Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Do we have a name for those brief spells in our routine where we pump up the hg to a level which we probably wouldn’t deem appropriate for longer than say, 20 or 30 seconds? I’m not talking unsafe; for me it would currently be around 7hg. I ask because I sometimes liken pumping to running. While on a run it is not unusual to break into a sprint every so often for conditioning and acceleration purposes. Of course we normally don’t sprint for long periods of time - we jog at a comfortable yet challenging pace. Similar with pumping - for the most part we pump at a steady level but like to up the pressure for short intervals to really feel the expansion… at least I do.

Well if there isn’t already a name for it, I’d like to nominate “sprinting” as these limited bursts of increased pressure while pumping one’s cock. For example: “During my final set I’ll pump at 5 but occasionally sprint to like 7 or 8”
… or “I’m into shorter, more intense sprinting - 10hg for 10 seconds, baby!”

Let me know what you guys think - I’m on my way to the copyright office.

"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur

Fauxreal,I believe the term being used to describe your technique is already called “cycling”.

Damn! Oh well I tried.

"I don't understand how America doesn't understand Thug Life... America IS Thug Life!"

- Tupac Shakur


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