already and the studies are easy enough to find. I cannot understand your difficulty in comprehending this.

This post is not about making you feel bad, or attacking you. I have taken my time to teach you a lesson in respect, showing you how you come across to others and telling you; it’s time for you to grow up or leave. I dont want you to leave, I want you to be less of an ass to myself and other members. If you have nothing to further a discussion, don’t post. It’s that simple. I don’t have the power to give you the boot, but I know you are under several mod’s radars for behaving as you do and I foresee it being inevitable. This is the moment you can decide if you want to be a part of TP or not. If you do, changes will have to be made to be more civil to other members.

I have no reason to tolerate this kind of behavior towards myself or anyone else. If you continue to be a smart-ass, I will link every single one of your many inflammatory posts into one message and chances are you will either be banned from this forum or you will be given a time-out. I strongly recommend you don’t push your luck.

The powers that be do not take your kind of posts well and for good reason. This is a relatively clean forum and a place to respect others, not disrespect them and this is the last of it I wish to contribute to going off-topic and into the realm of ridiculousness.

Originally Posted by The Wizard
Now now lads take a deep breath and calm down.

I am calm, don’t worry I don’t lose my cool :)
If you check out his posts, you will see that between himself and many members, at least half of them are inflammatory and disrespectful.

In other news, I have a question about BPEL. Has anybody else found it slightly higher immediately after using an extender? My BPEL is usually 16.5-ish before a session (give or take 1mm) but yesterday after 8 hours in the PF, it was an easy 17cm. Stretched flaccid seemed the usual though, so I’m somewhat at a loss here.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by LightningZee
*You’re. I have explained this before, shall I give you an educational lesson in the difference between “Your” and “You’re”?
“Alot” is not a word, it is two separate words of “a” and “lot”. I explained this before.
These things are simple, even you should be able to comprehend.

Like I said before, you asked for help in this before and I politely offered. Just because you are not yet mature enough to understand or appreciate the answers you are given, doesn’t mean you should be rude to the person who replies. If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing. It’s a good lesson in life, too.
If anyone here is a drama queen, it is you for all the unnecessary and inflammatory posts you make. It is rare your comments further a discussion in the correct direction. People on this forum are going to get fed up with you, I can personally name 3 without trouble who would be happy to see you gone. I am sure there would be more that I simply don’t know. On the same lines, I think you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone other than yourself who would wish me to leave because I have helped quite a few in the small ways I can and I’m sure the others are just simply indifferent and don’t care either way. I’m not saying this to be a jerk, i’m saying this because you need to see how others see you here, because if you continue this way, you will be given the boot. Inflammatory posts are not tolerated here.

If you aren’t sure how you appear to others, I will take this occasion to inform you. Your age comes across as young and juvenile, as does your spelling, reluctance to spell-correct which I will again inform you is a rule on this forum and your general attitude. Its very child-like. I would guess you are 15 at best? If so, you shouldn’t be here. And this makes it hard to take you serious.
I find it laughable that you are “confident” in things you know literally nothing about and I could not care less about what you think if I tried. I mean, who are you anyway? To me, nobody. Just a rude keyboard warrior wannabe. But this attitude of being sure about things you cant possibly know and actually being wrong on literally all the things you are “sure” about me, can not be good for where your life will be heading if you apply it elsewhere. You should take a moment to think about that.

It’s true I could not figure out the SizeGenetics, I tried twice and stuck to the Phallosan which I found simpler and more convenient. I use a Bathmate for 5 minutes per day to assist with length gains as studies have shown. I believe I stated this already and the studies are easy enough to find. I cannot understand your difficulty in comprehending this.

This post is not about making you feel bad, or attacking you. I have taken my time to teach you a lesson in respect, showing you how you come across to others and telling you; it’s time for you to grow up or leave. I dont want you to leave, I want you to be less of an ass to myself and other members. If you have nothing to further a discussion, don’t post. It’s that simple. I don’t have the power to give you the boot, but I know you are under several mod’s radars for behaving as you do and I foresee it being inevitable. This is the moment you can decide if you want to be a part of TP or not. If you do, changes will have to be made to be more civil to other members.

I have no reason to tolerate this kind of behavior towards myself or anyone else. If you continue to be a smart-ass, I will link every single one of your many inflammatory posts into one message and chances are you will either be banned from this forum or you will be given a time-out. I strongly recommend you don’t push your luck.

The powers that be do not take your kind of posts well and for good reason. This is a relatively clean forum and a place to respect others, not disrespect them and this is the last of it I wish to contribute to going off-topic and into the realm of ridiculousness.

I am calm, don’t worry I don’t lose my cool :)
If you check out his posts, you will see that between himself and many members, at least half of them are inflammatory and disrespectful.

