Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Newbie and medical student says hello - will update regularly


Newbie and medical student says hello - will update regularly

First of all, hello to all the folks on this forum! This is a long post, so grab a whisky (I refuse to bow to the international spelling of whiskey) and strap yourself in!

I recently discovered PE, and found that it actually worked! Much gains there are to be had! In this thread I will try to give regular progress reports, as well as some other things from time to time. Maybe even a rant or two for those who want to read it. Lastly, if anyone needs a medical point of view, I might be able to help. Just ask (in this thread)! I will also check the forum, maybe someone wants my input.

First of all, some background information on me: I’m 24 years old, and about to finish med school here in the Netherlands. It’s considered one of the most time-intensive studies in the world, and that is no lie. Six years in total, the first three are mostly lectures, (group) assignments and of course, a lot of partying. At that time, my blood contained enough alcohol to ignite small forest fires. The following three are ONLY internships. Three years of 60-hour work weeks, little vacation, no pay and a complete destruction of my social life. Four weeks ago I had the first summer vacation in years, and it made me see some things I almost completely forgot. I’m not too big on biblical wonders, but this was a real revelation. It’s like my life was put in stasis for three years, and while I learned a lot, it was a sacrifice. And I am definitely not doing that again, I would rather spend a year in a small metal box with Miley Cyrus and Nicki Minaj teaming up to sing Dire Straits-covers through a megaphone.

Firstly, now that I have much more free time I will go to the gym. I’m not insecure about my body and get a lot of compliments, but I want to see what my body can do. I have some goals for the end of the year, and that is to be able to run 8 km (that is 5 miles for all you goofy Americans) and to be a lot more flexible (yoga!).

Secondly, no more porn for me. Four weeks in Spain without any internet definitely helped that one ;) Goodbye motherless, goodbye 4chan’s famous S-board. I will not miss your tempting calls from the deep ends of the internet! Or I might. A little. It’s funny how you start out with just pictures of nude girls, and end up with some hardcore crap that disgusts you after you cum.

Thirdly, the part that bring me to this forum: PE. I’m already quite satisfied with my size, and I started jelqing out of pure curiosity, not out of a dream to be bigger. But now that I see it works - I would love to be big. Properly hung. Call it part of my self-improvement project, call it being vain :)

I gotta say, it took me a while to make an account here since I’m a very modest person normally. Still, I’m glad I did it. A few months ago I first read about PE and jelqing, and mostly forgot about it. During summer vacation, in Spain, I decided to try it. First I took my measurements in a proper way. Then, simple stretching, different kinds of jelqs and more stretching afterward. 10-20 minute sessions, 3 days in a row with one day in between. Combine that with a lot of running and swimming, it really started feeling good. When I came back home, I measured myself again and I was staggered. It had actually worked.

The reason I was staggered was because of a simple reason: as a med student, I am trained to be very critical and the science behind jelqing is sketchy at best. A whole lot of people referring to the penis as a muscle does not help, as it consists of two corpi cavernosa and one corpus spongiosum, sponge-like tissue that swells when it fills with blood. No muscle to be seen. Think about this: if it was a muscle, it would not become longer, only thicker. Secondly, a lot of people refer to growth hormone as the Holy Grail, while in reality, somatotropin (HGH) is a stress hormone that does relatively little for sexual function, when the body is in stress (e.g. After a work out or when chased by angry feminists) the last thing you need is an erection. It does have a role in the strengthening of muscle and tendon after working out.

So, it worked. Holy f**k. The most informed guess I can make is that the gradual filling of those corpi and then squeezing the blood toward the apex puts stress on the tissue (mostly on the tough tissue surrounding it) and that the body’s response is to make that tissue grow. The correct term would be hypertrophy, an enlargement of a structure, and hyperplasia, an increase in the number of cells. You could compare it to yoga or another sport that makes you more flexible: tendons, fibers and muscles all through the body are trained to become longer. It also explains why gains from PE are almost always visible when you are flaccid.

Finally, the numbers! I will note them here in centimeter and in inches, for the few backwater countries that still think a measurement based on Henry the First’s arm is a good idea ;)

7 July 2015 (start of jelqing)
BPEL: 6,7 inch (17 cm)
Girth: 5,1 inch (13 cm)
Flaccid length: 3,9 inch (10 cm)
Flaccid length, stretched: 6,3 inch (16 cm)

22 august 2015 (after 6 weeks)
BPEL: 7,3 inch (18.5 cm)
Girth: 5,3 inch (13.5 cm)
Flaccid length: 4.7 inch (12 cm)
Flaccid length, stretched: 6.9 inch (17.5 cm)

I am absolutely sure these numbers are correct, and you might imagine that I am VERY pleased with them! I also noticed a huge improvement in erection quality, it feels as if I am a lot harder, I definitely see some more veins, and when I don’t touch myself my dick seems to stay hard for longer. You could say that when I still watched a lot of porn my dick had some ridiculous short-term memory problems! I jerk off much less than before, once every 2-3 days or so, and it actually feels much better than before.

