Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I'm Living Proof PE Is Possible


I don’t want to be mean with you guys, I really want to believe this is working, I do. Yet I tried hard yesterday to find pictures proof on the board to convince me that it do work yet I can’t managed to find a single before/after pic.

I find it weird considering internet is flooded by guy showing their dicks for fun, so I was expected that it would be the right place to find out guys proud of their gains and willing to prove to the world that penis exercises do works. I mean I see a lot of “+1 inch in a month” claiming yet no proof, then I see a lot of guys claiming 8/9/10 inch, yet no proof either.
And I know that when you pack serious meat you have usually no problem showing it, because you’re proud of it and if somebody you knew found it, well it will be no big deal because you do pack serious meat, you can’t blackmail shit with something that would make any guys and girl jelly. So I have hard time believing that most of the members are shy, because I wouldn’t.
It’s like bodybuilding, some are shy and don’t want to show their gains even major gains, some show their gains even the smallest ones because they are proud of themselves, some are narcissic and make it to make people jelly and some who usually tell “they got nothing to prove” shows nothing because they got no gains at all.

So can you tell me where I can find picture proof on this board to convince me ? Again I’m not believing this whole PE stuff because I’m terribly logic and penis exercises go against common medical knowledge so it’s up to you to prove to non-believers that it do works. Pictures are great for that, pics worth 10.000 words.
I don’t want to make a joke of anyone I just want to believe, but I need proof, for any activities I engage into I need to visualize a proof that it’s working first then go for it, penis is fragile as fuck and I already see a lot of bruised cock and ED due to jelqing yet no successful after picture, so you can’t ask newbies to go for something science say “it don’t and can’t work and it’s dangerous” without proving that you made science lied just because they need to have faith in random members on a random internet board.. Would you believe a dude on 4chan asking you to pull on your cock to make it bigger ? Me neither.

So I’m gonna wait, you can ban me a second time it’s ok, it just prove that you’re lying and my presence is an uncomfortable reminder of this lie, OR prove me it works then I promise I will shut the fuck up even if I got no gains at all and flatly excuse myself for being rude, I’m a man of my word.

Dunno how to edit: I’ve manage to found some pictures, yet only one guys seems to make interesting gains so far (in my research) so it may work or may not, I prefer to believe that it do work and give it a serious shot keeping his success in mind, I’m sorry for being such a dumbass, yet you could have spare us time and hatred and simply send me to the right topics, no hard feelings tho x)

Again sorry guys, I’m just a dude who need to see before doing anything.

Sometimes you gotta have faith you can change the stars

Hi Bradgmx.

I understand and respect your scepticism as it is rational and reasonable to be doubtful of such a concept as penis enlargement exercises when the internet is full of bogus claims of adding inches to your penis in weeks with this new cream or technique for only $39.99. I was also very sceptical of PE when I was first introduced to it and still am, but only towards the few claims of suspiciously big gains within a relatively short period of time. In answer to some of your questions:

- You will never read any respectable poster here claiming you can gain an inch in a month - length or girth. An inch gain in length in your first year of PE is a good achievement. Two inches in two years is a very enviable and rare accomplishment. To find that second inch you’re likely to spend several years of consistent and varied PE to attain it. Girth gains are more difficult to come by.

- I had the same belief as you, and still do, that there is a lack of before and after shots within the PE community as a whole. I can respect the wishes of some men that they simply do not wish for photos of their junk on the internet. Some state that they don’t want photos of their penis to be traced back to them in the real world and used against them. I can understand this as I am a business owner and this would be damaging if it got out. But having said this, I do doubt that most men would have as serious consequences of photos of their junk being linked to them in real world. I also doubt there are that many people who will go to such an effort to link a penis photo with its real world owner for whatever reason. I’ve personally made significant steps to detach my PE profile from my real world self - an e-mail address exclusive to the PE community, a discrete moniker and a relatively tight tongue on my personal life when posting on the forums. With doing this I felt more comfortable sharing my before and after photos of my .75” gain with an extender over at PEGym. There is very little in the photo to identify me as it is just my penis, and if someone could identify me just by my penis then I’d be very impressed, and concerned. In short, I share this minor frustration with you. But as I know PE does work, it doesn’t bother me that much any more, only when such lofty claims of gains are invariably lacking in proof.

