Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Marathon Pumping Experiences


As a newbie (less than 2 moths of pumping), all I got from marathon pumping was a heavy hanging unit post session and a terrible EQ for days. I agree that this is definitely not for beginners or intermediates with less than 1 year of steady pumping under their belt.

What do you guys think about a marathon session in conjunction with Cialis?

Sort of like a medically induced priapism.

Love thy neighbor.

Originally Posted by MHedberg
What do you guys think about a marathon session in conjunction with Cialis?

Sort of like a medically induced priapism.

The problem there is overlooking the signs of injury. If we use PI’s as a reference point cialis can cloud this. In theory it’s a great idea but in actuality it could cause problems.

Originally Posted by kingscounty
The problem there is overlooking the signs of injury. If we use PI’s as a reference point cialis can cloud this. In theory it’s a great idea but in actuality it could cause problems.

Good point thanks. Thinking about giving it a shot though. 2-5Hg for an hour to 2hrs a session, 2 or 3 sessions in a day.

Think in terms of one elongated session.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

Originally Posted by MHedberg
What do you guys think about a marathon session in conjunction with Cialis?

Sort of like a medically induced priapism.

I think cialis is pretty bad overall. Levitra is better. And best of all that I wish I had caverject.

Originally Posted by MHedberg
Good point thanks. Thinking about giving it a shot though. 2-5Hg for an hour to 2hrs a session, 2 or 3 sessions in a day.

I’ve been doing this recently. 1hr session in the morning, 2 hr session after work, 2hr session before bed. Water pumping with a jar full of Epsom salt at 5hg. I tried this in the summer but injured my P.A. and took a break from marathons for a bit to heal. Kept my sessions to 30 mins twice a day until recently when I had more time on my hands to get huge. I’m on day 4 and I plan on going at least for 7 days

Take cialis, do some full body stretches, take I arginine with a bunch of water, get in the jar and sit on the edge of the bed in front of a space heater to warm up the water. Then I get back in bed and under the covers to warm my body up while drinking copious amounts of water. I only get out off the tube to use the bathroom which on a really hydrated day is every 20 mins or so. I’ll eat, get dressed, and right before I leave I’ll get out of the tube and towel off.

Then I’ll get home from work, get back in the jar and make myself dinner. I’ll eat in front of a space heater while drinking lots of water and watching porn to stay hard. I can usually go the whole 2 hours at 5hg but it’s a lot more comfortable to lower it down to 1hg for about 5 mins every half hour, stand up, and swing the jar to get the blood flowing.

Right before bed I’ll get in the shower, wash my junk and the jar, fill with Epsom salt water, and put my pickle and eggs in the jar of brine. I’ll finish showering, get in bed under the covers and watch porn while shaking the jar around to stay hard.

When all is said and done, my eq is through three floor, but I’m not going for looks not performance. I’ll have my donut locked behind my glands, with a nice big juicy sack. I’ll wear my cock ring overnight and in the morning I still have about 25% of my gains. Every morning my package gets bigger faster and every night it feels a little bit heavier.

I feel as though I would get the same results with 250ml of saline and I could do it in less than an hour, but I’m chicken. Edema and hydration go hand in hand. My pumps are fuller when I drink 1-2L of water leading up to it. It’s essentially water retention and I’m guessing that doing things that promote retention will make your pump last longer but I haven’t experimented with this yet. Also wondered if I was doing some sort of endurance sport where I got dehydrated would my pump dissipate faster? Can I store water in my balls like a camel?

No one should attempt 7 days a week of any exercise. But hey it’s your dick Riseabovemorty and I wish you luck.

Originally Posted by RiseAboveMorty
I’ve been doing this recently. 1hr session in the morning, 2 hr session after work, 2hr session before bed. Water pumping with a jar full of Epsom salt at 5hg. I tried this in the summer but injured my P.A. and took a break from marathons for a bit to heal. Kept my sessions to 30 mins twice a day until recently when I had more time on my hands to get huge. I’m on day 4 and I plan on going at least for 7 days

Can I store water in my balls like a camel?

Nice dedication. I’ve done about 6-7 one hour sessions so far and when I come out of the tube, I’M HUGE! Well at least for me.

I don’t think you store water in your balls dude.

Originally Posted by MHedberg
Nice dedication. I’ve done about 6-7 one hour sessions so far and when I come out of the tube, I’M HUGE! Well at least for me.

I don’t think you store water in your balls dude.

But someone online told me that pee is stored in the balls. Are you telling me that people jist go online and tell lies?

Im just saying that there’s a strong correlation between how hydrated i am and how plump I get.


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