Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



The Digest Project
The following is part of a project to document PE techniques in an accessible but thorough manner. This project is reliant on quality writing and the willingness of the writers to expend immense efforts, if this kind of thing appeals to you please PM the digest team.

This article exists in its final form on in our PE Archive here:


The theory behind Penis Pumping is to increase the blood holding capacity of the Corpus Cavernosa by using a vacuum device (Penis Pump) to decrease the atmospheric pressure around it. The expansion of the penile tissues is mostly in accordance with the amount of vacuum generated. The forces generated are created by the differences in atmospheric pressure. Normal atmospheric pressure (14.7psi at sea level) outside the cylinder and near the point of contact (your pubic bone area) will force blood to rush in to satisfy the differences between that pressure and the one inside the cylinder.

While under vacuum pressure more blood can enter the Corpus Cavernosa than normal and lymphatic fluids are drawn into other distensible areas of the penis. In fact, the penis can expand well beyond the normal erect dimensions thereby creating the proper conditions to stimulate growth. Eventually, with repeated sessions, these cellular tissues under the forces of expansion will gradually adapt to more stress as your workouts continue to progress and this should result in permanent gains over time.

These vacuum devices were originally designed and manufactured for those individuals who suffer from erectile dysfunction or impotence. Over the years the device has acquired critics that claim that the devices merely aid in getting an erection and serve only their original purpose, i.e., not intended to produce long term gains or growth. Penis enlargement is a relatively new and developing science and much of the latest advances and cutting edge techniques that exist today stem from the exchange of experiences and ideas such as the ones by the members of this forum. The medical community has not really shown interest in this field for obvious reasons (among others) that we will not cover in the scope of this article. However, we believe we do not necessarily need to have medical community endorsements to know that we learn on our own can work. The experiences of many members combined can serve as an informal scientific inquiry as we forge ahead into this relatively unexplored field.

Erectile Dysfunction

Pump Parts

A basic pump is comprised of several parts:

  • The cylinder (a.k.a. tubing or chamber)
  • The seal at insertion point (rubber sleeve or doughnut)
  • The Safety valve
  • The pump or other means of evacuating air
  • Pressure gauge
  • Hose
  • Flange

Most pumps come with an initial supply of lubrication but when this supply runs out, you should consult with the manufacture’s suggestions/instructions as to what lubrication to purchase for your particular pump. Otherwise, you can risk damaging the pump since some non-industry lubes can cause damage to certain grades of plastics over varying lengths of time. If this is not an option for you and you are in doubt as to what lube to use then Olive oil is a good natural lube, its good for your skin and has been used well without any negative effects. However, for optimal performance a lube with the right consistency and density can aid in promoting a better seal.


Using A Pump

Before using the pump, a light massage and/or Rice Sock can serve as a way to warm up the penis and prepare it for the workout. Another alternative is using a warm/hot wrap. Although it’s not absolutely necessary, you would do best to start out with a full or 3/4 erection. Be sure to apply adequate lubrication to the interior of the flange and to the head of your penis in order to avoid possible friction caused by your penis getting caught against the interior side of the cylinder as it expands. The penis is then inserted in to a clear (usually acrylic) cylinder chamber in such a manner as to ensure an airtight seal between the base of your penis and the cylinder chamber. (A helpful tip for maintaining a better seal is to Shave/trim your pubic hair) Air is then sucked out of the chamber through a gentle and gradual pumping action thereby creating a vacuum environment inside the chamber.

After completing your workout, your penis should look significantly larger, however, the expansion effect is largely temporary and is basically limited to the first 8 to 10 hours. (Depending on the intensity of the workout) After the workout, the penis will attempt to repair the damage done on a cellular level and return to its normal pre-workout condition. The basic theory behind growth/gains in pumping is that the expansion creates micro tears in the tissues that will have healed in a larger state during the repair process thereby resulting in micro gains. Although these micro gains may not be detectable to your eye over a short period of time, they will build upon each other and accumulate over a longer period of time to result in a more visually significant gain.