- Despite writing the above, no one here owes you a before and after photo of their penis. It is no-one’s duty to do so. I only posted a before and after photo simply because I would’ve liked more men to have done the same when I was introduced to PE, as it would’ve been so much more encouraging. Many men in the PE community - and this is not a criticism but an observation - are not too interested in gathering more men to join the cause of enlarging their penis. Sure, they’ll help those newbies who stumbled across the community, but most aren’t bothered about telling Mr. 6ft, Six Pack and Shades over there that he can make his dick bigger. Call it narrowing down competition, call it pure indifference or even outright laziness, I don’t know. I believe this is one of the biggest factors as to why there is little before and after photos.

- Your point about penis exercises going against medical knowledge is half-right. There is little academic studies to backup manual PE such as jelqing and hand-stretching. There are several to a dozen studies on penis extenders that show it is successful when used consistently over a long period of time (6+ months), although even some doubt the legitimacy of these studies and believe the studies were financed by the extender manufacturers which they suggest may alter the outcome of the studies. I am more accepting of these studies as, if I remember correctly, I gained abit more than the average reported in the studies using an extender. When it comes to the medical community’s knowledge of PE - doctors, surgeons, urologists, academics - I can’t help but think that most instances of PE they come across are from men who conducted their PE poorly and thus dangerously. Who is more likely to go to the doctor about is penis? The guy who gained 1.5” over 3 years with his hands or the newbie who was swinging a bowling ball off of his dick for an hour straight for the past week? Obviously the latter. Most, if not all, of the cases the medical community comes across is from when someone does PE wrong, not right. This in my mind undoubtedly sways their opinion of PE and it’s why on medical websites you will mostly see only warnings of the consequences of PE than any the positives.

I hope that has helped somewhat. My only advice is to jump in and give it a try. It’s what all of us had to do, a leap of faith. Aslong as you PE safely and properly there nothing that can go wrong.

If you’re still determined to find more before and after shots, go over to PEGym as there are a few good photos on some members profiles.

07/10/14 - 6.5" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

29/01/15 - 7" BPEL - 5.5" MsEG

12/10/17 - 7.4" BPEL - 5.6" MsEG

Originally Posted by Bradgmx
I don’t want to be mean with you guys, I really want to believe this is working, I do. Yet I tried hard yesterday to find pictures proof on the board to convince me that it do work yet I can’t managed to find a single before/after pic.

I find it weird considering internet is flooded by guy showing their dicks for fun, so I was expected that it would be the right place to find out guys proud of their gains and willing to prove to the world that penis exercises do works. I mean I see a lot of “+1 inch in a month” claiming yet no proof, then I see a lot of guys claiming 8/9/10 inch, yet no proof either.
And I know that when you pack serious meat you have usually no problem showing it, because you’re proud of it and if somebody you knew found it, well it will be no big deal because you do pack serious meat, you can’t blackmail shit with something that would make any guys and girl jelly. So I have hard time believing that most of the members are shy, because I wouldn’t.
It’s like bodybuilding, some are shy and don’t want to show their gains even major gains, some show their gains even the smallest ones because they are proud of themselves, some are narcissic and make it to make people jelly and some who usually tell “they got nothing to prove” shows nothing because they got no gains at all.

