Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Dsd's Progress Thread

More Sleep = Better EQ

I had more sleep today than normal and woke up with a great morning wood, that did not die as I stood up. It was a much better eq than normal. It has been a long time since I’ve had one of those. Was I just tired?

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

just a question ,hanging and stretching device are the same ?

I think stretching device are traction devices.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Starting Over

After more than 2 months of quitting PE, I am back. Lost a little girth but length stayed intact. I had lost motivation but I am starting to get that back.

Day 1: warm shower warm up, 30 sec * 3 down-left, straight-down, down-right, jelqing, and squeezing in the shower.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Question to vets and other PEr's

How do I stay consistent? I am a fast gainer but I am really inconsistent. Inconsistent like not being able to do a PE routine for more than two weeks despite all my gains, I could have made all my gains in 4 months not 10 if I was only a bit consistent.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Day 2

Straight out stretching 3×30

Right 3x30

Left 3x30

Jelqs & squeezes.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

A Link To My Pics

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Day 3 no stretching

few jelqs

Roughly 3 mins squeezing

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Day 5

Stretching 3x30

Few jelqs.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Hi dsdany

Just had a look at your stats - wow! Adding 1.25” BPEL and 0.313” EG in 9 months resulting in additional 47.3% of volume, I guess a lot here are envying you for the growth spurt.
You definitely are a quick gainer.

Now comes the question about consistency where you ask for help from the vets.
I am a vet at least in the sense that I had to think about myself a lot, so I raise my voice.

First let’s have a look at motivation:

Originally Posted by dsdany606
I started PE last year with BPEL 4.5” and mseg 4.25”… I gained another .25 BPEL and .25” girth. I somehow thought this was average. I was satisfied with my results and it also looked big to me then. I slowly stopped peing till December when I found out my dick was small. This new year I started PE again…

Read your own words! You found out you were in the rather small range - which made you stop PE. And then you restarted. So what made you start again?
I may give you a hint: because you seem to be an easy and quick grower! And you seem to be “in the zone of growth”, meaning your routine is good for your dick.
Great, so now you now you CAN do it and I think you WANT to do it too. If you continue to do whatever keeps you in the zone you will become really great (I intentionally do not say big, because having a big dick is one thing, but having a great dick is wonderful).

Second: PE for lazy people

In my humble opinion, the easy thing is to find the right spot in the daily cycle for PE. This depends on your individual situation, the surrounding, the possibility of privacy (I am openly doing PE but still prefer privacy for better focus) and lifestyle in general.
So try and play around with PE time in order to find the easiest spot in your daily schedule. I’m an early morning guy, others do it in the evening or night.
Generally speaking the only thing which for physiological reasons do not work well is PE after a physical training session (in the gym or similar) or close to potential sexual activity. At least for me - my dick is kind of tired after training.

Third: convincing yourself

PE is for you and for you only. So as you are doing PE exercises, tell yourself how good this feels for you and visualize you with the dick you dream of.
It’s a bit like self-hypnosis, but I think this works. At least some body-builders do that - Mr Schwarzenegger did it all the way on his way to become the muscle hero he was and still is.
I do this during PE and especially during hiking when a steep hill tries to make me rest - a battle of the will. I usually overcome the temptation of making a rest by imagining how I will be able to race that hill with a rucksack twice that heavy and how good this will feel.

Just my two cents, and I sincerely hope this helps you.


Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

Originally Posted by Richard65
Hi dsdany

Just had a look at your stats - wow! Adding 1.25” BPEL and 0.313” EG in 9 months resulting in additional 47.3% of volume, I guess a lot here are envying you for the growth spurt.
You definitely are a quick gainer.

Now comes the question about consistency where you ask for help from the vets.
I am a vet at least in the sense that I had to think about myself a lot, so I raise my voice.

First let’s have a look at motivation:

Read your own words! You found out you were in the rather small range - which made you stop PE. And then you restarted. So what made you start again?
I may give you a hint: because you seem to be an easy and quick grower! And you seem to be “in the zone of growth”, meaning your routine is good for your dick.
Great, so now you now you CAN do it and I think you WANT to do it too. If you continue to do whatever keeps you in the zone you will become really great (I intentionally do not say big, because having a big dick is one thing, but having a great dick is wonderful).

Second: PE for lazy people

In my humble opinion, the easy thing is to find the right spot in the daily cycle for PE. This depends on your individual situation, the surrounding, the possibility of privacy (I am openly doing PE but still prefer privacy for better focus) and lifestyle in general.
So try and play around with PE time in order to find the easiest spot in your daily schedule. I’m an early morning guy, others do it in the evening or night.
Generally speaking the only thing which for physiological reasons do not work well is PE after a physical training session (in the gym or similar) or close to potential sexual activity. At least for me - my dick is kind of tired after training.

Third: convincing yourself

PE is for you and for you only. So as you are doing PE exercises, tell yourself how good this feels for you and visualize you with the dick you dream of.
It’s a bit like self-hypnosis, but I think this works. At least some body-builders do that - Mr Schwarzenegger did it all the way on his way to become the muscle hero he was and still is.
I do this during PE and especially during hiking when a steep hill tries to make me rest - a battle of the will. I usually overcome the temptation of making a rest by imagining how I will be able to race that hill with a rucksack twice that heavy and how good this will feel.

Just my two cents, and I sincerely hope this helps you.


Thanks for the advice, but I never had a routine and if I did, I never kept one for more than two weeks before I stopped. I was just messing around with stuff. Now my gains are slower or they seem slower, I feel I’ll never know what routine was good for me.

About me using specific time, you are right, PEing early in the morning when I wake up is best for me, I have been consistent during the past three days so that is great.

Another thing that makes me lose motivation is doubt. There are some other pe sites that say it is highly unlikely to gain over 2 inches, which makes me think I’ll never be big. This makes me lose hope in PE and stop. Well thanks again for your advice, good luck to you.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Day 7

Stretching upward angles 3x30

50 jelqs

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Day 8


Straight out x30.

Left x30.

Right x30

5 min base squeeze.

Start Jul 2016 - 4.5 BPEL x 4.25 MSEG.

Peak - 6.6 BPEL x 5.13 MSEG

Oh my, forgot to give the most basic trick for consistency: planning! Have a detailed logbook (I use a spreadsheet) and plan ahead for several months and track what has been done.

That not only motivates you but allows you to find sources of problems faster.

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook

And…. 2 inches of growth, is that possible?

From a statistical point of view it is less probable. That statement is correct as long as it refers to the sample it has been calculated from. Deductions from large samples to individuals are usually not possible - so why stop as long as your growth is REALLY happening?

Modified forum rule #69: Your avatar must show a JUICY ass, may it be female, male, mermaid, even sheep or horses are accepted. :-)

My logbook: Richard65 - the roadbook


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