Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Extremity's Log

Update 12: been about 20 days since my last measurement
BPEL: 17.4cm (6.85in) MSEG: 14.5cm (5.7in) BPFL: 13cm (5.1in) MSFG: 12.5cm (4.9inch)

I did 10 mins of pumping at 1-2 inHg each day this week. I decreased the amount of manual PE to accommodate this, did only 3 sessions this week. As I said, i noticed a 0.5 cm increase in MSEG within 2-3 days of using the pump, and looks like it is fairly stable measurement
Have also been occasionally using an ADS, usually 1-4 hours a day.

Tomorrow ill be starting the routine, i’v previously laid out.

Last edited by Extremity : 05-20-2018 at .

Been about 20 days since my last update,

BPEL pretty much stayed the same, but I think I gained a miniscule amount.

My MSEG dropped down to 14.2cm. It was at 14.5cm for a few days after pumping for the first time, but now I realize it might have just been inflammation or something like that.

Right now i’m pumping at 3-4 inHg for like 15 minutes a day along with the Newbie routine

Thank you, your journal is a great encourager for other newbie. I started with the newbie routine but have switch to the angion method which is different but I not getting any red spots.

Start 6 June 18 BPEL 9" EG 5.3" now 11 April 20 BPEL 9.7” EG 5.9” NPFL 7.4 FG 5”

My progress Let megrow Progress report Share your Vpl my poll Precum and Blow Jobs

Update 13: BPEL: 6.88in (17.5cm) MSEG: 5.6in (14.3cm) BPFL: 4.7in (12cm) MSFG: 4.9in (12.5cm)
Length gains have become super slow now, like .1cm in 40 days?
Umm for MSEG I am currently fluctuating between 14.2 to 14.5 cm, probably because of my pumping sessions.

I need to figure out a way to increase base erect girth, I literally have a 1cm difference between MSEG and base erect girth.
My penis is kinda looking a bit disfigured, I have no idea why my MSEG shot up half an inch since starting PE but barely had any gains in terms of base girth.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Going to take my first break from PE since I started back in January. It will just be for a week, i’m kinda tired of PE atm.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Keep up the good work


Going to start PE again in 2 days.
I just bought a heating pad, so hopefully I get better results pumping with the heat like many have.
In the next two months, i’m going to have quite a lot of free time, so I decided to try a more is more type of routine as I now have the time and the will to do so.

This is my routine for the next two months:
1) Basic stretches (pulling downward to the right, center, and left of my leg) for 30 minutes, holding for 30 seconds, followed by 10 minutes of wet jelqing
2) Pumping at 5 inHg for 30 minutes, and occasionally pumping to 7inHG for a few seconds, then edge for a few minutes afterwards.
3) Hanging for 30 mins, 3 sets of 10 min at 5lbs followed by 2 minutes of firegoat rolls (weight might increase as I get used to hanging)

This will be split throughout the day 1) in the morning, 2) around 5 pm, 3) at around midnight
That’s 100 minutes a day, compared to the 100 minutes a week I used to do on the Newbie routine.

In terms of goals, as I previously said I aim for 7.5 in BPEL, so that Ill be around 7 inches non-bone pressed, even if I lose a bit of gains afterwards. In terms of girth, I’m already completely content with 5.6 in MSEG, but I would like to fill out my base girth to match MSEG, because I think that would be more aesthetically pleasing.
This is my end point, I have no desire to go above this, if I reach this I’ll go into a PE maintenance routine indefinitely.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Today is my rest day. Since starting PE back up, my flaccid hang returned back to its previous size after my 1 week break.

The difference a heating pad makes is pretty significant, I noticed maybe 20% or more expansion in the tube even at the same pressures I’ve previously pumped at without a heating pad. I’m definitely glad about that purchase.

My PIs are pretty good, I still have morning wood and I think I’m adjusting pretty well to this routine.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Wow great gains! You’re definitely doing a LOT of work! But if you keep the wood you’re fine. Pumping is addictive. What cheap ads did you get? Is that what you’re hanging with?

Started 5.5 x 4.2 Feb 2015

Current 7.25 x 5.5 - 6.25 Base girth?

Goal 7.75 x 5.75?

Originally Posted by Steinroid
Wow great gains! You’re definitely doing a LOT of work! But if you keep the wood you’re fine. Pumping is addictive. What cheap ads did you get? Is that what you’re hanging with?

Costs around 5 usd. I had to make a diy wrap to put in the ads, using a piece of mouse pad, for better grip. It can easily hold 2.5 to 5lbs, it probably can’t go much heavier than 5lb though, but for 5 dollars i’m fine with that. I don’t want to be spending any more money buying devices so this will do for now.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Got stung by a mosquito or some insect on the base of my shaft probably while stretching, its kinda inflamed.

I was looking to increase base girth, but not like this. LOL.

Going to have to stop with PE until it heals.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Going to start PE again, same routine

I haven’t done PE for the past 7 days, and I measured my MSEG today and it was at 5.7 inches.

I don’t want to measure length because if I don’t see any gains, ill be a bit discouraged to keep going.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Update 14: BPEL: 7.0in (18cm) !!!!!:D MSEG: 5.7in (14.5cm) BPFL: 4.7in (12cm) MSFG: 4.9in (12.5cm)

Approximately 1 month into my stretch/hanging/pump routine. I didn’t really notice any difference in length, probably because by EQ was probably around 80% for the past month. Today I probably got a 100% erection from my morning wood, and that’s what I measured.
I’m very close to a full inch gain since i started back in January, which is insane.

I previously had a temporary MSEG of 5.7inches while I first started pumping, and now its pretty much cemented. Even when I took a week off PE, I was still at 5.7 MSEG.

Overall I spend about 7.5 hours a week doing PE, which is 90 min a day, in increments of about 30 mins spread throughout the day, 2 days on , 1 day off.
Going to stay on this routine for 1 more month, then ill have to do something with less intensity, cause I won’t have the time to keep this routine up when I get more busy.

Start: 1/22/2018 BPEL: 6.1in MSEG: 5.1in

Now: 8/02/2018 BPEL: 7.0in MSEG: 5.7in

Last edited by Extremity : 08-02-2018 at .

Congrats, those are some great gains in less time. Enjoy them, now on to the next goal. 😉

1/2/18 - BPFL 4.0", BPFSL 6.0", BPEL 5.8", EG 4.6" (Start)

31/7/18 - BPFL 4.3" (11cm), BPFSL 6.6" (16.8cm), BPEL 6.2" (15.8cm), EG 4.75" (12.05cm), NBP 5.39" (13.7cm)

Dude, congrats on your gains! More power!


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