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Newbie can't get a perfect seal -- is continually pumping the pump ok?


Newbie can't get a perfect seal -- is continually pumping the pump ok?

I’m about 2 or 3 weeks into pumping. I still can’t quite master getting a good seal. That means the pressure goes down after a second or two. So I find myself continuously squeezing the pump handles during the session to bring it back up to 2.5 to 3HG.

Is this fluctuating pressure like this ok? Obviously continuous pressure would be better. Should I compensate by spending more time in the tube? I am doing 10 minute sessions now.

I am working on getting my pubic hair a little more under control, so maybe that will help.

Additionally I realized that my Harbor Freight brass pump is “water pumping safe” since it has that little reservoir for capturing fluid. Would water pumping be better/easier?

History — I have trimmed my pubic hair short. The first few times I pumped I went into the cylinder hard — I have a 1.75 inch cylinder and my base erect girth is a little over 5, so this meant I got a perfect seal.

Then Lampwick pointed out to me that the current thinking is that the tunica is best stretched in an “unloaded” state — So now I go in at around 60 to 70% erect.

So my base no longer completely fills the entrance. That’s when getting the seal became dicey. I have trimmed my pubes further and lubed the base of the cylinder more, which has helped. Over the next few days I am going to get rid of all the hair on my shaft, so hopefully that will help too.

First. Check the nozzle at the top of the cylinder. This has to be fairly tight and it might be worth putting a litle vaseline on the screwed part to help with the seal. Don’t use pliers or anything like that to tighten then seal. You can use a towel to avoid cutting yourself with the metal as there are some sharp peices there.

Down the bottom end it’s as well to use a water holding lubricant for the seal and to rotate the cylinder on your skin. Make sure you place the lubricant on the outside as well as the inside and base of the tube. You will soon know if the seal is tight as the vacuum quickly pulls your penis up the tube if the seal is good. Otherwise try some more lubricant and water.

(I usually wipe the lubricant tround the edges with my finger, then just dip the base of the tube in water. Then place it firmly against the ‘fatpad’ and twist it a half turn left and right. Hold it against the pad and pump.

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Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Hello petitfaun — thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it.

I am using a generic KY jelly type lubricant. Dipping the base of the tube into water is something I had never heard about. That is an excellent tip.

Originally Posted by petitfaun
Check the nozzle at the top of the cylinder. This has to be fairly tight and it might be worth putting a litle vaseline on the screwed part to help with the seal.

Let’s make sure I understand — I should unscrew the female coupler from the cylinder, apply some Vaseline to the threaded part of the coupler, and then screw it back in?

I did finger-tighten the coupler and tested the seal (without lube) on my abdomen. I got a good seal with steady pressure. If that is the case, do I need to do the Vaseline trick?

Sounds like you are on the right track.

Sometimes a small change in position of the cylinder helps. Try shifting it up or down a little when you place it and start to apply vacuum.

To answer the question you first posed, yes, it is OK to keep pumping periodically if you need to. It’s better if possible to resolve the situation that is causing you to lose vacuum.

With luck, you’ll see a little girth growth and this problem will resolve itself. When I started seeing growth, the first I saw it was when the base would pack (and over time, pack more quickly).

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Thanks, guys -- today I had the "perfect seal"

I had time today for a brief session, and I was anxious to try both of your tips.

Between dipping the base of the tube in water per petitfaun and shifting it a little per Lampwick's advice, I got a good seal and great consistent 2.5 HG pressure throughout my session. I came out of the tube after 10 minutes. Massaged jelqed and rested a little and went back in for another 5. I was worried that it was “dumb luck” but I got just as good a seal when I went back in.

It is amazing how much better expansion I got with the consistent pressure, especially in the glans. The right side of my base seemed to be trying to pack a little more than it has before (I curve left).

Plus it just “felt better” to just relax and focus and feel the pull and expansion, rather than be constantly worrying about the fluctuations in pressure like before.

Thanks a million — If you think of anything else, let me know!