To everybody here: good luck! To anybody who has tips, remarks or who recognizes some of the above, I am always up for a chat here. It’s a forum after all!

If its like you spent an hour mast or two, than the following day make PE and than rest. Do you think that the long mast can damage the penis.

I assume you mean masturbating by “mast”? There is very little evidence that masturbating can damage the penis, but it can affect your sex drive and erection quality (both go back to normal if you stop masturbating too often). I don’t think 1 hour every three days can damage it!

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

But I am worried that I am damaging my penis, where the PE exercise is not doing anything because of the repair my body is doing for masturbating that long, or you can say edging too.

I would say stay away from any sort of masturbation… and the only edging that I will be doing, is with the wife… although hard, it proves to be very beneficial… also nice gains my friend and only in a month… what was your routine like as far as rest days and warmup are concerned… there is a lot to be learned from you!

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

Originally Posted by WangZ
I would say stay away from any sort of masturbation.. And the only edging that I will be doing, is with the wife.. Although hard, it proves to be very beneficial.. Also nice gains my friend and only in a month.. What was your routine like as far as rest days and warmup are concerned.. There is a lot to be learned from you!

Thanks! First of all - I sent jonhsonpower a PM, and explained too that masturbating is not always good.

I will explain my routine this weekend, when I have the time to make a long post. A little thing I have learned is that some of my gains these first few weeks have been because my EQ has gotten better, and I expect gains to be much slower from now on. Still, I aim to make it work ;) .

Oh absolutely man… EQ is always the first to be gained… and then normally length follows… either way gains were made and we both know we will take anything… can’t wait to see the routine bud

NBPEL 6.5 X EG 5.80

Always open to the best way to get that length!

CHECK out my progress WangZ achievements with PIC

Nice post man!

I’m not a medical student but the only thing I believe in is science that can be proven to be true, I read a lot and I too was very sceptic to the claims made on this website and others like it. I never had any real “need” for PE but my curiosity was undoubtedly piqued when I heard of PE.

“What if it actually works? I wouldn’t say no to a bigger dick.”

I read a bit more and decided that there didn’t seem to be any harm in trying it out.

As you I became a believer when I saw the results with my own eyes on my own body, because images can always be altered and written claims that seem too good to be true most often are.
I have been doing PE on and off short periods with long breaks over the past several years, with the breaks lasting long enough for me to forget where I was the last time I did PE, and not doing PE long enough at a time to see any significant change over that time.

This all makes accurate assessment of my actual gains a bit difficult, but I’m more or less certain that I’ve gained about 1-1.5cm BPEL and around 1cm EG since before I did PE.

Now that I finally live alone with no parents or roommates to be in my way of the privacy I need for my workouts I plan to be as consistent as I possibly can to get some real gains, though time will tell as my studies take as much time as your internship took..

Assuming that you really are who you say you are, a medical student, what are your thoughts on water pumping?

I bought a bathmate about a year ago, mostly out of curiosity as to how it would feel to have it on, and I’ve used it sporadically over the last year alongside jelqing. There’s a lot being said about the benefits of water being a mostly incompressible fluid when it comes to pumping, but I haven’t seen any real science to confirm that it actually makes a difference, though it seems like a more or less plausible conclusion.
Most of the adherents to water pumping, as opposed to regular pumping, I’ve seen say that having the water warm is what makes the biggest difference.

I base my PE on the same assumption about how it works as you did, and water pumping seems like an effective way of achieving and maintaining that state of overfilling that causes hypertrophy. If done incorrectly or too vigorously it can lead to what I understand is lymphatic fluid collecting in the tissue, which I have experienced. To minimize the risk of this happening and/or counteracting its effects I jelq afterwards, both to maximize the effects of the workout and to massage out as much of the lymphatic fluid as possible if any has collected in the tissue.

As I said, I’m no scientist, just a relatively well-read amateur, so please correct me if any of the assumptions I’ve made are wrong, I would love to hear your thoughts on this!

Start: ~7.5" BPEL, ~5.5" MSEG

Now: 8.5" BPEL, (9" BPFSL), 6" MSEG

Goal: 9.0" BPEL, 8.5" NBPEL, 6.5" MSEG

Originally Posted by skiten
Assuming that you really are who you say you are, a medical student, what are your thoughts on water pumping?

I could just as easily be a Alien Lizard Overlord who governs the earth through the Illuminati ;) . I have no informed opinion on that yet - I am going to read about it!

Originally Posted by skiten
There’s a lot being said about the benefits of water being a mostly incompressible fluid when it comes to pumping, but I haven’t seen any real science to confirm that it actually makes a difference, though it seems like a more or less plausible conclusion. Most of the adherents to water pumping, as opposed to regular pumping, I’ve seen say that having the water warm is what makes the biggest difference.

Both water and air can exert the same force on human tissue, with the difference that air pumping would work with a low pressure, and water without. Skin subjected to low pressures will get edema and if you keep it up for too long, burst blood vessels. Nothing serious or permanent, but not very comfortable. Using water would avoid that problem. Also, warm water is just comfortable, and it is a natural way to keep tissues ‘relaxed’.

