Thunder's Place

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Anyone use a Head cylinder with success ??(URL inside)

Anyone use a Head cylinder with success ??(URL inside)

OK, I know pumping results are for length mainly temporary ; but what about pumping the Head ?? I tried it several times with a self made pipe and my pump , but it was too difficult to attach it to the Head.

Now I saw that there is a special cylinder designed for the head and I am intrested if this could give good gains for the Head.

Anyone experiences ??


Yes I ordered this. First of all it is difficult to get a good seal. You must get the correct size (there is small, med and large). Part of my problem was I got the size too big, but I did wrap and stuff to increase the head and upper shaft size and then tried it as well. When you try to add pressure it is limiting because it slides down the shaft unless you stay at low pressure. You also have to use your other hand to keep a seal. It is difficult. Also it digs in the upper part of the shaft and leaves a dent and is a little uncomfortable.


and ...

did you get gains yet ?

Or do you think it will give good gains ?

I read the post again and see that I was not clear. I gave up. I tried it about 10 times but it was too difficult. Could not get a good seal or it dug in, or slid down the shaft etc. It does not work well and I wanted to work not only on the head but the upper shaft and head (have a tapered penis) which is what the wrapping for ulies does.


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