Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Giving chemical PE a try

Originally Posted by Kyrpa
But for a easy way to monitor possible change in size tape-measure works just fine.
Hang your balls with one hand tightly together and measure the circumference of the package.
It looks really reliable way to do it.

Great idea. I’ll use this method and report back. Thanks!

Rock out with your cock out!

Chem PE is now just PE with chem, lol

After month two of August, after Trimix injections 30 of 31 days, IGF-1 LR3 injections every other day. Added IC BPC-157 about halfway through the month. Oral PABA 1g 4x per day, and topical DMSO/PABA 1-2x per day.

Month 2:

Trimix session days in August: 30
Total hours 90+% erection: 125
Total hours greater 50% erection (including above): 141

BPEL: 8 1/8" (up 1/4" from the end of July, up 1/8" from mid August)
BPFSL: 8 3/8" (up 1/8" from the end of July, no change since mid August)
MSG: 5 7/8" (up 1/8" at the end of July, no change since mid August)
Scar and base girth are unchanged.

So the length is creeping up and the girth is growing but at a slower rate.

Going forward I am going to resist the urge to measure mid month, since I think it’s best to give some space in between for clarity of the trends. Although 1/8 inch is meaningful, it’s still within variation so hard to trust as a one point measurement.

Again, can’t say the chem PE isn’t working, but also I also could point to the training as a cause for the growth. For nearly the entire month I was doing 30 minutes of manual stretches, 30 minutes Trimix clamping and 30 minutes Trimix pumping at 5inHg. Occasionally doing a little higher tension extending, but sporadically. No mechanical ADS. (I never really incorporated a wrap, though I did use one a day or two.)

As I’ve said before, it could be that the Trimix erections act as an internal ADS and help cement gains from mechanical PE, could be there is a benefit from the chemicals themselves, or some combination. I do enjoy the benefits of Trimix, and also the challenge, so happy to keep going with the experiment.

I added some homemade topical DHT that I’ve been applying, but that has only been a couple of days, so not much to report on that addition yet. Hopefully there is some clarity with that after a month or two.

I’ve also switched hanging for manual stretching, but also just started that a couple of days ago. Now that I’m conditioned again I’ll increase the hang time as I can, but will get at least 30 minutes per day. I’m also adding some kind of ADS for 2-6 hours a day since the vacuum ADS set ups I have are really user friendly. Muddles the picture a bit in terms of chem PE results, but also why not do what I can in the bounds of what is fun and manageable.

I’ll have a decon week later this month and another in late October as I’m having guests/ traveling then.

The name of the game for me at this point is have fun and see what happens.

Rock out with your cock out!

Awesome stuff!

Start (8/30/21): 6.5"BPEL X 5.25" MSEG

Now (12/5/22): 8.75" BPEL X 5.75" MSEG

Goal 9.5"BPEL X 7" MSEG My Journey

Bubbles and (minor) troubles

Been consistent throughout September but the last two days I’ve been dealing with a vacuum hanger glans blister. Actually two, twin ones at the ventral side. I think my tape job loosened up a bit in these areas while using my ADS but I didn’t notice until it was too late.

So the last two days I’ve been doing some light compression hanging and continuing with Trimix and other injections on schedule. No other training, as I’m trying to let the blisters heal up.

I might have one more day of trying to do a little light compression hanging and possibly one more injection day, and then I have guests coming for about a week, so I’m just taking off as a decon, which might be a good thing, anyway. After 2 and a half months of essentially daily injections and PE training it’s about time to cycle down and give the guy a rest.

I’m planning on embarking in more conscientious hanging using Kyrpa’s technique based on strain and calculated MPa, which actually decreases the weights I’ll be using, and then use a much lighter ADS than I’ve been attempting (which is how I got my blisters late in the day). Just enough ADS tension to keep things pleasantly elongated. I’ll get back to Trimix/IGF-1/BPC-157 injections at that time, but I might start to decrease frequency to every other day, at least some of the time.

Based on Kyrpa’s technique I’ll be measuring every workout from the retroglandular sulcus to measure strain, but that is just to determine training efficacy and won’t give full measurements, and I still don’t plan to update stats until the beginning of each month. We’ll see how the decon affects my stats at the beginning of October.

But as a quick general update, things are going well. Haven’t missed a session, no other complications, and subjectively it seems like progress is being made. And despite my vacuum hanging injury, I’m still enjoying the process.

Rock out with your cock out!

Those blisters are a pain, how are you getting rid of them? I have one that re occurs all the time like it never heals.

Originally Posted by 8incyclops
Those blisters are a pain, how are you getting rid of them? I have one that re occurs all the time like it never heals.

I’m just going to take care of it like any other blister. No vacuum pressure until it is totally healed. Keep it clean and use some ointment to keep it from drying out and cracking.

If you are getting recurrent blisters it might be that there’s not been enough healing, or maybe you could try a different tape job or other prevention technique since yours isn’t working consistently.

Rock out with your cock out!

Mike from the Total Man site recommends using a hydrocolloid adhesive patch to both speed healing and to enable ongoing PE efforts while healing. I just ordered some and plan on using it to speed healing. I’m still going to be taking a decon break so I won’t be using it while training.

Rock out with your cock out!

Yeah the blister heals over but comes back with any tension ill try tape I tried tape before without any luck

Just as a quick follow up on the blister therapy:

Hydrocolloid adhesive patch is really great:

I got some hydrocolloid adhesive patch and cut some to size and contour. It adheres really well to the skin and acts like a protective barrier. The areas where the blisters were, which is really tender, raw skin, was protected by the patch and were immediately pain-free. In those areas the exudate from the skin over the first 24 hours caused the patch to slightly bubble out, like it was incorporating the exudative liquid away from the skin and into the patch. The patch stayed in place for as long as I left it, including through showers and hot tub sessions. I forgot I had it on.