Another type of vacuum pump used is called the hydro pump and it is typically used with warm water. Pumping with warm water feels great and can in itself help to stimulate a good erection. The distinguishing feature of these pumps is that they have a water reservoir to prevent water from being sucked back into the pump during the pumping action. Use of water combats the bruising/hickey effect that is caused by blood cells being trapped under the skin. Water enables the ability to with stand higher pressures for longer periods of time, i.e. (can eliminate the doughnut effect from extreme pumping sessions)
It is recommended that beginners stay between 3 inches and 6 inches of pressure. You will need to find your own comfort level. You can pump 4 days a week and still get gains.
Here is a basic routine that will eventually lead you to a steady three 20 minute sessions per day:

Week 1: One 10 minute session per day
Week 2: One 15 minute session per day
Week 3: Two 10 minute sessions per day
Week 4: Two 15 minute sessions per day
Week 5: One 20 minutes session, one 10 min session, per day
Week 6: Two 20 minute sessions per day
Week 7: Three 20 minute sessions per day

You may continue in this manner until you achieve your goals or create your own personal routine as you learn more about how your penis responds to your PE efforts.

Hydro Pumping

Expected Results

Results will vary dependent on a number of factors such as:

  • Routine (possible combination with other methods)
  • Length of your pumping session,
  • Frequency of your pumping sessions,
  • Vacuum pressure in your pump chamber and the sizes you achieve while using your pump,
  • Dimensions of your pump chamber versus the dimensions of your penis.
Other factors include but are not limited to:
  • The full PE routine in which pumping plays a part
  • Amount of rest between your pumping workouts,
  • Diet/supplements,
  • Body’s own unique physiology
  • Overall state of health

Vigorous high pressure pumping should be avoided and lengthy sessions (about 30 min or more) can result in some excess swelling around the foreskin/glans area, this is otherwise known as the “Doughnut Effect” and is a direct result of lymphatic fluid buildup in that area. Time and experience may allow you to endure longer periods without creating this effect. The time and the intensity required to create this effect can vary per individual but the symptoms can be characterized by a gross swelling/distortion of the penile tissues, however, this gross distortion will usually subside within a few hours and your penis will return back to a normal shape. Pumping with low to moderate intensity is recommended, i.e., 3 to 6 hg on your pressure gauge.

Results will vary per individual however it is possible to gain several inches in both length and girth under optimal conditions. A time span required for this to occur can vary from months to years, however we have a significant number of members that have reported at least an inch within the first year. One positive note is that pumping will allow you to experience temporary gains immediately, i.e., using the pump for the first time can be psychologically rewarding to one that is looking for results.

To turn these temporary gains into permanent ones requires the creation of a fully rounded routine and using the pump on a regular basis. Most men acquire larger increases in girth than in length. It’s difficult to say how much of an increase in permanent length will occur for individual circumstances, but it’s possible, while in the cylinder to gain as much as 2 inches or more over your normal erect length. It is not unconceivable to approximately double the current mass/volume of your penis while under vacuum pressure.

Increases in girth will usually be much larger than length and longer lasting. If length increases are a priority, then be sure to purchase a cylinder with a diameter that is not too much larger than the diameter of the penis. For example with a penis diameter of 1.75 inches, a 2-inch cylinder diameter is preferable, i.e., 1/4 inches increments. The length of your cylinder should be about 3 inches more than your current length. Certain pump vendors can custom design a cylinder to a size that can create optimal growth for your specific penis dimensions and can offer you cylinders in increments of 1/8 inches.

Some on going controversy-surrounding gains achieved by pumping has been around for a while; Some members claim they have held their gains after considerable inactivity (years) while yet others claim that inactivity had caused a gradual fade of some (if not all) of their gains. The argument is plausible one when one considers that bodybuilders can lose gains after a significant passages of time and inactivity, so why not the same for the penis? Although, the penis is not exactly a muscle, it is roughly subject to the same basic physiological effects that inactivity would cause in a muscle.

The key to offsetting this problem is to stabilize your gains by doing a gradual wind down (reverse stair step) in the frequency/time of your normal routine over a period of about 6 to 8 months, e.g., a sample workout schedule could be something like the following:

Month 1/2x20 min/5days/week.
Month 2/2x20min/4days/week
Month 3/2x15min/4days/week
Month 4/2x15min/3days/week
Month 5/2x10min/3days/week
Month 6/2x10min/2days/week
Month 7/1x15min/2days/week
Month 8/1x15min/1day/week

Thereafter, a relatively non-time consuming workout of 1x10min/1day/week can serve as extra insurance that your gains do not fade.