So can you tell me where I can find picture proof on this board to convince me ? Again I’m not believing this whole PE stuff because I’m terribly logic and penis exercises go against common medical knowledge so it’s up to you to prove to non-believers that it do works. Pictures are great for that, pics worth 10.000 words.
I don’t want to make a joke of anyone I just want to believe, but I need proof, for any activities I engage into I need to visualize a proof that it’s working first then go for it, penis is fragile as fuck and I already see a lot of bruised cock and ED due to jelqing yet no successful after picture, so you can’t ask newbies to go for something science say “it don’t and can’t work and it’s dangerous” without proving that you made science lied just because they need to have faith in random members on a random internet board.. Would you believe a dude on 4chan asking you to pull on your cock to make it bigger ? Me neither.

Hello Bradgmx,
Have you tried the progress reports and pictures forum? One of the stickied threads there should give you a start, even though it only contains like 5 members. After that you can rifle through the other threads, though most of them contain mostly progress updates and not necessarily pictures. There are some great progress compilations in there though. On top of that, most of us don’t really have the starting pics with ruler next to it. We’re just drunk and give it a go, then 4 weeks later we realize we gained. Not that the latter is relevant, you’re asking for evidence and I’m pointing you towards the correct thread.
You can still be blackmailed if you have a big dick you know. An angry ex could point out the forum to your gf, for example. Then the principle of posting comes into question, not the size of the bodypart.
But now that we’re talking science, you’ve made a claim. You claim that science says “it don’t work and can’t work and it’s dangerous”[sic]. Please refer me to the scientist which says this so I can be enlightened as to why my penis hasn’t grown even though it has. Personally I have considered it an adjusted form of Wolff’s law, just for soft tissues. Made perfect sense to my medical background knowledge at the time.
If you’d like to continue this conversation after having looked through the progress reports and pictures thread, please start a new thread rather than forcing me to hijack mr. 10yearpeer’s. Hope that helps, good luck!

February '16: 173 mm BPEL (6.81") 132 mm MEG (5.20")

November '18: 190 mm BPEL (7.48") 137 mm MEG (5.39")

Goal: A sustained 7.7" by 5.8" during intercourse

Originally Posted by Bradgmx
I don’t want to be mean with you guys, I really want to believe this is working, I do. Yet I tried hard yesterday to find pictures proof on the board to convince me that it do work yet I can’t managed to find a single before/after pic.

No one here is required to post pictures and prove his words and even pictures can be faked. The only proof you will ever have is to just do it yourself and measure. However, you will never learn how to do PE properly to achieve success if you continue to be mean to people on here. Being civil and open minded not only is an indicator of intelligence and maturity but those attributes will help you gather the knowledge you require to make good, informed decisions.

The brutal, honest truth is that you might not ever get a bigger penis through PE because of several factors:

A.) Lack of Commitment
B.) Lack of Knowledge
C.) Lack of Faith
D.) Lack of Technique
E.) Lack of Courage

How do you lack? I don’t because I ask myself this all the time and make a conscious effort to be better every day.

Started: 01/01/2015 ~ BPEL: 7.2 inches. EG: 5.5 inches. [05/01/2015: BPEL: 7.6 X 5.5.] [08/06/2015: 7.75 X 5.5] Goal: Better EQ

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. ~ Proverbs 14:23

Forum Guidelines

Originally Posted by How lack
No one here is required to post pictures and prove his words and even pictures can be faked. The only proof you will ever have is to just do it yourself and measure. However, you will never learn how to do PE properly to achieve success if you continue to be mean to people on here. Being civil and open minded not only is an indicator of intelligence and maturity but those attributes will help you gather the knowledge you require to make good, informed decisions.

The brutal, honest truth is that you might not ever get a bigger penis through PE because of several factors:

A.) Lack of Commitment
B.) Lack of Knowledge
C.) Lack of Faith
D.) Lack of Technique
E.) Lack of Courage

How do you lack? I don’t because I ask myself this all the time and make a conscious effort to be better every day.

I couldn’t have written it any better.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!