In other news, I have a question about BPEL. Has anybody else found it slightly higher immediately after using an extender? My BPEL is usually 16.5-ish before a session (give or take 1mm) but yesterday after 8 hours in the PF, it was an easy 17cm. Stretched flaccid seemed the usual though, so I’m somewhat at a loss here.

i never asked you for any help, You have nothing to offer me. And like i said i knew you couldn’t refrain from having the last word. Which makes you a simpleton. Hahahaha. And your the only person that i have a problem with on here. Your arrogant and pompous and you try to act like your a mod and fail horribly at it! And what? You strongly recommend i don’t push my luck? Hahaha you threatening me? It sounds like it. The whole post sounded like it and you try and make yourself sound like a mod on top of it! Hahahaha, and it takes more then 1 mod to ban someone. Wanna be spelling cop! Hahhaha😁😁 last words ill have with you because unlike you I’m not a simpleton! Enjoy your day BRO! Lol

Originally Posted by 2 short
i never asked you for any help, You have nothing to offer me. And like i said i knew you couldn’t refrain from having the last word. Which makes you a simpleton. Hahahaha. And your the only person that i have a problem with on here. Your arrogant and pompous and you try to act like your a mod and fail horribly at it! And what? You strongly recommend i don’t push my luck? Hahaha you threatening me? It sounds like it. The whole post sounded like it and you try and make yourself sound like a mod on top of it! Hahahaha, and it takes more then 1 mod to ban someone. Wanna be spelling cop! Hahhaha😁😁 last words ill have with you because unlike you I’m not a simpleton! Enjoy your day BRO! Lol

Capitalise that “i” and again, wrong “your”.

Yes you did. In this post right here, in reply to my other comment about not being inflammatory to Titleist.

Originally Posted by 2 short
I’m sorry but i dont understand the inflammatory part that your talking about, I’ve been told this in the past before and by tg. I apologize if something seemed rude or cocky or what ever, didn’t mean it to come off that way. Sorry if it did.

All this about a last word, yet here you are trying so hard for it.
Think what you want, I couldn’t care less. I was giving you a fair warning, because you’re going to get banned sooner or later anyway.
You have very little to offer this forum because you are a liar who gives poor advice, has little experience if any and also has no real knowledge. I know this because I have read other posts of yours. I have seen your unsolicited attacks on Iceman on here too over who is one of the nicest and benevolent people on here over the topic of underwear he chooses to wear (or not wear).
I find it interesting how you were 50 years old in 2017 and then 47 later that year and then turning 48 this year and I think in one you said something about being around 30 at some other point? You are certainly a troll here. I think you need to go.

In other news, it seems I have variation during the day with my BPEL. Is this a thing? I thought it was one of the more accurate measurements but my measuring is unlikely to be at fault because I’m very consistent. Any thoughts?

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

I just recieved an inbox from you while writing this. I didnt actually read it past the first sentence but let me attach it here for others to appreciate and for others to know I have never contacted you outside of this board.

I want to make this public, because I will see to it you leave now. Goodbye 2 Short, nobody will miss you.

Originally Posted by 2 short

Hey just wanna say your a big fucking stroke!! You obviously don’t know shit about stretchers and give shit advice on using it and who in the fuck only pumps for 5min? I see you know nothing about that also! I gave away more p.e. equipment then you have used! I been doing p.e. for over 3 years and have made big gains. And why did i make big gains? Unlike you i kept my mouth shut and didn’t act like a know it all and listened to folks that i knew were not liars and give bad advice like what you do! Your a greenbean trying to act like your not! Why do you think the mods haven’t said anything yet? Ill tell you, Because your fucking arrogant with little knowlege to give to the board and start shit! Go and stretch your little dick for your whole 4hrs and go pump that little thing for 5min you fucktard! It will get you know we’re know it all! You say im young, im not but i know you are! That’s why your p.e. exercises are short and weak! Hahahahaha. Go fuck yourself stroke!!

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

2 shorts been put in time out for a month he’s welcome back if he can act like a gentleman but it’s highly doubtful.

Lighting zee for future reference even though 2 short is clearly a troll please keep PM’s regardless of the content private from the boards and send it to one of the mods.

Make that a permanent ban from the powers that be.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
2 shorts been put in time out for a month he’s welcome back if he can act like a gentleman but it’s highly doubtful.

Lighting zee for future reference even though 2 short is clearly a troll please keep PM’s regardless of the content private from the boards and send it to one of the mods.

Understood kingscounty, my apologies for that. I was hoping to paste it here for a mod to see and deal with which is why it is there, but in retrospect I should have just forwarded it directly. I will work out how to do this for future reference. Thank you for the update.

LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!

Originally Posted by thumbcock
I have added over four inches of length and 1/4 girth to my member in 10 years via extender. I could have shortened the time by 4 years had I been more consistent and also utilized manual manipulation vs extender only.
Now I have a better understanding of how my penis works, and it is possible for me to gain a half an inch per month.
This knowledge would have not been available to me if not for my extender.

I think we just found the world record holder for most PE gains .

Then- 5.7 x 4.7 (bpel x mseg)

Now- 7.1 x 5.1 (beg 5.5) // Goal-> 8 x 5.5+

Extender Log 2017


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