Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

More Hanging Sets or Adding Extender

Nice design, rootsnatty. The base looks like it could do with some padding.

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

@Devotion: You’re right about the obsessiveness needed for hanging! Luckily right now I got it like that. Enough to go well over 90 minutes most days, anyhow.

Question, you wear your extender out and about under your pants? Is it completely (or enough so) stealth? What kind of pants are we talking here? I’ve tried my VacADS under my pants and it looked invisible so I now do that all the time, but my VacExtender looked like I was smuggling squirrels.

@Memento: Definitely right about the padding. I just used it and it felt OK (I sanded the PVC base to make the corners rounded and the edge smooth), but I think I am going to get one of those silicone comfort rings they make for pumps and slap it on the base. Also, I need to find a way to reduce the distance the bolts protrude inward into the base. Right now my penis does not rub on the bolts, but it is close, so if I get any more base girth from hanging then it will rub and I think that will be very uncomfortable - it seems like the bolts would dig in more and more each time I cranked the slider plate further out for a longer stretch. Last, I need to find some type of a clamp-on hook to connect my laptop strap to the U-bolt at the end of the extender so I can put the strap around my neck and hold the whole thing up. I set the end of it on a table today while using it to keep it from pointing straight down - it worked, but was a pain in the ass and really limited what I could do while wearing it.

The traction device did work very well, however, and gave me an incredibly long stretch by the end. When stress relaxation kicked in fully I could see my penis start to sag down due to the weight of the vacuum cap, this was my indication to turn the wing nuts and deliver a greater stretch. I did not anticipate that happening so I was a little unsure about when to increase the stretch when I was first planning out how I would operate the thing to give the most efficient gains while still remaining safe. Most tissue will reach a high point (or low point, depending on how you look at it) on the stress relaxation curve around 4 minutes and then further relaxation will be at greatly diminishing returns, so I had planned on just going by that. Basing it on the sag gave me a good visual que that it was time to stretch further, and, as it turned out, maximum visual sag happened right around 4 minutes! I let it stretch for 10 minutes one time and the sag barely increased at all.

Wow. How long did you have the traction device on? Will you post photos with it in use?

Sure thing Ironaddict. I think this weekend I will be giving it another test run so I’ll snap some photos then.

Awesome. I am getting the new vac extender soon with the new larger head attachment. Or maybe I will try to build a cap like yours. I cannot do ones with bases unless it’s super wide. And with the knee attachment, you can easily wear them in public under dickies and shorts like that.

@Ironaddict: I thought you told me you had the new VacExtender already? Is there a newer one than the 4.1 coming out? That is the one I have with the large vacuum cap. Even with the larger cap I still have to smash my head in - and I don’t have a massive head or anything - so that would be cool if a newer bigger one was in the works.

Ya, the knee attachment is awesome. I have even worn it stealth under long, baggy basketball shorts. Tried to kneel down as little as possible so the shorts wouldn’t ride up above the knee, but it worked out OK.

I don’t know, monkeybar said a larger one was coming out this week or something. The old one wouldn’t get my head in it at all.

It’s totally doable to wear under shorts. Never been a problem with me. It won’t work for the metros and their tight jeans however.

@Ironaddict: Hahahaha, definitely will not work for them! And it was the extender you were wearing under shorts, not the ADS with the leg strap or universal harness around your waste?

I took a picture of the traction device in operation. Is it cool to post it here? This forum being open and all I figured that might be a no-no. If the mods say it isn’t, I will PM you the pic so you can see it in action Ironaddict. You can see the incredible stretch I am getting in it. Like a ten inch stretch, far beyond my standard, non-stress relaxation-enhanced flaccid stretched length of around 9 inches bone-pressed. Not sure if the stretch I get from the device is longer than the stretch I get from hanging as it is difficult to measure stretched length while hanging between the cheeks, but it is sure an amazing, incredibly long stretch!