Now you know it is possible; the next step is to be able to do it consistently. I would expect that if you exit the tube during the session, it would be easier to get the seal back after you re-enter, because you are going back in larger than at the beginning of the session.

And it only improves from here. As you continue to pump, you’ll start to develop your base girth, and you’ll pack the tube at the base more quickly and more easily than today. So stay with it, and watch your PIs, of course. What schedule are you on?

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.


You may or may not remember that one of my goals is to try to “even out” my girth all down my shaft. So packing the tube will be pretty important I think.

In your experience, what was the key to packing the cylinder — multiple short sessions? longer duration sessions? I know everybody is different, but how did it play out for you?

Currently I’m on a one day on, one day off workout schedule. Sometimes I take an extra day off if my body wants it. Or three days off.

I started with 10 minutes in the tube at each workout. Last week I added a second session of 5 minutes. I seemed to respond really well to that - much better than just the single session. So this coming week I will up it to two ten minute sessions per workout.

A day on, day off is not a bad schedule.

My approach is not to let TOO much time go between sessions. To the extent that gains persist after your session, I think it is a good thing to have your next session before you’re back to baseline.

To a certain point, adding time in a single session is productive. Your experience will tell you how much more gain you get with more time in a single session.

My gains started at the base, and over time, progressed distally toward the glans. Stick with that same cylinder to even out your girth.

Another five minutes sounds like a reasonable progression.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Glad to know all is going well sta-kool. Lampwick’s advice is spot on! Strangely my gains started at the Glans which is about just over 1¼” when angry! and there is only a little extra width at the base,. So I guess it’s how you are made which determines your fate!

Good luck!

Oops! that should have been 1¾” length

Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Last edited by petitfaun : 03-02-2008 at .

Thanks so much, gentlemen — great information! I think that I will -eventually- go to a two day on, one day off schedule, once I feel like I am better conditioned. That should certainly help, per Lampwick's advice about having your next session before you have returned to baseline.

petitfaun, it will be interesting to see how it goes — at this point I am seeing the most expansion in the glans and at the base when I am in the cylinder.

My next workout is tomorrow. I’ll follow up with a post on how the seal works out then. I am pretty confident it will go well, though.

Another workout, another EXCELLENT SEAL!

Today was a workout day. I did two sessions of ten minutes.

I followed your tips and got an excellent seal. Rock solid continuous pressure throughout (except of course when I decided to vary it).

I feel like I have earned my wings or something.

Guys, thanks again! This is fantastic.

Originally Posted by sta-kool
Today was a workout day. I did two sessions of ten minutes.

I followed your tips and got an excellent seal. Rock solid continuous pressure throughout (except of course when I decided to vary it).

I feel like I have earned my wings or something.

Guys, thanks again! This is fantastic.

Good to hear from you Sta-kool.

Glad to know it’s working for you and hope to hear from you that you’ve made gains.


Don't be a lurker left out in the cold. :lurk: Join the happy band of donors!

Psst! The link is at the bottom of the page :bigwink:

Bump. Good info on how to get a seal here. I was having some trouble myself. The idea to lube yourself up, then dip the end of your cylinder in some water, press it against the pubic bone and slightly ‘twist’ really worked well for me. Got a great continual seal without having to repump up.

That’s some really good info, I was having the same problem.

I’m going to try this method out. Originally, for the first few sessions I have been putting sex grease (lapdist’s featured lubricant) a couple inches in the cylinder and on the rim. Problem I encounter though, when I start pumping, some flab from my sack starts getting sucked up into the cylinder. Which accounts for some of the packing towards the bottom of the cylinder. Is this a sign I don’t have an adequate seal, if my testicle sack is gaining entrance into the tube? It’s an annoyance, and I know when it’s happening, because of the strain on my balls. I wouldn’t want to indirectly increase the size of my sack, as it’s saggy enough for my own liking. Perhaps, put an icepack on my balls to create a compact sack look, while still using heat (heatpad) on the outer shell of the cylinder?


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