I’m really not that good with posting to blogs.. Its like when ever I think about it.. Anyway, the main reason for my first post was to share with the group how long it took me to get gains. . I mean, this Took a long time and commitment. . I do agree with other members who say that 1 inch gains in 1 month are not possible. I’m on my 14th year and finally got to 8”+. . I have had numerous injuries.. Lymph Blisters.. Blood blisters.. Numbness. I do however have permanent stretch marks on both the underside as well as just below the glands. . Look, all I’m saying is that I’m proof it works, but at least for me it takes a very long time.

Hope to see you update this thread in the future. 13 years in PE definitely makes you a Veteran! I think if you make it to 20 years and gain 3” plus you’re going to the HOF!

Started 11/2014 6" BPEL x 4" MEG (Ballpark #'s)

As of 01/2017 7 1/2" BPEL x 4 7/8" MEG

18 Month Comparison Pic

Only way to see if it works is to try it out for yourself. That’s the only way. People can submit any old measurements and gains and people can also alter pictures.

You will never 100% convince yourself until you see the results for yourself. Give it 3 months at least. This is my attitude towards PE. I WAS super sceptical just like you. And you know what? I would encourage everybody to be sceptical about anything on the internets.

PE works for me.

Originally Posted by Bradgmx
I don’t want to be mean with you guys, I really want to believe this is working, I do. Yet I tried hard yesterday to find pictures proof on the board to convince me that it do work yet I can’t managed to find a single before/after pic.

I find it weird considering internet is flooded by guy showing their dicks for fun, so I was expected that it would be the right place to find out guys proud of their gains and willing to prove to the world that penis exercises do works. I mean I see a lot of “+1 inch in a month” claiming yet no proof, then I see a lot of guys claiming 8/9/10 inch, yet no proof either.
And I know that when you pack serious meat you have usually no problem showing it, because you’re proud of it and if somebody you knew found it, well it will be no big deal because you do pack serious meat, you can’t blackmail shit with something that would make any guys and girl jelly. So I have hard time believing that most of the members are shy, because I wouldn’t.
It’s like bodybuilding, some are shy and don’t want to show their gains even major gains, some show their gains even the smallest ones because they are proud of themselves, some are narcissic and make it to make people jelly and some who usually tell “they got nothing to prove” shows nothing because they got no gains at all.

So can you tell me where I can find picture proof on this board to convince me ? Again I’m not believing this whole PE stuff because I’m terribly logic and penis exercises go against common medical knowledge so it’s up to you to prove to non-believers that it do works. Pictures are great for that, pics worth 10.000 words.
I don’t want to make a joke of anyone I just want to believe, but I need proof, for any activities I engage into I need to visualize a proof that it’s working first then go for it, penis is fragile as fuck and I already see a lot of bruised cock and ED due to jelqing yet no successful after picture, so you can’t ask newbies to go for something science say “it don’t and can’t work and it’s dangerous” without proving that you made science lied just because they need to have faith in random members on a random internet board.. Would you believe a dude on 4chan asking you to pull on your cock to make it bigger ? Me neither.

So I’m gonna wait, you can ban me a second time it’s ok, it just prove that you’re lying and my presence is an uncomfortable reminder of this lie, OR prove me it works then I promise I will shut the fuck up even if I got no gains at all and flatly excuse myself for being rude, I’m a man of my word.

everyone’s body is different- you will have to trust in your research and process - be committed and want the end result - do not stop until you have achieved your result- ALSO if you think you have gone far enough… try to go a little bit farther… push yourself to your limit and beyond. NOT right away but over time as yourself am i going hard enough?

if you could make your penis 2 inches longer easily everyone would walk around with 8 inches… this shit is NOT easy, its hard, really hard and if you want to dig a girl out so to speak…. nature is going to make you pay for what you are asking for a little …by making you dig yourself out first.

My gains are not amazing, but they are clearly shown in my before-and-after pictures posted in my progress thread. I haven’t even posted my most recent gains yet. Evidence is out there if you look for it.

That being said, it’s easier to doubt PE effectiveness and give up than it is to start a routine and stick to it.

Start: BPEL 6.0, MEG 4.5"

Now: BPEL 7.125", MEG 5.0"


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