Not a 100% sure but I think you can post devices / penises here since they are all over the guide pages and I’ve found a lot around the forums, besides you can’t see them if you’re not logged in so in a sense it’s not that open. One thing I did find some rules page or something is that you can’t post porn, penetration or any kind of gore / shock material.

Progress Report Thread: New guy, never done anything like this before

Pictures: Dude151 Pictures

Stats also at Profile

Devices, yes, penis, nope. No penises in a public forum, although penises showing an injury are sometimes allowed to go in the public. We hope there isn’t anyone who would jerk off looking at a penis blister, although you can never know.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
@Ironaddict: Hahahaha, definitely will not work for them! And it was the extender you were wearing under shorts, not the ADS with the leg strap or universal harness around your waste?

I took a picture of the traction device in operation. Is it cool to post it here? This forum being open and all I figured that might be a no-no. If the mods say it isn’t, I will PM you the pic so you can see it in action Ironaddict. You can see the incredible stretch I am getting in it. Like a ten inch stretch, far beyond my standard, non-stress relaxation-enhanced flaccid stretched length of around 9 inches bone-pressed. Not sure if the stretch I get from the device is longer than the stretch I get from hanging as it is difficult to measure stretched length while hanging between the cheeks, but it is sure an amazing, incredibly long stretch!

Start a new thread for pictures in the members progress reports and pictures section. No dick pics in the public forums.

Thanks for the info guys! I’ll go over there now and start a thread for anyone who wants to see the traction device operational.

OK guys, it is over there now in the progress reports and pictures forum.

Roots natty, marinara so it is your belief that hanging and extending are some what incompatible in that hanging can toughen up the ligs and connective tissues there by requiring a higher tension from the extender, there by negating any added benefit from using the extender?. I always believed that hanging gains were limited to the area just below the hanger to the base, I believe it also coaxes the internal penis to pull out.. While an extender lengthens the penis along the shaft almost exclusively?. The evidence that hangers need an ever increasing load to make gains is pretty well documented, all the big gainers like bib and jelkoid used weights that truly pushed the limits of what is considered safe, but therein lies the secret to there 8 inch plus wonks. Many of the new breed of hangers I feel will never reach those NBPEL penis lengths using such chicken shit hanging routines that I constantly read on bibs forum and all other forums. For instance I hang 2 1/2 pounds for three sets a day, this is crap and a waste of time IMHO. I myself may not have the balls to hang 25pounds for months on end to send me to that 8 inch dream.. I worry that all my pain and discomfort in this 2nd hanging attempt might only yield me tougher ligs with minimal gains ?I have in the past gone as high as 22 Pd’s that was 8 months ago with my first hanging cycle it was fricken painful and totally uncomfortable, so why am I hanging again I was going to do only one really heavy set this time and follow with much lighter sets.. Currently I’m using a hybrid routine where I do 5 to 9 sets of bib BTC hanging with 16pounds I also put in 4 to 6 hours with a male edge extender. I do this 7 days a week.. But now after reading this thread I may drop the bib and use the extender exclusively. But that prospect does not exactly thrill me either since I know I may need an additional 2500 to 3000 hours to get me to 8 inch NBPEL .. To date I have logged about 2200 hours and have gained a tad bit more than an inch.. Now standing at 7 3/16NBPEL x 6 1/16 MSG.. Marinara do you believe 2 to 3 inches with an extender is possible given enough time strapped in?? Are there limits ? It seems as though 2 inch plus extender gains are rare?

Wow Frank, you really put in the hours. You should start a thread and write about your one inch gain. I see it took a while, but anyway, your story will help others.

I think it is possible to get 2, plus, inches, but at your rate you might need to put in a total of 5000 to 8000 hours. I’m curious to why you have to put in so much time. Typically an inch is expected after wearing an extender for for 1000-2000 hours. You fall right at the end of the boundary. Details about you trial and useage will be enlightening.

And I agree with you to not mix heavy hanging with extending. I hang 5 pounds for 10 to 30 minutes sometimes just before extending, which helps relax my ligs. This way no time using the extender is wasted stretching the ligs. I only do this when the ligs are tight.


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