Originally Posted by skiten
I base my PE on the same assumption about how it works as you did, and water pumping seems like an effective way of achieving and maintaining that state of overfilling that causes hypertrophy.

I think that overfilling might be the most important factor in gains!

Originally Posted by skiten
If done incorrectly or too vigorously it can lead to what I understand is lymphatic fluid collecting in the tissue, which I have experienced. To minimize the risk of this happening and/or counteracting its effects I jelq afterwards, both to maximize the effects of the workout and to massage out as much of the lymphatic fluid as possible if any has collected in the tissue.

Spot on! Just as lymphatic edema can be countered with wraps and massages, jelqing exerts a lot of pressure on the skin which would help against that. I can safely say that you do not want lymph stasis in any of your extremities.

In short: I don’t think you made any wrong assumptions. What doctors often forget is that intelligent well-read amateurs know just as much as them on a specific subject. And knowing most intelligent men, they would not jump into PE before learning for themselves what the dangers are!

Originally Posted by skiten
If done incorrectly or too vigorously it can lead to what I understand is lymphatic fluid collecting in the tissue, which I have experienced. To minimize the risk of this happening and/or counteracting its effects I jelq afterwards, both to maximize the effects of the workout and to massage out as much of the lymphatic fluid as possible if any has collected in the tissue.

I not agree. Jelq pushes liquid from the center to the periphery. If you want to drain the lymph you have to do exactly the opposite , from the periphery to the center .
Just think of donut effect generated by jelq.

Originally Posted by StefanoPP
I not agree. Jelq pushes liquid from the center to the periphery. If you want to drain the lymph you have to do exactly the opposite , from the periphery to the center .
Just think of donut effect generated by jelq.

In a way that is true - but there is a difference between blood in the cavernous bodies of the penis and lymph fluid in the lymph tracts. To combat lymph edema, the most important thing is to apply pressure, the direction is not that important. A jelq, on the other hand, only works in one direction because there is no way out for the blood.

So you think that jelq can help to drain lymph out from penis? What do you think about donut effect, generated by action of jelq?

How can the action of jelq resolve a condition generated by jelq same ? To me it seems a paradox.

If I’m wrong I apologize

I am screaming this to my friends. Stop masturbating. It fucks up your EQ, size and libido. Twice a week is enough.

Have sex instead. I always have a nice fat flaccid after sex. A terrible one after masturbation. I don’t care why it happens. I know that it happens. Personal experience. I was masturbating every day. Every day! Some days twice. 35 years old, 10years married. Masturbation, sex. Masturbation, sex. I was always feeling tired. Never thought that excessive masturbation could cause this to me. I always felt like I overdid it in the gym, cause I am a gym rat, that’s why I was tired.

Bare me for a little more.

On my second week of PE I had an injury caused by excessive….well..stupidity, as a newbie. I wrote this before. Couldn’t get a proper erection so I said fuck it. No ejaculation of any kind for 9 days.

The next day I was feeling ok, so I said to my wife that it’s not any more damaged so…. Sex felt and was different. More stamina and my penis felt bigger, stornger, if you will. My wife asked me at the end what the fuck did I do cause my penis felt bigger to her. Remember, 10 years married, no gains from PE at all back then.

I said I didn’t do anything. Then it hit me. What changed? No unecessary ejaculations. So I started masturbating only twice a week, having sex only on non-masturbation days. Same thing, same possitive reactions from my wife. I also noticed that my flaccid felt heavier.Not bigger, heavier.

I have no other feedback after that cause I was starting to gain, so it was obvious for my wife to notice the difference and for me to know the reason for that difference.

It’s a personal story, I am not claiming that this is the case but no man in the world can convince me to go back to everyday masturbation.

And another thing… I lift heavier.

BPEL 7 EG 5.5 NBPEL 6.5 Flaccid length 4.5. Started Jan 2015 at bpel 6.5 nbpel 6.0 and eg 5.2 flaccid length was 3.5

I have reached my goal. At least for now.

Originally Posted by StefanoPP
So you think that jelq can help to drain lymph out from penis? What do you think about donut effect, generated by action of jelq?
How can the action of jelq resolve a condition generated by jelq same ? To me it seems a paradox. If I’m wrong I apologize.

You’re not wrong! The donut effect exists, but I doubt it is lymph edema. Not all swelling is lymph fluid - there is also regular edema. Too much lymph fluid can be easily helped: compression of the subcutaneous tissue that holds it. Until someone takes a syringe to take a sample of that donut effect and send it to a lab, I am not sure what type it is, and I’m pretty sure nobody will try it!

Originally Posted by bill10
I am screaming this to my friends. Stop masturbating. It fucks up your EQ, size and libido. Twice a week is enough.

Completely true! I notice that I have a lot more stamina and during sex I stay hard much longer, even when not penetrating. Plus still being able to fuck for a good 1-2 minutes after coming. Feels good man ;) .

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