Combining with other methods
In addition to the above, another worthwhile idea is to stabilize your gains is by combining your pumping sessions with other methods such as Jelqing. This will create a hybrid PE workout that we believe can stand the test of time for permanence and give you the best benefit of both worlds. Jelqing can compliment and enhance a good pumping routine by stimulating the tissues in ways that pumping cannot. The tissues must therefore learn to adapt to the cumulative/combinatory effect of both methods and the resulting strengths of the tissues are akin to a cementing effect, i.e., permanence of gains. The following is an example of a combination routine:

It is recommended you do a warm wrap before performing the following, i.e., rice sock or heat pad.

Perform 4 sets of 100 Jelqs followed immediately by 6 to 8 minutes of low pressure pumping at 3 to 5 HG. Amount of rest between sets is none to minimal time for a light massage. Always try to end your PE session with a firm erection. If you find that you that this is not possible then consider that you are perhaps jelqing too strenuously. Exceptions to that rule would include those of you with ED issues, in which case it is recommended that you perform kegals on a frequent basis. The above routine should always be painless and enjoyable and not result in discoloration or red dots.

Note for Newbies:

Perform only as many jelq strokes as you are initially comfortable with, (25 Jelqs may a good start) thereafter, you may gradually build your routine by adding 10 or 15 strokes with each PE session. By the time you can perform four sets of 100 each, with pumping breaks between them, your penis should be well conditioned to the jelqing action.


Potential for injury
When done carefully, it is perfectly safe. The key here is to use common sense in your approach. Light discomfort caused by the pressure of the cylinder rim on the base of your penis is pretty normal as long as you don’t increase the pressure to the threshold of outright pain. Be sure to monitor your penis closely through the clear cylinder for unusual signs. For this reason, it is not recommended that you use a homemade cylinder (PVC piping) that is not clear. The most frequent cause of injury is someone who is overly anxious to see their penis grow and that enthusiasm grows even more when they experience immediate temporary gains (this is especially true of newcomers to pumping.) So be very careful! More pressure is not always better, applying too much pressure can possibly result but is not limited to the following:

  • Skin blotches
  • Broken Blood Vessels
  • Broken capillaries and water blisters
  • Rupture of veins
  • Doughnut Effect

Most other symptoms usually disappear after a few days. In more extensive injury cases it is recommended you take a couple of weeks off or more to heal the injury however with prudent and sensible use, there should be no cause for any major injury. The important thing to remember is to go slow and increase the vacuum gradually over a longer period of time, so that the change in size is not traumatic and does not cause damage to the penis. Long sessions are better than short high pressure ones. You will not harm yourself if you use low to moderate pressure. It’s perfectly safe and pumps have been in use for many years now by thousands of men.

Why Hot Wrap
Red spots/discolorations

Purchasing advice
At the lower end, the cylinders are cheap plastics, the valves are of poor quality and the bulbs are flimsy rubbers. At the higher end, the pumps feature glass or durable plastic cylinders, airtight valves, metal hand pieces and quality release tubing. Top of the line models come with a pressure gauge that allows you to monitor the increase in pressure inside the cylinder. Many feature quick release openings for safety and comfort.

Price range will vary accordingly with the quality of the model. Novelty/low caliber pumps are cheap and non-durable and can range from about $25 to $40 and are generally not recommended. Amateur/Medium caliber pumps (some with or without gauge) can range from about $75 to $125 and can often be a good deal but be wary in your purchase and if in doubt, seek out the advice and recommendations of a veteran pumper. Professional/high caliber pumps come with a pressure gauge and can range from $150 to as high as $300, (electric versions) although this may not be in your budget, it will generally assure you of receiving the best quality pump. Now price is not always indicative of quality but generally I would not look to spend less than about $100 to insure a reasonable quality pump. Another tip that could indicate as to whether or not your particular pump is a quality pump is to look for the following features:

Industry standard quick connect/disconnect safety valve. After achieving a good level of vacuum, this valve will allow for easy disconnection from the cylinder tube while maintaining a good vacuum.

