Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Roots: Progress, Rambling, Tangents

That sounds great about having your girlfriend as a side kick/partner for your journey! You’re one lucky guy.

Subbed to thread. I want to check on your progress and enjoy your writing style.

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

Thank you sir, I appreciate the interest.

Not a problem, good luck!

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

My PE Experience

I have posted this a million times on this forum, but I think it belongs in this thread, so here goes.

I started reading this forum way back in 2003 or 2004. Not sure about the exact date, just that it was during my Sophomore or Junior year in high school. I played around with some basic manual stuff like stretching and jelqing. I had major problem making PE a commitment though, I was much more interested in girls, sports and parties. I probably tried to get rolling with manual exercises about eight or nine times in the next six years, but never gained anything permanent because I never stuck with it longer than a couple weeks.

In 2010, I finally joined here as a member and made my first couple posts. I felt more determined and decided to try manuals again. Got some good advice from the members here, but still couldn’t commit myself to it. So PE went on the shelf for another couple years.

Then everything changed. I decided on a whim one day when I was driving home from work to stop and buy a pump. It was a basic but well-constructed unit with a 9x2” cylinder and a vacuum gauge. I tried it out that day and I loved it! I stuck with it for a few months and gained almost a half inch in girth. I was hooked at this point.

A couple things happened that got me away from pumping. First, my cock started stretching better under vacuum as the weeks and months passed until I was hitting the top of the cylinder after a 20 minute pump. Second, I started reading about hanging on Thunders.

I wanted more length, so I had a choice to make: I could either buy a longer cylinder, or buy a hanger. I decided to go with the hanger and I am still very happy with my choice. So I started hanging, tracking my progress, and getting much more involved here at Thunders. The rest is history.


dickerschwanz, I sure can. :)

I gained some all around girth when I was pumping, probably about 1/4”, or maybe a little more. But since I have been hanging I have seen my base girth slowly increase as well. Sadly I never measured my base at the beginning so this is really just a visual thing, but it is definitely much bigger there. Now when I stretch I look more like a cone than a noodle. The base is very thick and tapers down to the glans. When I’m erect it is less pronounced, but still much bigger.

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
The base is very thick and tapers down to the glans. When I’m erect it is less pronounced, but still much bigger.

I have a similar unit!
As a result, most condoms I’ve used fit real tight around the base (even leave a ring mark when I take the condom off). However, I don’t get bigger condoms because since I’m “cone-shaped”, I fear the glans area and midshaft area would be too loose. :-Y

Have you ever had this problem?

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

SoundSoul, this will probably sound terrible, but I haven’t worn a condom since high school. Even then it was only maybe twice and I don’t really remember how it fit except that I hated it and it greatly reduced the pleasure of sex for me. When I was younger and dumber, I would often just roll the dice with complete strangers and one night stands. Luckily this never led to STD’s or pregnancies. Now I have a strict policy of STD checks (both parties) and birth control before sex. :)


Haha no, not terrible. I know what you mean though, condoms take away from the experience. My ex and I used to live together for a few years and she was taking birth control so I never had to use a condom. I ended that relationship, so it’s back to using condoms. You did get lucky, glad all turned out well. Thanks for the answer.

Past (2013): BPEL 6.2in. - 6.4in. x BEG 5.0in & BPFSL <6.75in. ... Present: BPEL 7.188in. x BEG 5.625in. & BPFSL 7.5in.

1st Goal: BPEL 7.063 ACHIEVED | 2nd Goal: BPEL 7.6

My PE Thread | Picture set: 1st | 2nd | 3rd - Good luck with those gains! :surf: .

Accidentally Measured

So my girlfriend isn’t home today so I’ve really been paying a lot of attention to my cock. More than usual, that is. But today it has been looking really, really short and shriveled, like way more than usual. I suppose it is what they call turtled. I have been at 8 pounds for a while, and six sets a day at that weight has been slowly accumulating trauma/soreness/fatigue, whatever you want to call it. It has just been too much to recover from in a single day, so I am finally experiencing this turtling thing for the first time.

It looks terrible so I have been trying to stretch it out. The first thing I did was more hanging, made it worse, of course. ;) Then I tried various ADS’s. First I put on a theraband ADS. It worked good, but I decided I needed more pull so I put on three PE weights. I messed up the wrap, and cut off my circulation. I did not realize as I lounged back and watched Nightmare Before Christmas all the way through. When I sat up and touched my cock I realized the entire first third was numb. “OH NO! How long has it been this way? Did I do permanent damage? Is it gonna fall off now?” These thoughts were racing through my head. I set the new speed record taking my weights and wrap off and then beat it against my leg like it owed me money! Circulation and feeling returned.

