Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Luuuuuucino’s Accountability Thread


Friday 12/15 - Monday 12/18


Gym - lower body + posterior chain work
PE - length work


Gym - none — just core and myofascial release work at home
PE - girth work

Gym - none — more myofascial release work with some stretching
PE - length work

Gym - none — had something come up after work unfortunately
PE - girth work

An interesting note from Saturday. I didn’t do a full girth routine because I know my fiancée wanted to get between the sheets. It was incredible. I’ve never had an issue with “tightness” even though I’m trying to continuously improve my girth. But something was different on Saturday. I wasn’t able to measure so I don’t have tangible figures to show that my girth increased over the last two weeks, but she felt much tighter. She even mentioned during “I can feel myself gripping onto you”.

Obviously it was super hot, and that’s part of the reason we all do this, right? :)

Onto another week, have to get those measurements in this weekend!


Current (12/2023): 7.25” BPFSL / 7” BPEL / 5.75” NBPEL / 4.5” HEG / 5” MEG / 5.25” BEG

Goal: 8.5” BPEL / 8” NBPEL / 5.5” HEG / 6” MEG / 6.25” BEG

Tuesday 12/19

Gym - Lower Body + Posterior Work

- Hang Clean
- Horse Stance Squat
- Glute-Ham Raise
- Reverse Plank
- Supine Bridge w/ Hip Extension
- 1-Leg Supine Bridge w/ Hip Extension

PE - Length Work

2 x 30s 5-way stretch
- Up
- Down
- Left
- Right
- Straight Out

Going to up my stretch time to 1min each after the new year. Seems like work is giving us clearance to WFH in the coming months which should tie in nicely with “graduating” into more advanced PE techniques. Will look into hanging/ADS closer to.


Current (12/2023): 7.25” BPFSL / 7” BPEL / 5.75” NBPEL / 4.5” HEG / 5” MEG / 5.25” BEG

Goal: 8.5” BPEL / 8” NBPEL / 5.5” HEG / 6” MEG / 6.25” BEG

Wednesday 12/20

Gym - MFR + Core Work

PE - mixed in a bit of length work last night. Just 1x30s 5 way stretching
- up
- down
- left
- right
- straight out

Relatively light day as Wednesdays are usually my busiest. Back at it with some upper body and girth work this evening.

Current (12/2023): 7.25” BPFSL / 7” BPEL / 5.75” NBPEL / 4.5” HEG / 5” MEG / 5.25” BEG

Goal: 8.5” BPEL / 8” NBPEL / 5.5” HEG / 6” MEG / 6.25” BEG

12/21 - 12/25

Merry Christmas everyone :)


Gym - Upper Body
PE - Girth Work


Gym - off
PE - off

Had a Christmas party to go to so couldn’t take time away to work out


Gym - Posterior + Core + Stretching
PE - Girth Work


Gym - off
PE - length work


Gym - off
PE - did some girth work this morning, will likely do some more this evening once I get home from Christmas dinner.


Current (12/2023): 7.25” BPFSL / 7” BPEL / 5.75” NBPEL / 4.5” HEG / 5” MEG / 5.25” BEG

Goal: 8.5” BPEL / 8” NBPEL / 5.5” HEG / 6” MEG / 6.25” BEG


All times are GMT. The time now is 03:34 AM.