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Balls keep getting sucked into cylinder! Please Help! Future of pumping at stake!


Originally Posted by mentula
The purpose of Testicular Breathing is to bring blood and oxygen to the testicles. It is an ancient Chinese exercise that used to be recommended especially to older people who tend to suffer from low testosterone and testicle shrinkage but it benefits every male no matter the age.

The first effects are more supple, bigger, and more bouncy huevos. With regular practice the hormone production is also increased. Basically, it is the right workout for the testicles. You can add to it some slow squeezing massage and some light tapping with the tips of the fingers.

Just try it for a few weeks and you’ll bring new life to your balls.

I made it a regular part of my PE session. In particular, I do testicular breathing in between jelqing sessions.

Give it a try for a few weeks and then tell us how it feels.

It does not matter how big your salami is, if your huevos are tiny the battery won’t fire.

God bless,


Thank you Mentula. I will try these. I could sure use them.

But I`m curious. How exactly does one lifts ones huevos? I tried and it seems like the way to do it is almost like a kegel?

Originally Posted by Renholder
Thank you Mentula. I will try these. I could sure use them.

But I`m curious. How exactly does one lifts ones huevos? I tried and it seems like the way to do it is almost like a kegel?

Hello there,

Yes it is almost like a Kegel but more subtle and focused, you need to relax a lot more than when kegeling, there is less muscular strain and more mental intention. In fact it is a matter of trial and error and mental imagining. Many times if you don’t relax enough, the huevos won’t descend and stay tightly fixed in their nest.

The best pump occurs when you are the most relaxed and just focus on the huevos rising and expanding with each breath. You should actually imagine and feel them expand as they rise and deflate as they lower, and imagine they breathe through the surface.

Another sensation to focus on is the feeling of coldness that you experience as your huevos hang freely as you sit on your ischial tuberosities on the edge of the chair or shit-hole as better suits your needs or tastes. By the way, cold increases sperm production so the Chinese concept is that focusing on the feeling of coldness helps sperm production as well. Go figure those Chinamen.

Unlike pumping or other PE practices, the Testicle Breathing require undivided attention to be done right so when you do it, you’ll need to take a break from Porn study or Gospel reading.

I am not anatomy expert but I would say that the muscles involved are located higher than those used in kegeling, further up the inguinal canal (or at least they are a small subset of those). It’s more like a suction than a contraction.

Hope this helps. The long term benefits are several if and when one gets into the habit.

Another name for this is “El Baile de Los Huevos”.

PS: just make sure you lock up your cat when you practice. Or you’ll be sorry as I was that time when my little tiger thought it funny to see two little hairy nuggets moving up and down in the air.

God bless,


Originally Posted by mentula
Hello there,

Yes it is almost like a Kegel but more subtle and focused, you need to relax a lot more than when kegeling, there is less muscular strain and more mental intention. In fact it is a matter of trial and error and mental imagining. Many times if you don’t relax enough, the huevos won’t descend and stay tightly fixed in their nest.

The best pump occurs when you are the most relaxed and just focus on the huevos rising and expanding with each breath. You should actually imagine and feel them expand as they rise and deflate as they lower, and imagine they breathe through the surface.

Another sensation to focus on is the feeling of coldness that you experience as your huevos hang freely as you sit on your ischial tuberosities on the edge of the chair or shit-hole as better suits your needs or tastes. By the way, cold increases sperm production so the Chinese concept is that focusing on the feeling of coldness helps sperm production as well. Go figure those Chinamen.

Unlike pumping or other PE practices, the Testicle Breathing require undivided attention to be done right so when you do it, you’ll need to take a break from Porn study or Gospel reading.

I am not anatomy expert but I would say that the muscles involved are located higher than those used in kegeling, further up the inguinal canal (or at least they are a small subset of those). It’s more like a suction than a contraction.

Hope this helps. The long term benefits are several if and when one gets into the habit.

Another name for this is “El Baile de Los Huevos”.

PS: just make sure you lock up your cat when you practice. Or you’ll be sorry as I was that time when my little tiger thought it funny to see two little hairy nuggets moving up and down in the air.

God bless,


Forgot to thank you for this advice, Mentula.

Thank you! :)

Sad to say, I did not stay consistent with it, but I`m resuming these today.

Kind regards,


Originally Posted by andgrowing
I’ve been pumping for a little more than two weeks and for the first time tonight, I wasn’t able to pump because either one of my balls kept getting sucked into the cylinder. Because I do steroids (and am not going to stop), my balls are not even average size. What can I do?

Please help. I really like pumping and feel as though it is a PE technique that is really working for me. What can I do? Please help!

I don’t have particularly large balls or a large cock either but I really recommend one of these to hold them down.
(It’s been a long while since I posted, hopefully a google link is ok?)

They hold the balls down and you can adjust the tension to choose an amount which won’t restrict blood to the balls.
After 20 minutes my cock swells up to the point that the tube is packed and it’s not a problem anyhow.

Interestingly of note I have penal scrotal webbing (turkey neck) and I think that significantly assists in the balls being closer to the base of the cylinder as my balls can basically make their way up my damn shaft. (Remember folks, don’t damn well circumcise your boys, or they’ll be making this same post in 20 years time)

Good luck.

I also made a thread about this
Balls Keep Getting Sucked Into Tube

The best advice i got was to use a cock ring while pumping
I started using an extra+ thick silicone cock ring in place of a silicone sleeve and it worked a charm

Cock ring, C -Ring, Adjustable Cock Ring! It’s 2024, I post a lot about wearing a cock ring on balls before pumping!

@Jamando are you putting the Cock ring on shaft or balls?

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.5 EG & Solid EQ)


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