When I removed it to change for a fresh one, the old one came off painlessly. The skin underneath was clean and soft, moist without being wet. Perfect healing conditions. No skin cracking or drying.

I tried removing the patch for good after about 48 hours but the healing skin was too raw so I put on another patch and left in in place a couple of more days, after which the skin was normal.

After healing up I did put on one more patch under my tape job for my first session back to vacuum hanging, just as a caution, but that was probably unnecessary. Didn’t use one tonight and had no issues.

So hydrocolloid patch is a great healing solution for blisters or skin abrasions, and though I just let myself rest and didn’t do any vacuum hanging during my blister recovery, I do think you could use them over a healing, popped blister while still using a vacuum hanger setup.

Rock out with your cock out!

Month 3:

Trimix session days in September: 18
Total hours 90+% erection: 67
Total hours greater 50% erection (including above): 73

BPEL: 8 1/8" (no change)
BPFSL: 8 1/2" (up 1/8")
MSG: 5 7/8" (no change)
Scar and base girth are unchanged.

BPFSL is slightly up, others measurements are stable, though my measurement erection quality wasn’t 100%, so there is likely some incremental increase, which subjectively seems to be the case between measuring sessions. BPFSL usually precedes BPEL, so I’ll take it as progress.

I took 8 days completely off from all chem PE and training as a short decon. I’m now using Kyrpa’s technique for hanging and doing no more than 4 days of having each week. Still doing a little clamping and pumping on Trimix days.

Feels like I’m rapid gains have slowed, and now the slow and steady journey for ongoing incremental gains is beginning.

Rock out with your cock out!

How are you dealing with the Trimix Ache? I used some numbing cream that seems to help slightly.

It can be a bit tough at times. I don’t have a really good solution. I’ve found that finding a comfortable position for my penis helps. Usually that means using the loose waistband of some shorts supporting it at about 30 degrees from my abdomen (as opposed to letting it hang down or be pressed up against my abdomen). I’ve also found using some heat helps a bit. But it is sometimes a grind The few times I’ve injected a reversing medication was mostly that I had been so uncomfortable for so long that i was just over it, and not really for safety.

It does seem to have gotten better over time, but when it is a particularly intense and long session it still gets uncomfortable.

Rock out with your cock out!

Have you had any issues of under dosing? Today I used 4 mcgs and only got about a 20 mins at 100% erection, I put on a cock ring and pumped and got about 2 hrs of erection time out of it with varying erections. The previous injection I only needed 5 mcgs and that erection was painful and lasted 3 hrs plus most of the time at 100% strange

Originally Posted by 8incyclops
Have you had any issues of under dosing? Today I used 4 mcgs and only got about a 20 mins at 100% erection, I put on a cock ring and pumped and got about 2 hrs of erection time out of it with varying erections. The previous injection I only needed 5 mcgs and that erection was painful and lasted 3 hrs plus most of the time at 100% strange

Yeah, there is a bit of variation with dose-response and it doesn’t seem to be linear or super consistent. I’ve learned it is better to underdose but it is sometimes hard to predict. I’ve also done a second injection of a little more after it was clear that things weren’t taking off the way I was hoping, which has always worked. But the difference between not enough and too much can be really small, especially with Trimix. What I’ve read about straight PGE-1 is that it is more linear in terms of dose-response.

I’ve been at it for 3 months and am still getting a feel for it, so give it some time.

Rock out with your cock out!

End of October update (month 4):

Since I am leaving town through the end of the month in a couple of days I’m taking today as the end of the month measurement opportunity, since I’m effectively at the end of my month of PE for October. I measured today 24 hours after my last session.

Month 3:

Trimix session days in October: 18
Total hours 90+% erection: 64.5
Total hours greater 50% erection (including above): 72

BPEL: 8 1/2" (+3/8" from prior, +3/4" from 6/23)
BPFSL: 8 3/4" (+1/4" from prior, +3/4" from 6/23)
MSG: 5 7/8" (no change from prior, +1/4" from 6/23)
Scar and base girth are unchanged at 5 7/8"and 6 1/2", respectively.

I changed things up a bit in October: I started the hanging with FIRe protocol using a vacuum attachment, both straight out and down, depending on what I felt like that day. I am hanging 3 days on, 1 off and planning on decon breaks of at least one week every two months, or whenever circumstances require, like my upcoming weeklong trip.

I’ve started doing gentle bends while clamped and I also started interval pumping on girth sessions, using 2 minute intervals for 10 minute sets, for a total of 20 or 30 minutes.

I’ve recently added wearing silicon sleeves post training (after the Trimix wears off) for elongation.

I also just started using my new Best Extender for a couple of hours after hanging, keeping the tension between 4 and 6 pounds. This I’ll do when I can, but it won’t be every day.

I used up my first vial of IGF-1LR3, and have decided to take a month break before restarting it, just to give the receptors a chance to resensitize.

Continuing with oral PABA and topical DMSO/PABA, as well as daily cialis, weekly TRT and GH-inducing peptides 5 days a week.

Although my girth measurements haven’t increased, I definitely can feel the girth increasing, just subtly. And during sex, in a cock ring, it is definitely girthier. Yesterday my wife was stroking it in bed and she told me my cock felt huge and really, really thick. She said it kind of matter of fact, not like dirty talk. It was almost clinical, like she was really checking it out. Turned me on like crazy anyway.

So things keep progressing. I’m still reserving judgement about the value of the Trimix injections, but the trend makes me start to feel like there is something to it, at least as a support to more traditional PE methods.

Rock out with your cock out!


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