A pressure gauge. This will allow you to monitor the internal vacuum pressure inside your cylinder. Pressure is usually expressed as a force per unit area. In this case, vacuum pressure is more commonly taken to mean pressures below and often considerably below, atmospheric pressure but your gauge will typically express this pressure in inches*hg, i.e., inches of mercury.

A clear acrylic cylinder chamber. It is important to have a cylinder of good quality that can withstand the test of time through repeated usage and allow for good visibility, i.e., resistant to smudging and scratching because good visibility is vital in monitoring your progress. Bear in mind that sometimes injury will not always have the warning signs of pain to accompany it.

Happy Pumping Guys!


If you knew you could not fail...what would you attempt to do? Female Foot Fetish Current Stats: 5/4/10 8.5BPx6.0, 7.5NBP Achieved Goal and have been on maintenance program since


Great Info!!!

Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

In general, a very informative and helpful article. I would, however, like to add some additional comments based on my 10 plus years of pumping:

First, in my opinion, the Harbor Freight brake bleeder which can be had for $27, is a great quality pump complete with vacuum gauge - my HF pump is still working great after 10 year of almost daily pumping. Second, in my opinion, pumping twice a day for 20 minutes should continue for several years - I continued gaining girth over a four year period at which point I reduced time to once a day for ten minutes. Third, you should pump once a week for 45 minutes at 4 hg. Fifth, I would recommend lubing you’re entire dick (I used coco butter skin cream) to prevent sticking to the walls of the cylinder. Six, having a wide base rim is more important than a sleeve.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
In general, a very informative and helpful article. I would, however, like to add some additional comments based on my 10 plus years of pumping:
First, in my opinion, the Harbor Freight brake bleeder which can be had for $27, is a great quality pump complete with vacuum gauge - my HF pump is still working great after 10 year of almost daily pumping. Second, in my opinion, pumping twice a day for 20 minutes should continue for several years - I continued gaining girth over a four year period at which point I reduced time to once a day for ten minutes. Third, you should pump once a week for 45 minutes at 4 hg. Fifth, I would recommend lubing you’re entire dick (I used coco butter skin cream) to prevent sticking to the walls of the cylinder. Six, having a wide base rim is more important than a sleeve.


Starting (07/15/20): BPEL 6.5” BPFSL 6.5” MSEG 4.75” BEG 4.75” BPFL 4.5”

Current (10/27/20): BPEL 7.0” BPFSL 7.5” MSEG 5.0”+ BEG 5.25” BPFL 5.25-5.75”

Goal: BPEL 7.5” MSEG 5.5” BEG 6.0” BPFL 6.5”

Great ! im ready to pump twice a day for the next 10 years !

dtwarren1942 do you jelq or stretch too ?

2018 16cm12cm11cm >> 2022 17.5cm13.5cm12.5cm >> 2024 17.5cm14cm12.5cm (BPEL/MSEG/BEG)

Mockery can gives you unfailing faith in yourself.

Originally Posted by Summerfag3000

dtwarren1942 do you jelq or stretch too ?

I used an extender for about five years For about 3 hours, five days a week which contributed significantly to my 3/4” gain in length. I recently restarted actively using my extender but this time I am supplementing it with 5 or 6 hours of stretching in an ADS. I also jelq and stretch between extender sessions.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

Originally Posted by dtwarren1942
I used an extender for about five years For about 3 hours, five days a week which contributed significantly to my 3/4” gain in length. I recently restarted actively using my extender but this time I am supplementing it with 5 or 6 hours of stretching in an ADS. I also jelq and stretch between extender sessions.

We have a member “Sensei891” on thunders who added US heating to his previous stretching/extending protocol and he gained 1.5 cm in BPFSL. His measured BPEL change was 1.9 CM… This was only after being under US heat for 45 days… So if you have been stalled on gaining length, US heating is allowing a new round of growth.

Follow threads by: tutt, kyrpa, manko, igigi and Sensei891.

Last edited by djrobins : 10-09-2020 at .
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