So have you ever seen a cock that is turtled and then has the circulation cut off for an extended period? It wasn’t pretty. I felt I needed to do something about it, so I thought, “I’ll edge for a bit, maybe that will expand things. If nothing else, getting some extra blood in there won’t be a bad thing after my PE weight mishap.” So I start edging.

I said I wasn’t gonna edge or measure until it was time for a new measurement, but I was already doing it, so I was like “what the hell” and pulled out my trusty ruler. Big surprise! I hit 9 1/8” after only my first PONR, with a less than optimal erection, after being extremely turtled and then treating my cock the way I treated it all day. I was completely amazed! I rewarded myself by immediately finishing myself off at supersonic speed.

I’m gonna do my “official” measurement on the 15th, but now I’m feeling super excited and motivated! I’m all turtled again, and I don’t even care! ;)


Originally Posted by rootsnatty
So my girlfriend isn’t home today so I’ve really been paying a lot of attention to my cock. More than usual, that is. But today it has been looking really, really short and shriveled, like way more than usual. I suppose it is what they call turtled. I have been at 8 pounds for a while, and six sets a day at that weight has been slowly accumulating trauma/soreness/fatigue, whatever you want to call it. It has just been too much to recover from in a single day, so I am finally experiencing this turtling thing for the first time.

It looks terrible so I have been trying to stretch it out. The first thing I did was more hanging, made it worse, of course. ;) Then I tried various ADS’s. First I put on a theraband ADS. It worked good, but I decided I needed more pull so I put on three PE weights. I messed up the wrap, and cut off my circulation. I did not realize as I lounged back and watched Nightmare Before Christmas all the way through. When I sat up and touched my cock I realized the entire first third was numb. “OH NO! How long has it been this way? Did I do permanent damage? Is it gonna fall off now?” These thoughts were racing through my head. I set the new speed record taking my weights and wrap off and then beat it against my leg like it owed me money! Circulation and feeling returned.

So have you ever seen a cock that is turtled and then has the circulation cut off for an extended period? It wasn’t pretty. I felt I needed to do something about it, so I thought, “I’ll edge for a bit, maybe that will expand things. If nothing else, getting some extra blood in there won’t be a bad thing after my PE weight mishap.” So I start edging.

I said I wasn’t gonna edge or measure until it was time for a new measurement, but I was already doing it, so I was like “what the hell” and pulled out my trusty ruler. Big surprise! I hit 9 1/8” after only my first PONR, with a less than optimal erection, after being extremely turtled and then treating my cock the way I treated it all day. I was completely amazed! I rewarded myself by immediately finishing myself off at supersonic speed.

I’m gonna do my “official” measurement on the 15th, but now I’m feeling super excited and motivated! I’m all turtled again, and I don’t even care! ;)


I doubt your penis looked “short” ha.

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

It kinda looked short, to me at least. I usually hang between 5” and 7.5”, but it looked like it was under 4”. No bueno. Hangin fine today so far though. :)

Originally Posted by rootsnatty

It kinda looked short, to me at least. I usually hang between 5” and 7.5”, but it looked like it was under 4”. No bueno. Hangin fine today so far though. :)

Your 8.6” BPEL right? Or am I confusing with someone else?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"

Tony, I’m saying officially that I am 9” BPEL, but I got a 9 1/8” measurement yesterday. Official measurement will be on the 15th. Maybe you are thinking of ironaddict69, he is 8.6” BPEL. And about as big around as a can of spray paint. ;)

Originally Posted by rootsnatty

Tony, I’m saying officially that I am 9” BPEL, but I got a 9 1/8” measurement yesterday. Official measurement will be on the 15th. Maybe you are thinking of ironaddict69, he is 8.6” BPEL. And about as big around as a can of spray paint. ;)

Ehhhh, rootsnatty, you probably didn’t look short, ha. I knew you were up there though… I associate you with “up there” ha.I’m confused though, is 9” not the length… Is it not that which is too big but just right?

BPEL: 8.35"/ NBPEL:7.0" /EG: Apprx. 5.5"


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