Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My experience with prp, p-long and hang size


Originally Posted by phalloguy100
Another update (repost from phalloboards).

I had the 2nd P-Shot in the series of 6 this week. For some reason, it was a bit more painful than the previous one. I was sore for the rest of the day.

Once again I combined gainswave with it. I asked the doctor about doing gainswave before p-shot instead of after, but he explained that doing p-shot first and gainswave second makes more sense because it helps activate the platelets that were injected. He said they do something similar with PRP for hair growth, where the inject first and then activate it with micro needling.

The gainswave treatment also felt more intense this time. It’s almost like my penis is more sensitive. Honestly it even felt a little painful this time, especially when the wand got too close to the glans. I think I also had an erection during the whole shockwave treatment. A little embarrassing but the doc didn’t say anything. :)

One thing to note though is the side effects. After the previous p-shots, I developed a mild fever and headache about an hour after. This time it was a little worse - the headache was terrible, and I even got chills. Fortunately, it got better with a couple of tylenols and a short nap. But now I’m wondering if perhaps I’m starting to get some kind of allergic reactions? If so, would it get worse with each p-shot?

Lastly, I haven’t measured yet this week but I also haven’t noticed new gains since my last update. Overall I’m 100% sure I grew 0.15-0.20in in length, plus my hang size has increased by about 25% and my wife has taken notice of the girth increase. I am also filling the 1.75” cylinder when pumping (as mentioned in my last update), which was a massive improvement since before starting.

I’ll try to post actual measurements soon, once the post-pshot swelling goes down (it lasts about 3-4 days). I am still hopeful that this whole thing will work and give me decent gains. I’m a bit worried about the p-shot side effects thus far though.

Those side effects sound problematic. As the PRP uses your own blood there shouldn’t be any reaction, unless it’s a response to the additive or numbing cream. Just my two cents.

Keep it up, I’m sure you will gain with consistency.

7/4/23 : BPEL - 15 cm | MSEG - 13 cm

Thanks guys.

It looks like the headache and mild fever are known side effects of PRP. I might be one of the unlucky ones to get the side effects. Then again, now that someone mentioned the analgesic cream, that kind of makes sense too. I have allergies to some anesthetics and certain pain meds. I don’t think the cream was wiped off before the injections, so maybe next time I’ll be sure to wipe it off clean (after it takes effect) to rule it out. I read that PRP injections also contain some epinephrine to prevent allergic reactions but I don’t know if that’s also true of P-Shot specifically.

The doctor was really nice though - he texted me later in the day and the day after to check up on me. Same with the previous shots. I mean, what kind of doctor texts his patients to check how they’re doing? :) (Not my other doctors.)

Anyway, it’s exciting to see gains, however small they maybe! After six months, hopefully those gains will add up.

** Update 10/18/23 **
(Possibly last update)
Cross-posted in Thunders Place / PhalloBoards.

It’s been a while since my last update. Unfortunately, I stopped following the P-Long protocol after about 4.5 months due to the reactions to PRP getting worse and also dealing a lot with diabetes issues, including hospital stays. :(

What I did:
* 4 P-Shots + GainsWave, once a month for 4 months
* Affirm tablets - 2 tablets twice daily for 4 months
* Cialis 5mg daily at night
* DHT gel applied directly to the penis twice daily, during the first 2 weeks, and then again for 4 weeks during month #3.
* RestoreX traction device for 20 minutes twice daily during months 1-2, then inconsistently during month 3 and finally stopped during month 4. (Have family staying over so it got extremely difficult to find the privacy and time needed).
* Dr. Kapplan penis pump with 1.75 inch cylinder for 15-20 minutes twice daily. This has been fairly consistent except during month #3.
* BTC stretches after pumping during month 4.

My results:
* Stretched length went from 4.7” to 5.6”
* No noticeable erect length increase except right after pumping
* Flaccid hang definitely increased. I went from having a 1.5” stub that sticks right out, to a 2.9” hang.
* Erect girth increased particularly in the middle of the shaft. Not sure by how much, but the wife commented how much “rounder. Or fatter” I feel inside of her!
* Flaccid girth looks increased even on days I don’t pump, but again, not sure how much. One thing I noticed though is that I can actually feel some weight on my flaccid penis when I hold it on the palm of my hand. It definitely didn’t weigh like that before- it was pretty light.

I suspect I could have gotten better results with more consistency. Once I get the diabetes and low sugar episodes (exercise-induced hypoglycemia) under control, and have more privacy at home again, I want to give it another try. A clinic near me is going to start offering PRF instead of PRP next year, so I will probably switch ti that clinic to try to get faster and better results from PRF. Still have not found exosomes for penis near Detroit.

If you are wondering if P-Long works, then know that in my experience it appears to work. It’s not a magical thing and won’t give you inches upon inches of growth. What it will do is help you get normal PE results but a lot faster - in months vs years. You still have to put the work in, and it’s a lot of work!! At least for me, it was worth it because my goal was to increase hang, and that part was a success.

Originally Posted by phalloguy100
Once I get the diabetes and low sugar episodes (exercise-induced hypoglycemia) under control

You have hyper *and* hypoglycemia?

A clinic near me is going to start offering PRF instead of PRP next year, so I will probably switch ti that clinic to try to get faster and better results from PRF.

Have you looked at Andyjc90’s DIY P-Shot stuff? It’s PRF.

The Chemical PE Thread

No longer having high sugar, just the opposite, it drops during intense exercise AND ad night on the days when I exercise. :(

I’ll check out the PRF post. Thanks!

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Is that from having your pancreas go into "turbo" mode, or is it caused by something else?

What does your workout pattern look like? Just the weights, or Tabata, CrossFit, or HIIT stuff?

Still trying to figure it out. It appears my T2D is mostly in remission - a1c has been as low as 5.3 even after stopping all diabetes meds. The endocrinologist has ran a bunch if tests and ruled out type 1, LADA, and pancreas insulin over-production. She thinks it’s due to insulin resistance causing a timing mismatch between my muscles releasing glycogen stores/consuming glucose, and my pancreas producing insulin. Basically the pancreas is producing insulin as it should but the muscles don’t respond right away, and that somehow causes the sugar drops??

I’ve tried several diet changes - no carbs high fiber, low carbs high protein, space out carbs evenly, glucose jelly before exercising and every 15 minutes. And none have helped. The two times I’ve been hospitalized were because my sugar kept dropping at night and would keep dropping within minutes of eating carbs, even after huge dextrose infusions in the ER. Both times I had to be kept on an IV drip of dextrose- sugar water - for 3 days.

Swimming, strength training or long walks all cause the drops at night. Sometimes I also get drops in the middle of swimming class.

And to top that off. Androgel just plain stopped working. It never worked well but now it won’t even raise my total T past 190 with three clicks. Which is why I’m switching to cream.

Originally Posted by phalloguy100
Yes on three forums I participate in - excelmale, phalloboards and thunders place. As stated in my post, I was getting lots of questions about my experience on phalloboards so I decided to post about my experience in the three forums to help those who maybe looking for non-surgical options. There is nothing “weak” or “cheap” about that, not am I advertising anything or anyone.

But don’t worry, I’ll stop updates on this forum since you are so disgustingly offended by it. I’ll stick to my other two forums, where people are more civil and kinder.

Keep posting bro. This is very interesting. I’m only on TP and there’s something called scroll up so anyone losing interest can simply stop reading and move on. This is highly informative. Thanks

2buck Fit Hanging

ReStart 8/2022 BPEL 5.5" EG 4.5" BPFSL 6.25"

12/2023 BPEL 5.63 EG 4.94 Goal 8 x 6


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